Gadgets Package API Reference Guide
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 CIlvCodeEditor::BindingHolds the key binding for the commands of a Code Editor
 CIlvDesktopManagerDesktop class
 CIlvDockableClass used to handle docking operations
 CIlvDockingConfigurationDockable utility class
 CIlvDockingConfigurationHandlerDockable utility class
 CIlvDockingPaneLocationDockable utility class
 CIlvFileBrowserDialog class
 CIlvFileChooserOptionsFile chooser options class
 CIlvGadgetItemHolderItem holder class
 CIlvListGadgetItemHolderItem holder class
 CIlvMatrixGadget class
 CIlvMessageLabelGadget class that displays a message and a bitmap
 CIlvNotebookGadget class
 CIlvTreeGadgetItemHolderItem holder class
 CIlvInteractor [external]
 CIlvMatrixSelectorInteractorInteractor class for IlvMatrix instances
 CIlvManagerMakeTextInteractorManager view interactor class
 CIlvManagerMakeListLabelInteractorManager view interactor class
 CIlvMatrixCoordinateMatrix coordinate class
 CIlvMatrixItemEditorMatrix Item Editor class
 CIlvDefaultMatrixItemEditorMatrix Item Editor class
 CIlvMatrixRowSelectionMatrix row selection class
 CIlvMatrixSelectionMatrix selection manager class
 CIlvObjectLFHandler [external]
 CIlvButtonLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvComboBoxLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvDockableLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvFrameLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvHierarchicalSheetLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvMatrixLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvMenuBarLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvMessageLabelLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvNotebookLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvOptionMenuLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvPopupMenuLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvScrollBarLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvScrolledComboBoxLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvScrolledGadgetLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvSliderLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvSpinBoxLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvSplitterGadgetLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvStringListLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvTextFieldLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvTextLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvToggleLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvToolBarLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvTreeGadgetLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvViewFrameLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvPanePane class
 CIlvGraphicPanePane class
 CIlvViewPanePane class
 CIlvPaneListenerPane Listener class
 CIlvStylable [external]
 CIlvAbstractView [external]
 CIlvGadget [external]
 CIlvGadgetItemGadget Item class
 CIlvStyleSheet [external]
 CIlvCssStyleSheetClass that represents a CSS style sheet
 CIlvStylist [external]
 CIlvGadgetContainerView container class
 CIlvTextLocationGadget class
 CIlvValueInterface [external]
 CIlvAbstractMatrixItemMatrix item class
 CIlvApplicationApplication class
 CIlvGadgetItemGadget Item class
 CIlvGraphic [external]
 CIlvNamedProperty [external]
 CIlvNotebookPageGadget-related class
 CIlvPort [external]
 CIlvCodeEditor::LocationThe position of a logical character in the text managed by an IlvCodeEditor
 CIlvCodeEditor::ObserverObservers receive notifications when commands impact the Code Editor
 CIlvCodeEditor::CommandPerformedObserverThis observer is notified when a command was executed in a Code Editor
 CIlvCodeEditor::ContentChangedObserverThis observer is notified when the content of a Code Editor is modified, or when the read-only state of the Code Editor is changed
 CIlvCodeEditor::CursorMovedObserverThis observer is notified when the location of the cursor of a Code Editor is modified
 CIlvCodeEditor::SelectionChangedObserverThis observer is notified when the selected area of a Code Editor is changed
 CIlvCodeEditor::ParserA Parser can read the text content of a CodeEditor and decorate it
 CIlvCodeEditor::StyleSheetA style sheet is a container with several styles that holds palettes for the decorations and options like syntax highlighting, auto-indent mode, brace highlighting, tabulations shown has blank characters
 CIlvCodeEditor::TriggerTriggers are invoked when a Code Editor handles key events that trigger actions that must be implemented on the application side