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IlvSheet Class Reference

Matrix class. More...

#include <ilviews/gadgets/sheet.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvSheet:
IlvMatrix IlvAbstractMatrix IlvGadgetItemHolder IlvScrolledGadget IlvGadget IlvSimpleGraphic IlvStylable IlvGraphic IlvValueInterface IlvFileChooserSheet IlvHierarchicalSheet

Public Member Functions

 IlvSheet (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort nbcol, IlUShort nbrow, IlvDim xgrid=IlvDefaultMatrixWidth, IlvDim ygrid=IlvDefaultMatrixHeight, IlvDim thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlBoolean showVSB=IlTrue, IlBoolean showHSB=IlTrue, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void drawFrame (IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws the gadget frame. More...
virtual void drawGadgetContents (IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws the gadget contents. More...
virtual void drawItem (IlvPort *dst, IlUShort colno, IlUShort rowno, const IlvRect &itembbox, const IlvRect &clip) const
 Is called by the matrix to draw an item. More...
virtual IlBoolean handleMatrixEvent (IlvEvent &)
 Handles the events sent to the matrix. More...
virtual IlBoolean handleResizeColumn (IlvEvent &event)
 Handles resizing events applying to fixed columns. More...
virtual IlBoolean handleResizeRow (IlvEvent &event)
 Handles resizing events applying to fixed rows. More...
virtual void itemBBox (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlvRect &bbox, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Returns the bounding box of the item located in the specified cell. More...
virtual void scrollTo (IlUShort, IlUShort)
 Changes the first visible column and row. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvMatrix
 IlvMatrix (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort nbcol, IlUShort nbrow, IlvDim xgrid=60, IlvDim ygrid=30, IlvDim thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void activateMatrixItem (IlUShort col, IlUShort row)
 Is called by the interactor when an item is activated. More...
virtual void add (IlvAbstractMatrixItem *item)
 Adds an item to the first empty cell in the matrix. More...
IlBoolean adjustLast (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether only the last column and the last row should be resized. More...
IlBoolean allowDragDrop () const
 Indicates whether the matrix allows drag-and-drop operations. More...
void allowDragDrop (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether the matrix should allow drag-and-drop operations. More...
IlBoolean allowEdit (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether editing should be allowed. More...
IlBoolean allowEditOnDoubleClick () const
 Indicates whether the matrix allows item editing when a double-click event occurs. More...
void allowEditOnDoubleClick (IlBoolean value)
 Indicates whether the matrix should allow item editing when a double-click event occurs. More...
virtual IlvGadgetItemapplyToItems (IlvApplyGadgetItem, IlAny)
 Applies the specified function to all the items of the holder. More...
IlBoolean autoFitToSize (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether the automatic fitting to size mode should be on. More...
virtual void changeSelectionTo (IlUShort col, IlUShort row)
 Clears the current selection and selects specified cell. More...
IlUShort columns () const
 Returns the number of columns in the matrix. More...
IlBoolean columnSameWidth () const
 Returns IlTrue if all the columns in the matrix have the same width. More...
virtual IlvTextFieldcreateEditionField (IlUShort col, IlUShort row)
 Returns a new text field for editing an item. More...
virtual IlvMatrixItemEditorcreateEditor (IlUShort col, IlUShort row)
 Returns a new editor for editing an item. More...
virtual void deSelect ()
 Deselects all the items in the matrix. More...
virtual void doIt ()
 Is called by the interactor when the selection changes in the matrix. More...
virtual void drawBackground (IlvPort *, const IlvTransformer *, const IlvRegion *) const
 Draws the gadget background. More...
virtual void drawRelief (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlvPort *dst, const IlvRect &bbox, const IlvRect *clip) const
 Is called to draw an item in relief. More...
virtual void drawSelection (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlvPort *dst, const IlvRect &bbox, const IlvRect *clip) const
 Is called to draw a selected item. More...
virtual void editItem (IlUShort col, IlUShort row)
 Activates the editing mode for the matrix. More...
virtual void extendSelection (IlUShort col, IlUShort row)
 Extends the selection from the anchor to the specified cell. More...
virtual void fitHeightToSize (IlUShort row=0)
 Computes a new size for the rows so that they fit the height of the matrix. More...
void fitToSize ()
 Computes a new size for the columns and rows so that they fit the size of the matrix. More...
virtual void fitWidthToSize (IlUShort col=0)
 Computes a new size for the columns so that they fit the width of the matrix. More...
IlvDim getCardinal () const
 Returns the number of cells in the matrix. More...
IlvDim getColumnFittingSize (IlUShort col) const
 Returns the width of the largest item in the specified column. More...
IlvDim getColumnPosition (IlUShort) const
 Returns the position of a column. More...
IlvDim getColumnsDistance (IlUShort, IlUShort) const
 Returns the distance between two columns. More...
IlvDim getColumnWidth (IlUShort) const
 Returns the width of the specified column. More...
IlvDirection getEditDirection () const
 Returns the editing direction of the matrix. More...
IlvTextFieldgetEditedItem (IlUShort &col, IlUShort &row) const
 Returns the location of the item being edited. More...
IlvGraphicgetEditorField () const
 Returns a pointer to the editing field. More...
IlvOrientation getExtendedSelectionOrientation () const
 Returns the direction to which the selection will be extended. More...
IlBoolean getFirstSelected (IlUShort &col, IlUShort &row) const
 Returns the first selected item in the matrix. More...
IlvGadgetMatrixItemgetFocusItem () const
 Returns the gadget matrix item that has the focus. More...
IlvPalettegetGridPalette () const
 Returns the palette used to draw the matrix grid. More...
virtual IlvPalettegetInsensitivePalette () const
 Returns the palette used to draw an item that is not sensitive. More...
IlvAbstractMatrixItemgetItem (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Returns the item located in the specified cell. More...
IlvAbstractMatrixItemgetItem (IlvDim pos) const
 Returns the matrix item located at the specified position. More...
IlvPosition getItemAlignment (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Returns the alignment of an item of the matrix. More...
IlAny getItemData (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Returns the client data of the specified matrix item. More...
virtual void getLabelOrientation (IlvOrientation &orientation, IlBoolean &flip) const
 Returns the default orientation of the matrix items labels. More...
virtual IlvPosition getLabelPosition () const
 Returns the default position of the matrix item labels. More...
void getLastSelectedItem (IlUShort &col, IlUShort &row) const
 Returns the location of the last selected item in the matrix. More...
virtual IlvPalettegetNormalTextPalette () const
 Returns the default palette used to draw an item. More...
virtual IlvPalettegetOpaquePalette () const
 Returns the opaque palette used to draw opaque items. More...
IlvDim getRowFittingSize (IlUShort row) const
 Returns the height of the largest item in the specified row. More...
IlvDim getRowHeight (IlUShort) const
 Returns the height of the specified row. More...
IlvDim getRowPosition (IlUShort) const
 Returns the position of a row. More...
IlvDim getRowsDistance (IlUShort, IlUShort) const
 Returns the distance between two rows. More...
virtual IlvPalettegetSelectionPalette () const
 Returns the selection palette used to draw selected items. More...
virtual IlvPalettegetSelectionTextPalette () const
 Returns the selection palette used to draw the label of selected items. More...
IlUShort getSpacing () const
 Returns the spacing between two cells of the matrix. More...
IlvTextFieldgetTextField () const
 Returns a pointer to the editing text field. More...
IlvDim getXgrid () const
 Returns the default column width. More...
IlvDim getYgrid () const
 Returns the default row height. More...
IlBoolean hasToolTips () const
 Indicates whether the matrix handles internal tooltips. More...
void hideEditorField ()
 Hides and destroys the matrix item editing field. More...
void hideTextField ()
 Hides and destroys the editing text field. More...
virtual void insertColumn (IlUShort col=0, IlUShort count=1)
 Inserts columns in the matrix. More...
virtual void insertRow (IlUShort row=0, IlUShort count=1)
 Inserts rows in the matrix. More...
virtual void internalBBox (IlvRect &, const IlvTransformer *) const
 Returns the internal bounding box of the gadget. More...
IlBoolean isAdjustingLast () const
 Indicates whether only the last column and row are resized. More...
IlBoolean isAutoColumnSelect () const
 Indicates whether the automatic column selection mode is on. More...
IlBoolean isAutoFittingToSize () const
 Indicates whether the automatic fitting to size mode is on. More...
IlBoolean isAutoLineSelect () const
 Indicates whether the automatic row selection mode is on. More...
IlBoolean isBrowseMode () const
 Indicates whether the matrix is in browse selection mode. More...
IlBoolean isDirectEditionMode () const
 Indicates whether the matrix is in direct editing mode. More...
IlBoolean isEditAllowed () const
 Indicates whether editing is allowed. More...
IlBoolean isExclusive () const
 Indicates whether the selection mode is set to exclusive. More...
IlBoolean isItemFillingBackground (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Returns IlTrue if the specified item is filled. More...
IlBoolean isItemGrayed (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Indicates whether the specified item is grayed. More...
IlBoolean isItemReadOnly (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Indicates whether the specified matrix item is read-only. More...
IlBoolean isItemRelief (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Indicates whether the specified matrix item appears in relief. More...
IlBoolean isItemSelected (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Indicates whether the item located in the specified cell is selected. More...
IlBoolean isItemSensitive (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Indicates whether the specified item is sensitive. More...
virtual IlBoolean isShowingLabel () const
 Indicates whether the matrix item labels are displayed. More...
virtual IlBoolean isShowingPicture () const
 Indicates whether the matrix item pictures are displayed. More...
virtual IlvAbstractMatrixItempointToItem (const IlvPoint &point, IlUShort &col, IlUShort &row, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Returns the item located at a specified point. More...
void reDrawItem (IlUShort col, IlUShort row) const
 Redraws an item of the matrix. More...
virtual void reinitialize (IlUShort cols, IlUShort rows)
 Resets the matrix dimensions. More...
virtual IlBoolean remove (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlBoolean destroy=IlTrue)
 Removes an item from the matrix. More...
virtual void removeColumn (IlUShort col, IlBoolean destroy=IlTrue)
 Removes a column from the matrix. More...
virtual void removeRow (IlUShort row, IlBoolean destroy=IlTrue)
 Removes a row from the matrix. More...
virtual void resizeColumn (IlUShort col, IlvDim size)
 Resizes a given column. More...
virtual void resizeRow (IlUShort row, IlvDim size)
 Resizes a given row. More...
IlUShort rows () const
 Returns the number of rows in the matrix. More...
IlBoolean rowSameHeight () const
 Returns IlTrue if all the rows in the matrix have the same height. More...
void sameHeight (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether all the rows in the matrix should have the same height. More...
void sameWidth (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether all the columns in the matrix should have the same width. More...
virtual void scrollBarVisibilityChanged (IlvDirection)
 Is called when an internal scroll bar is shown or hidden. More...
virtual void set (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlvAbstractMatrixItem *item)
 Adds an item to the matrix at the specified location. More...
void setAutoColumnSelect (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether the automatic column selection mode should be on. More...
void setAutoLineSelect (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether the automatic row selection mode should be on. More...
void setBrowseMode (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether the matrix should be in browse selection mode. More...
virtual void setColumnSelected (IlUShort col, IlBoolean selected=IlTrue)
 Selects or deselects an entire column. More...
void setDirectEditionMode (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether the matrix should be in direct editing mode. More...
void setEditDirection (IlvDirection direction)
 Sets the editing direction of the matrix. More...
void setEditedItem (IlUShort col, IlUShort row)
 Sets the item that is being edited. More...
void setExclusive (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether the selection mode should be exclusive. More...
void setExtendedSelectionOrientation (IlvOrientation dir)
 Sets the direction in which the selection in the matrix is extended. More...
void setFocus (IlUShort col, IlUShort row)
 Specifies the gadget matrix item that has the focus. More...
void setGridPalette (IlvPalette *palette)
 Sets the palette used to draw the matrix grid. More...
void setItemAlignment (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlvPosition alignment)
 Sets the alignment of a matrix item. More...
void setItemCallback (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlvMatrixItemCallback callback=0, IlAny data=0)
 Sets a callback to the specified matrix item. More...
void setItemData (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlAny data)
 Sets the client data of the specified matrix item. More...
void setItemFillingBackground (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlBoolean value=IlTrue)
 Specifies whether the specified item should be filled with a background color. More...
void setItemGrayed (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlBoolean value=IlTrue)
 Specifies whether the specified item should be grayed. More...
void setItemReadOnly (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlBoolean value=IlTrue)
 Specifies whether the specified matrix item should be read-only. More...
void setItemRelief (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlBoolean value=IlTrue)
 Specifies whether the specified matrix item should be in relief. More...
virtual void setItemSelected (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlBoolean selected=IlTrue)
 Specifies whether the item located in the specified cell should be selected. More...
void setItemSensitive (IlUShort col, IlUShort row, IlBoolean value=IlTrue)
 Sets the specified item to sensitive. More...
void setLabelOrientation (IlvOrientation orientation, IlBoolean flip=IlFalse, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Sets the orientation of the matrix items labels. More...
void setLabelPosition (IlvPosition position, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Sets the default position of the matrix item labels. More...
virtual void setRowSelected (IlUShort row, IlBoolean selected=IlTrue)
 Selects or deselects an entire row. More...
void setSelectionAnchor (IlUShort col, IlUShort row)
 Sets the selection anchor to the specified cell. More...
void setSpacing (IlUShort spacing)
 Sets the spacing between two cells of the matrix. More...
virtual void setXgrid (IlvDim x)
 Sets the default column width. More...
virtual void setYgrid (IlvDim y)
 Sets the default row height. More...
void showEditorField ()
 Displays the matrix item editing field. More...
void showLabel (IlBoolean value=IlTrue, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Shows or hides the matrix item labels. More...
void showPicture (IlBoolean value=IlTrue, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Shows or hides the matrix items picture. More...
void showTextField ()
 Displays the editing text field. More...
void useToolTips (IlBoolean value=IlTrue)
 Specifies whether the matrix should use internal tooltips. More...
virtual void validate ()
 Is called when the user validates its changes after editing a matrix item. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvAbstractMatrix
IlBoolean allowCellMode () const
 Indicates whether the matrix can draw items on several continuous cells. More...
virtual IlBoolean cellBBox (IlUShort colno, IlUShort rowno, IlvRect &rect, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Computes the bounding box of a given cell. More...
virtual void cellInfo (IlUShort colno, IlUShort rowno, IlUShort &startcol, IlUShort &startrow, IlUShort &nbcol, IlUShort &nbrow) const
 Returns cell information. More...
virtual IlBoolean columnBBox (IlUShort colno, IlvRect &rect, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Computes the bounding box of a given column. More...
virtual void ensureVisible (IlUShort colno, IlUShort rowno, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Scrolls the matrix to make the specified item visible. More...
IlUShort firstColumn () const
 Returns the index of the first visible column. More...
IlUShort firstRow () const
 Returns the index of the first visible row. More...
IlUShort getNbFixedColumn () const
 Returns the number of fixed columns. More...
IlUShort getNbFixedRow () const
 Returns the number of fixed rows. More...
virtual void getVisibleItems (IlUShort &fromcol, IlUShort &tocol, IlUShort &fromrow, IlUShort &torow, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Computes the range of the items that are visible in the matrix. More...
virtual IlBoolean handleGadgetEvent (IlvEvent &)
 Handles the gadget events. More...
virtual void invalidateColumn (IlUShort colno) const
 Redraws a column. More...
virtual void invalidateRect (const IlvRect &rect) const
 Redraws a portion of the matrix. More...
virtual void invalidateRow (IlUShort rowno) const
 Redraws a row. More...
IlBoolean isShowingGrid () const
 Returns IlTrue if the matrix grid is displayed. More...
virtual IlBoolean pointToPosition (const IlvPoint &point, IlUShort &colno, IlUShort &rowno, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Returns the location of the item located at the specified point. More...
virtual IlBoolean rowBBox (IlUShort rowno, IlvRect &rect, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Computes the bounding box of the specified row. More...
virtual void scrollBarBBox (IlvDirection dir, IlvRect &bbox, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Returns the bounding box of the specified internal scroll bar. More...
virtual void scrollBarHasMoved (IlvDirection pos)
 Is called when an internal scroll bar has moved. More...
void scrollToColumn (IlUShort colno)
 Changes the first visible column. More...
void scrollToRow (IlUShort rowno)
 Changes the first visible row. More...
void setNbFixedColumn (IlUShort count)
 Sets the number of fixed rows. More...
void setNbFixedRow (IlUShort count)
 Sets the number of fixed rows. More...
IlBoolean showGrid (IlBoolean value)
 Specifies whether the matrix grid should be displayed. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvScrolledGadget
 IlvScrolledGadget (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void adjustScrollBars (IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse)
 Recomputes the scroll bars. More...
void computeBBox (IlvRect &ibox, IlvRect &vbox, IlvRect &vs, IlvRect &hs, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Computes the bounding boxes of the elements that compose the gadget. More...
void computeBBox (IlvRect &ibox, IlvRect &vs, IlvRect &hs, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Computes the bounding boxes of the elements that compose the gadget. More...
virtual void drawScrollBar (IlvPort *dst, IlvDirection direction, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws the specified internal scroll bar. More...
void fitToRect (const IlvRect &rect)
 Resizes the object so that the scrollable area fits the specified rectangle. More...
IlUShort getBottomMargin () const
 Returns the bottom margin. More...
IlvScrollBargetHorizontalScrollBar () const
 Returns a pointer to the internal horizontal scroll bar. More...
IlUShort getLeftMargin () const
 Returns the left margin. More...
IlUShort getRightMargin () const
 Returns the right margin. More...
IlvScrollBargetScrollBar (IlvDirection direction) const
 Returns a pointer to the specified internal scroll bar. More...
void getScrollBarShowAsNeeded (IlBoolean &vert, IlBoolean &hor) const
 Returns the scroll bar mode of the internal scroll bars. More...
IlUShort getTopMargin () const
 Returns the top margin. More...
IlvScrollBargetVerticalScrollBar () const
 Returns a pointer to the internal vertical scroll bar. More...
virtual IlBoolean handleScrollBarsEvent (IlvEvent &event)
 Handles the internal scroll bars event. More...
void hideScrollBar (IlvDirection direction, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Hides the specified internal scroll bar. More...
void moveScrollBar (IlvDirection direction, IlvPosition where, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Moves the specified internal scroll bar to a new position. More...
virtual void scrollableSize (IlvDim &width, IlvDim &height) const
 Returns the size of the scrollable area of the gadget. More...
void scrollBarShowAsNeeded (IlBoolean vertical, IlBoolean horizontal, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Sets the scroll bar mode of the internal scroll bars. More...
void setBottomMargin (IlUShort margin)
 Sets the bottom margin. More...
void setLeftMargin (IlUShort margin)
 Sets the left margin. More...
void setMargin (IlUShort val)
 Sets the left, right, top, and bottom margins. More...
void setRightMargin (IlUShort margin)
 Sets the right margin. More...
void setTopMargin (IlUShort margin)
 Sets the top margin. More...
void showScrollBar (IlvDirection direction, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Shows the specified internal scroll bar. More...
virtual void visibleBBox (IlvRect &bbox, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Returns the visible bounding box of the gadget. More...
IlvPosition whereIsScrollBar (IlvDirection direction) const
 Returns the location of the specified internal scroll bar. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvGadgetItemHolder
virtual IlvGadgetItemcreateItem (const char *label, IlvGraphic *graphic=0, IlvBitmap *bitmap=0, IlvBitmap *selbitmap=0, IlBoolean copy=IlTrue) const
 Returns a new gadget item. More...
virtual void drawGadgetItem (const IlvGadgetItem *item, IlvPort *port, const IlvRect &rect, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws a specific gadget item. More...
IlvGadgetItemgetCallbackItem () const
 Returns the item that triggered a callback. More...
IlvGadgetItemgetDragDropTarget () const
 Returns the target item of a drag-and-drop operation. More...
IlvGraphicgetDraggedImage () const
 Returns the graphic object used to draw the ghost image during a drag-and-drop operation. More...
IlvGadgetItemgetDraggedItem () const
 Returns the item that is being dragged during a drag-and-drop operation. More...
IlvGadgetItemgetEditedItem () const
 Returns the item that is being edited. More...
virtual IlvPalettegetHighlightTextPalette () const
 Returns the highlight palette used to draw the label of highlighted items. More...
virtual IlvGadgetItemgetItemByName (const char *name) const
 Returns the item whose name is specified. More...
IlvGadgetItemgetToolTipItem () const
 Returns the item that is displaying a tooltip. More...
virtual void initReDrawItems ()
 Begins a redraw session. More...
virtual void recomputeAllItems ()
 Recomputes the size of all the items managed by the holder. More...
virtual void reDrawItems ()
 Ends a redraw session. More...
void setDragDropTarget (IlvGadgetItem *item)
 Sets the target item of a drag-and-drop operation. More...
void setDraggedImage (IlvGraphic *graphic)
 Sets the graphic object used to draw the ghost image during a drag-and-drop operation. More...
void setDraggedItem (IlvGadgetItem *item)
 Sets the dragged item. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IlvMatrix
static IlSymbolActivateMatrixItemCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type of the Activate Item callback. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IlvScrolledGadget
static IlSymbolScrollBarMovedSymbol ()
 Returns the callback type for the Scroll Bar Moved callback. More...
static IlSymbolScrollBarVisibilitySymbol ()
 Returns the callback type for the Scroll Bar Visibility Changed callback. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IlvGadgetItemHolder
static IlSymbolAbortDragItemCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type of the Abort Drag callback. More...
static IlSymbolAbortEditItemCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type of the Abort Edit callback. More...
static IlSymbolActivateCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type of the Activate callback. More...
static IlSymbolDragItemCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type of the Drag Item callback. More...
static IlSymbolEndDragItemCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type of the End Drag callback. More...
static IlSymbolEndEditItemCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type of the End Edit callback. More...
static IlSymbolStartDragItemCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type of the Start Drag callback. More...
static IlSymbolStartEditItemCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type of the Start Edit callback. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IlvMatrix
void endEdit (IlvGadgetItem *)
 Is called after an item has been edited. More...
virtual void itemActivated (IlvGadgetItem *)
 Is called when an item is activated. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IlvAbstractMatrix
 IlvAbstractMatrix (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void adjustFromScrollBar (const IlvScrollBar *sb, IlvDirection dir)
 Is called to adjust the gadget to the scroll bars values. More...
virtual void adjustScrollBarValue (IlvScrollBar *sb, IlvDirection dir)
 Is called to adjust the scroll bar values. More...
virtual IlvScrollBarcreateScrollBar (const IlvRect &r, IlvDirection dir, IlUShort t, IlvPalette *p)
 Returns a new instance of the IlvScrollBar class. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IlvScrolledGadget
IlvDim getLimitHeightValue () const
 Returns the limit value for the vertical scrolling. More...
IlvDim getLimitWidthValue () const
 Returns the limit value for the horizontal scrolling. More...
IlvDim getScrollableHeight () const
 Returns the height of the scrollable area. More...
IlvDim getScrollableWidth () const
 Returns the width of the scrollable area. More...
void setLimitHeightValue (IlvDim value)
 Sets the limit value for the vertical scrolling. More...
void setLimitWidthValue (IlvDim value)
 Sets the limit value for the horizontal scrolling. More...
void setScrollableHeight (IlvDim height)
 Sets the height of the scrollable area. More...
void setScrollableWidth (IlvDim width)
 Sets the width of the scrollable area. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IlvGadgetItemHolder
virtual void abortDragItem ()
 Is called when a drag-and-drop operation is aborted. More...
virtual void abortEdit (IlvGadgetItem *item)
 Is called when the editing of the specified item is aborted. More...
virtual void drawDraggedImage (const IlvPoint &point, const IlvTransformer *t)
 Is called to draw the ghost image during a drag-and-drop operation. More...
virtual void endDragItem (const IlvPoint &point)
 Is called when a drag-and-drop operation is finished. More...
virtual void itemDeSelected (IlvGadgetItem *item)
 Is called when an item is deselected. More...
virtual void itemDragged (const IlvPoint &point)
 Is called each time the user moves the mouse during a drag-and-drop operation. More...
virtual void itemHighlighted (IlvGadgetItem *item)
 Is called when an item is highlighted or unhighlighted. More...
virtual void itemSelected (IlvGadgetItem *item)
 Is called when an item is selected. More...
virtual void startDragItem (IlvGadgetItem *item)
 Is called when a drag-and-drop operation begins. More...
virtual void startEdit (IlvGadgetItem *item)
 Is called when an item is edited. More...

Detailed Description

Matrix class.

Library: ilvadvgdt

The IlvSheet class is a special kind of IlvMatrix that surrounds fixed rows and columns with a relief border to distinguish them from other cells. This class lets you resize rows and columns by using drag and drop.

- IlvSheet -

See also

Styling\nThis class supports the following CSS properties:

Graphic property CSS property Type
Background color background-color Color
Text color color Color

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IlvSheet()

IlvSheet::IlvSheet ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect,
IlUShort  nbcol,
IlUShort  nbrow,
IlvDim  xgrid = IlvDefaultMatrixWidth,
IlvDim  ygrid = IlvDefaultMatrixHeight,
IlvDim  thickness = IlvDefaultGadgetThickness,
IlBoolean  showVSB = IlTrue,
IlBoolean  showHSB = IlTrue,
IlvPalette palette = 0 


Initializes a new instance of the IlvSheet class.

displayThe connection to the display.
rectThe size and position of the sheet.
nbcolThe number of columns in the sheet.
nbrowThe number of rows in the sheet.
xgridThe default column width.
ygridThe default row height.
thicknessThe thickness of the matrix.
showVSBSpecifies whether the vertical scroll bar should be shown (<IlTrue) or hidden (IlFalse).
showHSBSpecifies whether the horizontal scroll bar should be shown (IlTrue) or hidden (IlFalse).
paletteThe palette used to draw the sheet.

Member Function Documentation

◆ drawFrame()

virtual void IlvSheet::drawFrame ( IlvPort dst,
const IlvTransformer t = 0,
const IlvRegion clip = 0 
) const

Draws the gadget frame.

Is called from the draw() method. This method is not called if the method isShowingFrame() returns IlFalse.

dstThe destination drawing port.
tThe transformer applied to the gadget.
clipThe clipping area.
See also
drawBackground(), drawScrollBar(), drawGadgetContents().

Reimplemented from IlvMatrix.

◆ drawGadgetContents()

virtual void IlvSheet::drawGadgetContents ( IlvPort dst,
const IlvTransformer t = 0,
const IlvRegion clip = 0 
) const

Draws the gadget contents.

Is called from the draw() method. The default implementation does nothing.

dstThe destination drawing port.
tThe transformer applied to the gadget.
clipThe clipping area.
See also
drawBackground(), drawScrollBar(), drawFrame().

Reimplemented from IlvMatrix.

◆ drawItem()

virtual void IlvSheet::drawItem ( IlvPort dst,
IlUShort  colno,
IlUShort  rowno,
const IlvRect itembbox,
const IlvRect clip 
) const

Is called by the matrix to draw an item.

This method does nothing and should be redefined in subclasses to draw items.

dstThe destination drawing port.
colnoThe column of the item to be drawn. If the item extends over several columns, colno specifies the left location of the item.
rownoThe row of the item to be drawn. If the item extends over several rows, rowno specifies the top location of the item.
itembboxThe rectangle inside which the item should be drawn. If the item extends over several cells, itembbox is the bounding box of the cells contained by the item.
clipThe clipping area.

Reimplemented from IlvMatrix.

◆ handleMatrixEvent()

virtual IlBoolean IlvSheet::handleMatrixEvent ( IlvEvent event)

Handles the events sent to the matrix.

Is called by the member function handleEvent() to handle an event applying to the matrix. Scroll bar events are handled by the method IlvScrolledGadget::handleScrollBarsEvent(). The default implementation does nothing and must be redefined if necessary.

eventThe event.
IlTrue if the matrix used the event, or IlFalse otherwise.
See also
IlvGadget::handleEvent, IlvScrolledGadget::handleScrollBarsEvent.

Reimplemented from IlvMatrix.

Reimplemented in IlvHierarchicalSheet, and IlvFileChooserSheet.

◆ handleResizeColumn()

virtual IlBoolean IlvSheet::handleResizeColumn ( IlvEvent event)

Handles resizing events applying to fixed columns.

Handles the specified event and calls the IlvMatrix::resizeRow() member function.

eventThe event to handle.
See also
IlvMatrix::resizeRow(), handleResizeRow().

Reimplemented in IlvHierarchicalSheet.

◆ handleResizeRow()

virtual IlBoolean IlvSheet::handleResizeRow ( IlvEvent event)

Handles resizing events applying to fixed rows.

Handles the specified event and calls the IlvMatrix::resizeColumn() member function.

eventThe event to handle.
See also
IlvMatrix::resizeColumn(), handleResizeColumn().

◆ itemBBox()

virtual void IlvSheet::itemBBox ( IlUShort  col,
IlUShort  row,
IlvRect bbox,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const

Returns the bounding box of the item located in the specified cell.

Uses bbox to return the bounding box of the item located in the matrix cell specified by col and row, when the matrix is displayed with the transformer t.

colThe index of of the column containing the item.
rowThe index of the row containing the item.
bboxThe returned bounding box.
tThe transformer applied to the matrix.

Reimplemented from IlvMatrix.

◆ scrollTo()

virtual void IlvSheet::scrollTo ( IlUShort  colno,
IlUShort  rowno 

Changes the first visible column and row.

Scrolls the matrix so that the first visible column becomes colno and the first visible row rowno. Calling this method with a row or column that is fixed has no effect. The matrix is redrawn only if it is scrolled.

colnoThe new first column.
rownoThe new first row.
See also
scrollToRow(), scrollToColumn(), ensureVisible().

Reimplemented from IlvAbstractMatrix.