Topic Index
Click on one of the letters below to jump immediately to that section of the index.
. | 1 | 3 | _ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
.SGT [in 3.13.1 Chart Template System]
100 &percnt [in 6.4.6 100% Strata Horizontal Bar Graph]
100&percnt [in 6.3.7 100% Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.3.6 100% Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.7 100% Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
3-D look [in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.5.2 RoofTop Graph]
[in 6.3.2 Extended Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.6.2 Isographic Pie Graph]
[in 6.4.2 Extended Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.5.1 Manhattan Graph]
[in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
[in 6.5.3 Ribbon Graph]
[in 6.3.1 Vertical Bar Graphs]
_OC_DISCRETE [in 7.7.3 Graph-Type Specific Displays]
_OC_DONT_SUPPORT_TEXT_TEMPLATE [in 7.7.3 Graph-Type Specific Displays]
abstract class [in 8.4.1 SRGStructureData]
[in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
Active Template Library and Objective Toolkit [in 29.1 Introduction]
ActiveX wrapper, using ATL [in 29.2 Wrapping Objective Chart in an ATL ActiveX Control]
AddComponent [in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 2.9.2 Create and Configure Components]
AddData [in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
AddDocTemplate [in 20.3.1 Using SECDocManager]
AddLabel [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
AddLabelIndex [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
AddToScan [in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
AdjustScale [in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
AFX_MANAGE_STATE [in 29.4 Further Extensions: Module State Issues]
anchor point [in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
annotation [in 3.6.1 SRGraphDataList]
[in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
[in 3.4.6 SRGIndexScale]
[in 3.4.1 SRGraphLabel]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 3.4.7 SRGGroupScale]
[in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 7.7.15 Avoiding Overlapped Labels]
[in 2.9.3 Add Data Objects]
[in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
[in 3.8.1 SRGraphAnnotation]
[in 7.9.1 SRGraphAnnotationList]
[in 3.8 Annotation Classes]
[in 7.9.2 SRGraphAnnotation]
[in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 7.9.3 Supporting Multiple Languages or Audiences]
[in 3.8.2 SRGraphAnnotationList]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
[in 3.6.2 SRGraphData]
AppWizard [in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 4.2 Step 1: Creating a Basic Chart Application]
Area graph [in 6.2.5 Area Graphs]
[in 6.2.6 Strata Graphs]
Area Polar graph [in 6.7.2 Area Polar Graph]
Area Stock graph [in 6.2.9 Area Stock Graphs]
Area Web graph [in 6.8.2 Area Web Graph]
array [in 3.6 Data Storage Classes]
array of structures [in 8.4.1 SRGStructureData]
[in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
ATL COM AppWizard [in 29.3 An Example: An ATL ActiveX Control Built From Objective Chart]
autoscaled axis [in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
[in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
axis drawing classes [in 3.4.8 Axis Scale Bar Classes]
[in 17.3 Using Axis Scale Components]
[in 18.5.1 SRGTickMarks]
axis label [in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
[in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 3.4.2 SRGraphLabelBlock]
[in 7.7.15 Avoiding Overlapped Labels]
axis limits [in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
[in 13.3 Specify Fixed Axis Limits]
[in 2.9.2 Create and Configure Components]
axis manager [in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
[in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
[in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.5.5 SRGCompoundDisplay]
axis scale [in Using Tick Marks]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
[in 25.1 Adding Custom Text or Graphics]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
[in 7.7.9 Changing Chart Types Dynamically]
[in 3.4.3 SRGDecimalScale]
[in 3.4.4 SRGLogScale]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 3.4.5 SRGDateScale]
[in 3.4.6 SRGIndexScale]
[in 3.4.7 SRGGroupScale]
[in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
axis scale components [in 3.4.8 Axis Scale Bar Classes]
[in 17.3 Using Axis Scale Components]
axis scaling [in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
[in 2.9.2 Create and Configure Components]
[in 7.7.11 Logarithmic Axis Scaling]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
axis style [in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
[in 3.7 Style Class]
axis title [in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
axis type [in 2.9.2 Create and Configure Components]
[in 7.7.6 Selecting a Graph Type]
[in 6.8 Web Graphs]
[in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
[in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
[in 7.7.7 Selecting an Axis Type]
[in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
[in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.7 Polar Graphs]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in 6.13 Defined but Unimplemented Axis and Graph Types]
[in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
background component [in 3.3.2 SRGraphBackground]
[in 7.4 Using SRGraphBackground]
background drawing [in 13.4 Disable Background Drawing]
[in 3.10 Display Scheme]
[in 26.2 Why Optimization Works]
background fill [in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 3.7 Style Class]
[in 3.3.1 SRGraphComponent]
bar [in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
[in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
bar graph [in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
bar width [in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
bitmap [in 9.3.4 Chart Wizard User Interactions]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 3.13 Chart Persistence]
[in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
BN_CLICKED [in 5.2.4 Construct a Dialog to Display the OC Control]
border [in 3.3.1 SRGraphComponent]
[in 7.3.2 Component Shadow Styles]
[in 7.3.1 Component Border Styles]
[in 3.4.1 SRGraphLabel]
[in 3.7 Style Class]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
Bubble Area graph [in 6.10.2 Bubble Area Graph]
Bubble graph [in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
[in 6.10.1 Bubble Radius Graph]
build files [in 2.4.1 Using the Build Files]
Build Wizard [in 2.4.2 Using the Build Wizard]
[in 2.3.2 Standard Objective Chart Library]
[in 15.2 Building the Utility Toolkit Library]
[in 2.3.1 Stingray Foundation Library]
[in 2.3.3 Objective Chart Utility Toolkit]
building Objective Chart [in Compiler Flags]
[in Building the Objective Chart Libraries]
[in 2.3.1 Stingray Foundation Library]
[in 2.4.2 Using the Build Wizard]
[in 2.4.1 Using the Build Files]
[in 2.3.3 Objective Chart Utility Toolkit]
[in Static Linking]
[in 2.3.2 Standard Objective Chart Library]
[in Dynamic Linking (as a DLL)]
CalcFontAutoSize [in 7.5.3 Font style]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
CalcUserDisplayPosition [in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
CalcXRelationship [in 18.5.5 SRGCompoundDisplay]
CalcYRelationship [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 18.5.5 SRGCompoundDisplay]
Candle graph [in 6.2.12 Hi-Low-Open-Close Graphs]
[in 6.2.10 Candle Graphs]
CChart sample [in 28.4 Compound Display Sample]
CCode sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
CDialog [in 12.5 Displaying a Chart in a Dialog Box or Form View]
CDocManager [in SECDocManager]
CDocument [in 12.3 The Document Class]
[in 12.6 Printing a Chart in a Dialog]
[in SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument]
[in 20.2.1 Stages in the Life of an SECComDoc]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in SECComDoc]
[in 20.2.2 Communication Between ComDocs]
CFormview [in 12.5 Displaying a Chart in a Dialog Box or Form View]
CGraphDoc [in 3.14.2 Documents]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
[in 12.3 The Document Class]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in CGraphDoc]
character height [in 7.5.3 Font style]
[in 7.5.2 Font sizing]
chart combinations [in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
[in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
[in 24.1 Sharing the Data Array]
Chart Editor [in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 9.2 Objective Chart Editor]
[in 2.7 Objective Chart Basics]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
chart extension [in 16.3.1 Chart Extension Routines]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
chart layout [in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
[in 9.3.4 Chart Wizard User Interactions]
Chart Template system [in 3.13 Chart Persistence]
[in 3.13.1 Chart Template System]
chart tip [in 3.12 User Interaction and Feedback]
[in 3.11 View Classes]
[in 3.12.1 Feedback Management]
[in 3.12.2 SRGraphFeedback]
[in 10.4 Chart Tips]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in 10.4.1 Using Chart Tips]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 13.5 Disable Feedback Logging]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
[in 9.3.4 Chart Wizard User Interactions]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
chart title [in 3.3.3 SRGraphTitle and SRGraphTitleResizeable]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
chart type [in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
[in 2.9.2 Create and Configure Components]
Chart Wizard [in 2.7 Objective Chart Basics]
[in 9.3.5 Customizing Chart Wizard]
[in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
[in 9.3.4 Chart Wizard User Interactions]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 9.3.2 Using Chart Wizard]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 8.5 Choosing the Right Model]
ChartEx sample [in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
[in 28.5 Other Samples]
[in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
ChartOleSrv sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
ChartScroll sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
child document [in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
[in SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument]
[in 20.2.2 Communication Between ComDocs]
[in SECComDoc::UpdateLinkedDocuments]
[in SECComDoc::UpdateParentDocument]
class reference [in 1.5.1 Documentation]
class SRGraphTitleResizeable [in 15.7 Curve Fit Chart]
Classic axis [in 6.2.9 Area Stock Graphs]
[in 6.3.7 100% Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.2.1 Line Graphs]
[in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.7 100% Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.2.8 Stock Graphs]
[in 6.2.7 Freestyle Graphs]
[in 6.2.6 Strata Graphs]
[in 6.2.5 Area Graphs]
[in 6.2.4 Step Line Only Graphs]
[in 6.2.3 Step Graphs]
[in 6.3.6 100% Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.1 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.2.2 Line Only Graphs]
[in 6.4.2 Extended Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.5 Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graphs]
[in 6.3.4 Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.3 Stacked Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.3 Stacked Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.4 Strata Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.2 Extended Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 6.3.1 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.5 Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.2.12 Hi-Low-Open-Close Graphs]
[in 6.2.10 Candle Graphs]
[in 6.4.6 100% Strata Horizontal Bar Graph]
clipboard [in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
clipping [in 3.9.4 CObStack]
CObStack [in 3.9.4 CObStack]
COleDateTime [in 3.4.5 SRGDateScale]
color [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 18.5.1 SRGTickMarks]
[in 18.5.2 SRGGridLines]
[in Using Tick Marks]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
color gradient [in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
ComDoc [in 5.1 Introduction]
[in 5.4.1 Introduction]
Communication Document system [in 12.3 The Document Class]
[in 20.2.2 Communication Between ComDocs]
[in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
[in 12.4 The View Classes]
[in SECComDoc]
[in SECDocManager]
[in 20.3.1 Using SECDocManager]
[in 20.3 SECDocManager: An MFC Application Document Manager]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in SECComDoc::UpdateParentDocument]
[in CGraphDoc]
[in SECComDoc::UpdateLinkedDocuments]
[in SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument]
compiled polygon [in 3.9.1 SRGCompiledPolygon]
compiler flags [in Compiler Flags]
component [in 3.5 Data Scope]
[in 3.3 Component Classes]
[in 4.3.1 Adding Text File Handling to the Document]
[in 3.13.1 Chart Template System]
[in 7.1 Using Components]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 2.9.2 Create and Configure Components]
[in 3.7 Style Class]
component list [in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in 18.3 Compound Component Advantages]
[in 18.2 Recap of Principles]
[in 3.3.5 SRGraphLegend]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 7.8.2 Legend and Display Binding]
[in 2.9.1 Create an SRGraph Object]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 7.1 Using Components]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 18.5.4 SRGCompoundComponent]
[in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
component rectangle [in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 9.3.4 Chart Wizard User Interactions]
compound component classes [in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
compound component system [in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
[in 18.3 Compound Component Advantages]
[in 18.2 Recap of Principles]
compound display [in 18.2 Recap of Principles]
[in Using Tick Marks]
[in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
[in 28.4 Compound Display Sample]
[in 25.1 Adding Custom Text or Graphics]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
[in 18.5.5 SRGCompoundDisplay]
[in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
control chart [in 21.1 Introduction]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
country code [in 3.8.2 SRGraphAnnotationList]
[in 3.8.1 SRGraphAnnotation]
[in 7.9.3 Supporting Multiple Languages or Audiences]
Create [in 12.5 Displaying a Chart in a Dialog Box or Form View]
CreateLabels [in Using Tick Marks]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
CreatePen [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
CreatePenIndirect [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
CScale [in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
[in 6.2.8 Stock Graphs]
[in 3.6.2 SRGraphData]
[in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
[in 6.2.9 Area Stock Graphs]
[in 3.6.3 CScale]
CtrlTest sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
cursor position [in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
Curve Fit Chart [in 15.7 Curve Fit Chart]
class OCCurveFitItem [in 15.7 Curve Fit Chart]
class SRGraphTitleResizeable [in 15.7 Curve Fit Chart]
enumerated fit types [in 15.7.1 Using the Curve Fit Chart]
using [in 15.7.1 Using the Curve Fit Chart]
custom axis [in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
custom graphics [in 25.1 Adding Custom Text or Graphics]
custom style [in 16.3.1 Chart Extension Routines]
chart extension [in 16.3.1 Chart Extension Routines]
Chart Wizard [in 9.3.5 Customizing Chart Wizard]
compound display [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.5.5 SRGCompoundDisplay]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 18.2 Recap of Principles]
[in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
graph type [in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
SRGraphDisplay [in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
CView [in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 3.11 View Classes]
[in 10.2 Mouse Event Handlers]
CX_AXIS_AUTOMATIC [in 7.7.7 Selecting an Axis Type]
[in 7.7.8 Valid Graph and Axis Combinations]
CX_AXIS_CLASSIC [in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_CLASSIC_RIGHT [in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_DATE [in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_DATE_R [in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_DATE_YX [in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_GANTT_DATE [in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
CX_AXIS_GANTT_VALUE [in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
CX_AXIS_H_FRAME [in 6.13 Defined but Unimplemented Axis and Graph Types]
CX_AXIS_ISO_CLASSIC [in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_ISO_CLASSIC_R [in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_ISO_CLASSIC_YX [in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_ISO_DATE [in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_ISO_DATE_R [in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_ISO_DATE_YX [in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_NONE [in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
[in 7.7.8 Valid Graph and Axis Combinations]
CX_AXIS_OSCILLISCOPE [in 6.13 Defined but Unimplemented Axis and Graph Types]
CX_AXIS_PLATFORM_SE [in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
CX_AXIS_PLATFORM_SW [in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
CX_AXIS_POLAR [in 6.7 Polar Graphs]
CX_AXIS_SCATTER_DATEX [in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
CX_AXIS_SCATTER_DATEY [in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
CX_AXIS_STAGE_SE [in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
CX_AXIS_STAGE_SW [in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
CX_AXIS_USER [in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
CX_AXIS_WEB [in 6.8 Web Graphs]
CX_AXIS_XYSCATTER [in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
CX_AXIS_YX [in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
CX_FONT_AUTOSIZE [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 7.5.3 Font style]
CX_FONT_BOLD [in 7.5.3 Font style]
CX_FONT_EMBOSS [in 7.5.3 Font style]
CX_FONT_ITALIC [in 7.5.3 Font style]
CX_FONT_RELIEF [in 7.5.3 Font style]
CX_FONT_STRIKEOUT [in 7.5.3 Font style]
CX_FONT_UNDERLINE [in 7.5.3 Font style]
CX_FRAME_NONE [in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
CX_GRAPH_AREA [in 6.2.2 Line Only Graphs]
[in 6.2.5 Area Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_AREAPOLAR [in 6.7.2 Area Polar Graph]
CX_GRAPH_AREASTOCK [in 6.2.9 Area Stock Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_AREAWEB [in 6.8.2 Area Web Graph]
CX_GRAPH_BUBBLE_A [in 6.10.2 Bubble Area Graph]
CX_GRAPH_BUBBLE_R [in 6.10.1 Bubble Radius Graph]
CX_GRAPH_CANDLE [in 6.2.10 Candle Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_EX_HBAR [in 6.4.2 Extended Horizontal Bar Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_EX_VBAR [in 6.3.2 Extended Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_FREESTYLE [in 6.2.7 Freestyle Graphs]
[in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_GRAPH_GANTT [in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
CX_GRAPH_HBAR [in 6.4.1 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_HILO_OPENCLOSE [in 6.2.12 Hi-Low-Open-Close Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_HISTOGRAM [in 6.13 Defined but Unimplemented Axis and Graph Types]
CX_GRAPH_ISO_AREA [in 6.5.2 RoofTop Graph]
CX_GRAPH_ISO_BAR [in 6.5.1 Manhattan Graph]
CX_GRAPH_ISO_PIE [in 6.6.2 Isographic Pie Graph]
CX_GRAPH_LINE [in 6.2.1 Line Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_LINEONLY [in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
CX_GRAPH_OSCILLOSCOPE [in 6.13 Defined but Unimplemented Axis and Graph Types]
CX_GRAPH_PIE [in 6.6.1 Pie Graph]
CX_GRAPH_POLAR [in 6.7.1 Polar Graph]
CX_GRAPH_RIBBON [in 6.5.3 Ribbon Graph]
CX_GRAPH_SCATTERG_EX [in 7.7.11 Logarithmic Axis Scaling]
CX_GRAPH_STACK_HBAR [in 6.4.3 Stacked Horizontal Bar Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STACK_VBAR [in 6.3.3 Stacked Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STEP [in 6.2.3 Step Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STEPLO [in 6.2.4 Step Line Only Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STOCK [in 6.2.8 Stock Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STRATA [in 6.2.6 Strata Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STRATAHBAR [in 6.4.4 Strata Horizontal Bar Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STRATAHBAR100 [in 6.4.6 100% Strata Horizontal Bar Graph]
CX_GRAPH_STRATAHBARG [in 6.4.5 Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
CX_GRAPH_STRATAHBARG100 [in 6.4.7 100% Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
CX_GRAPH_STRATAVBAR [in 6.3.4 Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STRATAVBAR100 [in 6.3.6 100% Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STRATAVBARG [in 6.3.5 Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_STRATAVBARG100 [in 6.3.7 100% Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graph]
CX_GRAPH_TIMESPAN [in 6.13 Defined but Unimplemented Axis and Graph Types]
CX_GRAPH_USER [in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
CX_GRAPH_VBAR [in 6.3.1 Vertical Bar Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_VECTOR_C [in 6.11.1 Vector-Centered Graph]
CX_GRAPH_VECTOR_E [in 6.11.2 Vector-End Graph]
CX_GRAPH_VECTOR_G [in 6.11.3 Vector-Offset Graph]
CX_GRAPH_WEB [in 6.8.1 Web Graph]
CX_GRAPH_XYSCATTERA [in 6.9.1 XY Scatter-Alternating Graph]
CX_GRAPH_XYSCATTERA_EX [in 6.9.4 Extended XY Scatter Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_XYSCATTERG [in 6.9.2 XY Scatter by Group Graph]
CX_GRAPH_XYSCATTERG_EX [in 6.9.4 Extended XY Scatter Graphs]
CX_GRAPH_XYSCATTERI [in 6.9.3 XY Scatter by Index Graph]
CX_GRAPH_XYSCATTERI_EX [in 6.9.4 Extended XY Scatter Graphs]
CX_HIGHLIGHT_AUTOMATIC [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
CX_HIGHLIGHT_CUSTOM [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
CX_HIGHLIGHT_LARGE [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
CX_HIGHLIGHT_MEDIUM [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
CX_HIGHLIGHT_NONE [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
CX_HIGHLIGHT_SMALL [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
CX_INTERIOR_ASHADE [in 7.11.2 Interior Fill Styles]
CX_INTERIOR_HSHADE [in 7.11.2 Interior Fill Styles]
CX_INTERIOR_IMAGE [in 7.11.2 Interior Fill Styles]
CX_INTERIOR_NONE [in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
CX_INTERIOR_RESOURCE [in 7.11.2 Interior Fill Styles]
CX_INTERIOR_VSHADE [in 7.11.2 Interior Fill Styles]
CX_KEY_AUTOMATIC [in 7.8.5 Legend Key Style]
CX_LABEL_AUTOMATIC [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_LABEL_NONE [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_LABEL_PERCENT [in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
CX_LABEL_TEXT [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
CX_LABEL_TEXT_PERCENT [in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
CX_LABEL_TEXT_VALUE [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
CX_LABEL_TEXT_VALUE_PERCENT [in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
CX_LABEL_VALUE [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
CX_LABEL_VALUE_PERCENT [in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
CX_LABELBLOCK_HIDELABELS [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
CX_LABELBLOCK_MOVELABELS [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
CX_LEGEND_BY_RECTANGLE [in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
CX_OBJECT_AREA [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_AUTOMATIC [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_BAR [in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
[in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_BUBBLE [in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
[in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_DOT [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_EXBAR [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_EXLINE [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_EXPOINT [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_LINE [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_NONE [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_POINT [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_POLYGON [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_ROD [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_SLICE [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_SQUARE [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_OBJECT_TRIANGLE [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
CX_SCAN_ABOVELIMIT [in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
CX_SCAN_BELOWLIMIT [in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
CX_SCAN_CUSTOM [in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
CX_SCAN_INBRACKET [in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
CX_TAG_FONT_CUSTOM [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_FONT_LARGE [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_FONT_NORMAL [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_FONT_SMALL [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_MODEL_AUTOMATIC [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_MODEL_BLOCKED [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_MODEL_LOCAL [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_MODEL_PERSISTENT [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_ORIENTATION_135 [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_ORIENTATION_180 [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_ORIENTATION_225 [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_ORIENTATION_270 [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_ORIENTATION_315 [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_ORIENTATION_45 [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_ORIENTATION_90 [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_ORIENTATION_ZERO [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_OUTLINE_AUTOMATIC [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_OUTLINE_BOX [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_OUTLINE_CUSTOM [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_OUTLINE_ELLIPSE [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_OUTLINE_FLASH [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_OUTLINE_NONE [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_OUTLINE_POLYGON [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_POSITION_ABOVE [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_POSITION_BELOW [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_POSITION_CENTERED [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_POSITION_LEFT [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_POSITION_LEFTABOVE [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_POSITION_LEFTBELOW [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_POSITION_RIGHT [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_POSITION_RIGHTABOVE [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
CX_TAG_POSITION_RIGHTBELOW [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
cyclic buffer [in 8.3.1 SRGraphDynamicData]
data [in 3.6 Data Storage Classes]
data tags
blocked persistence model [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 23.2 Persistence Models for Data Tags]
local persistence model [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 23.2 Persistence Models for Data Tags]
persistent persistence model [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 23.2 Persistence Models for Data Tags]
access [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 8.8 Deleting Groups]
[in 8.5 Choosing the Right Model]
array [in 8.3.1 SRGraphDynamicData]
[in 3.5 Data Scope]
[in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 7.7.5 Display Scope]
[in 24.1 Sharing the Data Array]
culling [in 13.7 Enable Data Culling]
[in 26.2 Why Optimization Works]
deleting [in 8.8 Deleting Groups]
dragging [in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
highlight [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
list [in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 3.6.1 SRGraphDataList]
[in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 8.8 Deleting Groups]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
null [in 8.7 Null Data]
object [in 7.11.10 Choosing Automatic Colors, Fills, and Wigets]
[in 6.2.7 Freestyle Graphs]
[in 2.9.3 Add Data Objects]
[in 3.7 Style Class]
[in 7.11.9 Using the Default Data Style]
[in 8.2.2 Using the Standard Model]
[in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
[in 3.6.2 SRGraphData]
[in 7.11.8 Copying Styles]
rolling [in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
[in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
[in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
selection [in 3.12 User Interaction and Feedback]
[in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
storage [in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
[in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
[in 8.4.1 SRGStructureData]
[in 8.3.3 Using the Dynamic Model]
[in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
[in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
surveillance [in 21.1 Introduction]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
tagging system [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 23.2 Persistence Models for Data Tags]
[in 23.1 Introduction to Data Tagging]
watcher [in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 21.1 Introduction]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 25.1 Adding Custom Text or Graphics]
[in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
DataExcursion [in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 21.2.2 Customizing a Data Watcher]
DataInRange [in 21.2.2 Customizing a Data Watcher]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
date/time [in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
[in 3.4.5 SRGDateScale]
default data style [in 7.11.9 Using the Default Data Style]
[in 8.6 Data Array Access]
dialog based application [in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
dialog box [in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
DIB [in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
discrete data [in 3.4.6 SRGIndexScale]
component [in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
[in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
[in 3.3.4 SRGraphDisplay]
[in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 24.1 Sharing the Data Array]
[in 7.8.2 Legend and Display Binding]
[in 7.7.1 SRGDisplayBase]
[in 4.3.1 Adding Text File Handling to the Document]
[in 18.5.5 SRGCompoundDisplay]
rectangle [in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
scheme [in 3.10 Display Scheme]
distributing Objective Edit applications [in 1.6 Licensing Restrictions]
DlgView sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
DLL [in Dynamic Linking (as a DLL)]
DoConversion [in 17.1 Axis Scale Classes]
document [in SECComDoc::UpdateLinkedDocuments]
[in 20.2.2 Communication Between ComDocs]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in 20.3 SECDocManager: An MFC Application Document Manager]
[in 20.3.1 Using SECDocManager]
[in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
[in SECComDoc::UpdateParentDocument]
[in SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 3.14.2 Documents]
document linking [in 5.4.4 Allow Linked Documents]
document/view [in 3.14.2 Documents]
[in 3.14.1 Document and View Integration]
[in 4.4 Moving On]
[in 12.2 Document/View Architecture]
documentation [in 1.5.1 Documentation]
DoFourierTransformation [in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
drag tip [in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
dragging [in 3.12.2 SRGraphFeedback]
[in 3.12 User Interaction and Feedback]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
[in 9.3.4 Chart Wizard User Interactions]
[in 3.12.1 Feedback Management]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in 3.11 View Classes]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in 13.5 Disable Feedback Logging]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
Draw [in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
DrawAxis [in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in 7.7.1 SRGDisplayBase]
DrawClassicLabels [in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
DrawComponentList [in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 2.9.4 Call DrawComponentList]
DrawCurve sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
DrawCustomAxis [in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
DrawCustomData [in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
DrawCustomHGrid [in Customizing Grid Lines]
DrawCustomLabels [in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
DrawCustomSelection [in 10.6 Data Zooming]
DrawCustomVGrid [in Customizing Grid Lines]
DrawData [in 7.7.1 SRGDisplayBase]
[in 13.5 Disable Feedback Logging]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
DrawForeground [in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in 7.7.1 SRGDisplayBase]
DrawHGridLine [in Customizing Grid Lines]
DrawIsoPieData [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
DrawLabels [in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in 7.7.1 SRGDisplayBase]
DrawPieLabels [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
DrawSelection [in 10.6 Data Zooming]
DrawVGridLine [in Customizing Grid Lines]
dual interfaces [in 29.2 Wrapping Objective Chart in an ATL ActiveX Control]
dynamic change [in 7.7.9 Changing Chart Types Dynamically]
Dynamic data storage model [in 8.3.1 SRGraphDynamicData]
[in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
[in 8.5 Choosing the Right Model]
[in 9.3.2 Using Chart Wizard]
[in 26.2 Why Optimization Works]
dynamic data storage model [in 3.2.2 SRDynamicGraph]
Dynamic data storage model [in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
DynamicData sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
embedded view classes [in 5.2.3 Create CStatic-based Control for Use in a Dialog Box]
environmental variables [in 2.2 Notes on Objective Chart Installation]
EraseTip [in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
exception [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 3.9.3 SRGraphException]
ExData sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
Extended Horizontal Bar graph [in 6.4.2 Extended Horizontal Bar Graphs]
Extended Vertical Bar style [in 6.3.2 Extended Vertical Bar Graphs]
Extended XY Scatter graphs [in 6.9.4 Extended XY Scatter Graphs]
feature [in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 4.2.5 Assessing the ChartApp's New Capabilities]
feedback [in 10.4.1 Using Chart Tips]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
[in 13.5 Disable Feedback Logging]
[in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 10.4 Chart Tips]
[in 3.12.2 SRGraphFeedback]
[in 12.4.1 SRGraphView]
[in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in 3.12.1 Feedback Management]
[in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
[in 3.12 User Interaction and Feedback]
list [in 3.12.2 SRGraphFeedback]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 10.4.1 Using Chart Tips]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
logging [in 26.2 Why Optimization Works]
[in 13.5 Disable Feedback Logging]
management [in 10.3 Feedback Management]
fill [in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
filled region [in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
FindAttachDisplay [in 17.2 Attaching to a Display Component]
fixed axis limits [in 26.2 Why Optimization Works]
FlagExcursion [in 21.2.2 Customizing a Data Watcher]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
flicker [in 3.10 Display Scheme]
font [in 7.5.2 Font sizing]
[in 7.5.4 Using LOGFONT]
[in 7.5.3 Font style]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 7.5.1 Font selection]
form view [in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
Fourier chart [in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
[in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
Fourier transformation [in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
[in 2.3.3 Objective Chart Utility Toolkit]
[in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
Freestyle graph [in 6.2.7 Freestyle Graphs]
[in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
frequency analysis [in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
FrstGrph sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
[in 20.3 SECDocManager: An MFC Application Document Manager]
FTChart sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
[in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
Gantt axis [in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
Gantt graph [in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
GetAnnotation [in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
GetComponent [in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
[in 7.7.9 Changing Chart Types Dynamically]
GetComponentList [in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
GetCustomTagFontSize [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
GetData [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
GetDefaultDataStyle [in 7.11.9 Using the Default Data Style]
GetDisplay [in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
[in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
GetDisplayRect [in 25.1 Adding Custom Text or Graphics]
GetGraph [in 12.4 The View Classes]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
GetGroup [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
GetHeader [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
GetIndex [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
GetParentContent [in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
GetPenWidth() [in 5.2.5 Display the Dialog]
GetPosition [in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
GetSafeData [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
GetScaleY [in 25.1 Adding Custom Text or Graphics]
GetStyle [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
GetText [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
GetTitle [in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
GetTitleStyle [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
GetValue [in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
[in 8.3.3 Using the Dynamic Model]
[in 8.6 Data Array Access]
GetXAxisA [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
GetXAxisB [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
GetXLCompatibility [in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
GetXScaleAdjustment [in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
GetYAxisA [in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
GetYAxisB [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
GetYScaleAdjustment [in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
GmemInit [in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
graph type [in 6.7.2 Area Polar Graph]
[in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.7 100% Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.2.7 Freestyle Graphs]
[in 6.8.1 Web Graph]
[in 6.3.6 100% Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.5 Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graphs]
[in 6.3.4 Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.2.8 Stock Graphs]
[in 6.8.2 Area Web Graph]
[in 6.2.9 Area Stock Graphs]
[in 6.5.2 RoofTop Graph]
[in 6.3.2 Extended Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.13 Defined but Unimplemented Axis and Graph Types]
[in 6.2.10 Candle Graphs]
[in 6.9.1 XY Scatter-Alternating Graph]
[in 6.3.1 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.5 Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
[in 6.9.2 XY Scatter by Group Graph]
[in 6.5.1 Manhattan Graph]
[in 6.11.3 Vector-Offset Graph]
[in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
[in 6.7 Polar Graphs]
[in 6.9.3 XY Scatter by Index Graph]
[in 6.11.2 Vector-End Graph]
[in 7.7.6 Selecting a Graph Type]
[in 6.11.1 Vector-Centered Graph]
[in 6.5.3 Ribbon Graph]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 6.10.2 Bubble Area Graph]
[in 6.10.1 Bubble Radius Graph]
[in 6.9.4 Extended XY Scatter Graphs]
[in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
[in 6.4.4 Strata Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
[in 6.4.3 Stacked Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.2.12 Hi-Low-Open-Close Graphs]
[in 6.7.1 Polar Graph]
[in 6.2.5 Area Graphs]
[in 6.4.2 Extended Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in 6.4.1 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
[in 6.2.3 Step Graphs]
[in 6.4.7 100% Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.2.1 Line Graphs]
[in 6.2.2 Line Only Graphs]
[in 6.4.6 100% Strata Horizontal Bar Graph]
[in 6.2.4 Step Line Only Graphs]
[in 6.8 Web Graphs]
[in 6.2.6 Strata Graphs]
[in 6.3.3 Stacked Vertical Bar Graphs]
graph-type specific displays [in 2.3.2 Standard Objective Chart Library]
[in 7.7.3 Graph-Type Specific Displays]
grid line [in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in 18.5.2 SRGGridLines]
[in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in Customizing Grid Lines]
[in 7.10.3 Tick List Management]
[in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
[in 3.4.2 SRGraphLabelBlock]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
group [in 7.11.10 Choosing Automatic Colors, Fills, and Wigets]
[in 3.6.1 SRGraphDataList]
[in 3.6 Data Storage Classes]
[in 7.11.8 Copying Styles]
[in 8.8 Deleting Groups]
[in 7.7.5 Display Scope]
header [in 3.4.7 SRGGroupScale]
[in 3.6.1 SRGraphDataList]
growlist [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
Hi-Low-Open-Close graph [in 6.2.12 Hi-Low-Open-Close Graphs]
hierarchy diagram [in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
[in 3.2 Graph Classes]
[in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
[in 20.2.1 Stages in the Life of an SECComDoc]
highlight [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
[in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 3.7 Style Class]
[in 21.1 Introduction]
HighlightBarStyle [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
HighlightLineStyle [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
HighlightWigetStyle [in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
Hilite sample [in 28.5.2 Samples from the Demo Gallery]
Histogram chart [in 15.4 Histogram Chart]
[in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
[in 2.3.3 Objective Chart Utility Toolkit]
Horizontal Bar graph [in 6.4.1 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
ID_EDIT_COPY [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
ID_FILE_SAVE_AS_DIB [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
ID_FILE_SAVE_AS_JPEG [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
ID_GRAPH_EDIT [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 9.2 Objective Chart Editor]
ID_GRAPH_PAGESETUP [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 11.2.2 PageSetup2 Dialog]
ID_GRAPH_PAGESETUP2 [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
ID_GRAPH_WIZARD [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 9.3.2 Using Chart Wizard]
ID_GRAPH_ZOOMOUT [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
ID_GRAPH_ZOOMOUTALL [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
IDS_SRG_WIGETNAMES [in 7.11.10 Choosing Automatic Colors, Fills, and Wigets]
image fill [in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
ImageSupport sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
Incorporating Objective Chart into Your Application [in 2.5 Incorporating Objective Chart into Your Application]
index [in 7.7.5 Display Scope]
[in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
[in 3.6 Data Storage Classes]
InitializeData [in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
[in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
installation [in 2.2 Notes on Objective Chart Installation]
ISAPIChart sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
IsoArea graph [in 6.5.2 RoofTop Graph]
IsoBar graph [in 6.5.1 Manhattan Graph]
IsoClassic axis [in 6.4.5 Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.3.2 Extended Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.3 Stacked Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.4 Strata Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.7 100% Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.3.6 100% Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.3 Stacked Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.1 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.1 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.6 100% Strata Horizontal Bar Graph]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.7 100% Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.3.4 Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.2 Extended Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.5 Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graphs]
Isographic Pie graph [in 6.6.2 Isographic Pie Graph]
JPEG [in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 3.13 Chart Persistence]
[in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
knowledge base [in 7.1 Using Components]
labels [in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
block [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
block vectoring [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
collision avoidance [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 23.2 Persistence Models for Data Tags]
[in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 3.4.2 SRGraphLabelBlock]
[in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
[in 7.7.15 Avoiding Overlapped Labels]
rotate [in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
[in 23.1 Introduction to Data Tagging]
rotation [in 3.4.1 SRGraphLabel]
style [in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
tiered [in 3.4.2 SRGraphLabelBlock]
[in 7.7.15 Avoiding Overlapped Labels]
legend [in 3.7 Style Class]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 7.8.2 Legend and Display Binding]
[in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 7.8.4 Legend Styles]
[in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
[in 7.8.5 Legend Key Style]
[in 4.3.1 Adding Text File Handling to the Document]
[in 7.8.1 Legend Placement]
key [in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 7.8.5 Legend Key Style]
[in 3.3.5 SRGraphLegend]
[in 3.6.1 SRGraphDataList]
libraries [in 2.3.1 Stingray Foundation Library]
[in 2.3.2 Standard Objective Chart Library]
[in 2.3.3 Objective Chart Utility Toolkit]
library naming conventions [in Build Configuration Options]
license agreement [in 2.6 Examples of Basic Charts]
[in 1.6 Licensing Restrictions]
limit condition [in 21.1 Introduction]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 21.2.2 Customizing a Data Watcher]
limit lines [in 25.1 Adding Custom Text or Graphics]
line end [in 7.11.5 Modifying Line Ends]
[in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
Line graph [in 13.7 Enable Data Culling]
[in 6.2.5 Area Graphs]
[in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 6.2.2 Line Only Graphs]
[in 6.2.1 Line Graphs]
[in 6.2.3 Step Graphs]
Line Only graph [in 6.2.4 Step Line Only Graphs]
[in 6.2.2 Line Only Graphs]
linear [in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
LineOnly graph [in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
LoadCustomAxisType [in 9.3.5 Customizing Chart Wizard]
LoadCustomGraphType [in 9.3.5 Customizing Chart Wizard]
LoadCustomLayout [in 9.3.5 Customizing Chart Wizard]
LoadCustomStandChart [in 9.3.5 Customizing Chart Wizard]
logarithmic scaling [in 7.7.11 Logarithmic Axis Scaling]
[in 3.4.4 SRGLogScale]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
[in 6.9.4 Extended XY Scatter Graphs]
LOGFONT [in 7.5.4 Using LOGFONT]
LOGPEN [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
m_bAutoDelete [in 12.4.3 SREGraphView]
m_nCurrentIndex [in 7.11.10 Choosing Automatic Colors, Fills, and Wigets]
m_pGraph [in 12.4.4 SREScrollView]
[in 12.5 Displaying a Chart in a Dialog Box or Form View]
[in 12.4.3 SREGraphView]
Manhattan graph [in 6.5.1 Manhattan Graph]
MarkExcursion [in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
master display [in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
measurement mode [in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
[in 2.9.2 Create and Configure Components]
[in 3.3 Component Classes]
[in 3.9.2 SRGRect]
[in 7.2 Component Placement]
[in 7.8.1 Legend Placement]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
MFC [in 4.2 Step 1: Creating a Basic Chart Application]
[in 20.2.2 Communication Between ComDocs]
[in 3.14.1 Document and View Integration]
[in 8.8 Deleting Groups]
[in 3.14 MFC Integration]
[in 3.14.2 Documents]
extension classes [in 2.1 What is an MFC Extension Library?]
Microsoft Platform SDK [in 27.1 Overview]
Microsoft Visual Studio [in 4.1 Introduction]
[in 4.1 Introduction]
mouse event [in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 3.12 User Interaction and Feedback]
[in 10.4.1 Using Chart Tips]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
[in 10.6 Data Zooming]
[in 3.12.2 SRGraphFeedback]
[in 9.3.4 Chart Wizard User Interactions]
[in 3.11 View Classes]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
MouseDrag [in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
MSDN [in 2.2 Notes on Objective Chart Installation]
multilingual label [in 7.9.3 Supporting Multiple Languages or Audiences]
[in 3.8 Annotation Classes]
[in 3.8.1 SRGraphAnnotation]
[in 3.8.2 SRGraphAnnotationList]
multiple axes [in 3.4.8 Axis Scale Bar Classes]
Multiple Document Interface [in 4.2 Step 1: Creating a Basic Chart Application]
[in 4.1 Introduction]
[in 4.1 Introduction]
multiple graphs [in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
[in 24.1 Sharing the Data Array]
[in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
multiple library configurations [in Using Multiple Library Configurations]
non-document/view architecture [in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
Normal distribution [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
null flag [in 3.6.2 SRGraphData]
[in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
[in 8.7 Null Data]
[in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
[in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
numerical scale [in 3.4.3 SRGDecimalScale]
Objective Chart AppWizard [in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
Objective Chart Utility Toolkit [in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
[in 15.4 Histogram Chart]
[in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
[in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
[in 15.3 OCutItem Class]
[in 15.2 Building the Utility Toolkit Library]
[in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
[in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
Objective Edit
license agreement [in 1.6 Licensing Restrictions]
Objective Grid [in 4.3.1 Adding Text File Handling to the Document]
[in 4.3 Step 2: Adding the Ability to Read Tab-Delimited Data Files]
[in 3.6 Data Storage Classes]
OCApp sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
OCCurveFitItem class [in 15.7 Curve Fit Chart]
OCFTChart [in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
[in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
ochart.h [in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
OCHistogram [in 15.4 Histogram Chart]
[in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
[in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
OCStatistic [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
OCUTItem [in 15.3 OCutItem Class]
OLE server [in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
OnBeginPrinting [in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
[in 11.1 Introduction]
OnDraw [in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
[in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
[in 2.9.4 Call DrawComponentList]
[in 25.1 Adding Custom Text or Graphics]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
OnEditCopy [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
OnEndPrinting [in 11.1 Introduction]
OnEraseBkgnd() [in 5.2.3 Create CStatic-based Control for Use in a Dialog Box]
OnFileNew [in 20.3 SECDocManager: An MFC Application Document Manager]
[in 20.3.1 Using SECDocManager]
OnFilePrint [in 12.6 Printing a Chart in a Dialog]
OnGraphEdit [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 9.2 Objective Chart Editor]
OnGraphPagesetup [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 11.2.2 PageSetup2 Dialog]
OnGraphPagesetup2 [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
OnGraphWizard [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 9.3.2 Using Chart Wizard]
OnGraphZoomout [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
OnGraphZoomoutAll [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
OnInitDialog [in 12.5 Displaying a Chart in a Dialog Box or Form View]
OnInitialUpdate [in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
[in 12.4.3 SREGraphView]
[in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
[in 12.5 Displaying a Chart in a Dialog Box or Form View]
[in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
OnLButtonDown [in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in 10.6 Data Zooming]
[in 10.2 Mouse Event Handlers]
OnLButtonUp [in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 10.2 Mouse Event Handlers]
OnMouseMove [in 10.2 Mouse Event Handlers]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
OnNewDocument [in 4.3.1 Adding Text File Handling to the Document]
[in SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument]
[in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
OnOpenDocument [in SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument]
OnPaint [in 2.9.4 Call DrawComponentList]
OnPaint() [in 5.2.3 Create CStatic-based Control for Use in a Dialog Box]
OnSaveAsDib [in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
OnSaveAsJpeg [in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
OnSize [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
OnTimer [in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 10.2 Mouse Event Handlers]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 10.4.1 Using Chart Tips]
OnUpdateGraphZoomout [in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
optimizing performance [in 13.4 Disable Background Drawing]
[in 13.5 Disable Feedback Logging]
[in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
[in 13.3 Specify Fixed Axis Limits]
[in 13.7 Enable Data Culling]
[in 26.2 Why Optimization Works]
overlaid displays [in 24.1 Sharing the Data Array]
[in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
page setup dialog [in 11.1 Introduction]
[in 12.6 Printing a Chart in a Dialog]
[in 11.2.2 PageSetup2 Dialog]
PageSetup [in 11.2.2 PageSetup2 Dialog]
Paint [in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
parent document [in SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument]
[in SECComDoc::UpdateLinkedDocuments]
[in SECComDoc::UpdateParentDocument]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in 20.2.2 Communication Between ComDocs]
[in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
ParseText [in 28.2 "Fast Start" Sample]
[in 4.3.2 Reading the Tab Delimited File]
[in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
PassOneCleanup [in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
PassOneSetup [in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
PassTwoCleanup [in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
PassTwoSetup [in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
performance monitor [in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
pictograph [in 3.9.1 SRGCompiledPolygon]
Pie graph [in 2.6 Examples of Basic Charts]
[in 6.6.1 Pie Graph]
[in 6.6.2 Isographic Pie Graph]
pie wedge [in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
[in 6.6.2 Isographic Pie Graph]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 6.6.1 Pie Graph]
pie-wedge label [in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
placement rectangle [in 7.2 Component Placement]
Platform axis [in 6.5.2 RoofTop Graph]
[in 6.5.1 Manhattan Graph]
[in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
[in 6.5.3 Ribbon Graph]
Platform SDK [in 27.1 Overview]
PlotterDlg sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
PMon sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
[in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
Polar axis [in 6.7.1 Polar Graph]
[in 6.7 Polar Graphs]
[in 6.7.2 Area Polar Graph]
Polar graph [in 6.7 Polar Graphs]
[in 6.7.1 Polar Graph]
polygonal shape [in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
[in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
[in 7.11.5 Modifying Line Ends]
[in 3.12.1 Feedback Management]
[in 3.9.1 SRGCompiledPolygon]
[in 23.1 Introduction to Data Tagging]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
power spectrum [in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
Prepare [in 7.7.1 SRGDisplayBase]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
PrepareCustom [in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
print preview [in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 11.1 Introduction]
[in 3.11 View Classes]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
[in 4.2 Step 1: Creating a Basic Chart Application]
printing [in 11.1 Introduction]
[in 11.2.2 PageSetup2 Dialog]
[in 12.6 Printing a Chart in a Dialog]
ProcessData [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
ProcessDocumentCommand [in SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
register subcomponents [in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
RegisterDisplay [in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
RegisterTitle [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
ResetScan [in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
resource [in 3.9.1 SRGCompiledPolygon]
[in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
[in 3.13.1 Chart Template System]
reuse [in 3.13 Chart Persistence]
[in 18.3 Compound Component Advantages]
Ribbon graph [in 6.5.3 Ribbon Graph]
Roll [in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
RollGroup [in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
Roof Top graph [in 6.5.2 RoofTop Graph]
sample applications [in 1.5.1 Documentation]
[in 28.1 Introduction]
[in 4.4 Moving On]
on Rogue Wave Web site [in 1.3 Location of Samples]
SaveGraph [in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
ScanCustom [in 21.2.2 Customizing a Data Watcher]
ScanData [in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
Scatter axis [in 6.10.1 Bubble Radius Graph]
[in 6.10.2 Bubble Area Graph]
[in 6.11.1 Vector-Centered Graph]
[in 6.11.2 Vector-End Graph]
[in 6.11.3 Vector-Offset Graph]
[in 6.9.3 XY Scatter by Index Graph]
[in 6.9.2 XY Scatter by Group Graph]
[in 6.9.1 XY Scatter-Alternating Graph]
[in 6.9.4 Extended XY Scatter Graphs]
[in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
Scatter graph [in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
Scatter sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
scope [in 7.8.2 Legend and Display Binding]
[in 3.5 Data Scope]
[in 7.7.5 Display Scope]
[in 7.8.3 Legend Scope]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
Scribble sample [in 5.1 Introduction]
[in 28.3 Scribble Tutorial]
SDK [in 27.1 Overview]
SEC_CLIPBOARD_TEXT [in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
SEC_DOC_UPDATE [in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
SEC_GMEM_INIT [in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
SEC_NOOP [in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
SEC_USER_COMMAND [in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
SECComDoc [in 3.14.2 Documents]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 20.2.1 Stages in the Life of an SECComDoc]
[in 20.2.2 Communication Between ComDocs]
[in SECComDoc]
[in CGraphDoc]
[in SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand]
[in SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument]
[in SECComDoc::UpdateLinkedDocuments]
[in SECComDoc::UpdateParentDocument]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in 20.3 SECDocManager: An MFC Application Document Manager]
[in 20.3.1 Using SECDocManager]
SECDocManager [in 20.3.1 Using SECDocManager]
[in 20.3 SECDocManager: An MFC Application Document Manager]
[in SECDocManager]
[in 20.2.2 Communication Between ComDocs]
SecDocUpdate [in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
selection rectangle [in 10.6 Data Zooming]
serialization [in 5.3.7 Modify the Serialization Function]
serialize [in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 12.3 The Document Class]
[in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
[in 4.3.2 Reading the Tab Delimited File]
[in 23.2 Persistence Models for Data Tags]
[in 3.14.2 Documents]
[in CGraphDoc]
[in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 3.13 Chart Persistence]
SetAlwaysShowZero [in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
SetAngle [in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
SetAnnotation [in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 7.7.17 Displaying an Axis Title]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetAutoDelete [in 12.4.4 SREScrollView]
[in 12.4.3 SREGraphView]
SetAutoOrientation [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetAxisStyle [in 7.7.9 Changing Chart Types Dynamically]
[in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
[in 7.7.6 Selecting a Graph Type]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 7.7.7 Selecting an Axis Type]
SetBackgroundDraw [in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
[in 3.10 Display Scheme]
[in 13.4 Disable Background Drawing]
SetBlockMember [in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
SetBlockOrientation [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
SetBlockPositions [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
SetBlockVectors [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
SetBodyFontStyle [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetBodyText [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetBodyTextColor [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetBreakLinesOnNull [in 8.7 Null Data]
SetCheckOverlaps [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
SetColor [in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
[in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
[in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
SetComponentBorderStyle [in 7.3.1 Component Border Styles]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 7.3.2 Component Shadow Styles]
SetComponentFillStyle [in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
SetComponentShadowStyle [in 7.3.2 Component Shadow Styles]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetConversionMode [in 17.1 Axis Scale Classes]
SetCull [in 13.7 Enable Data Culling]
SetCyclic [in 8.3.3 Using the Dynamic Model]
SetData [in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
[in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
[in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
SetDataDivision [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
SetDataDivisions [in 15.4 Histogram Chart]
[in 15.4.1 Using the Histogram Chart]
SetDefault Style [in 7.11.9 Using the Default Data Style]
SetDeferDraw [in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetDisplayRect [in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
SetDragable [in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
SetDragTips [in 10.5 Data Dragging]
SetDynamic [in 8.3.3 Using the Dynamic Model]
SetFaceName [in 7.5.1 Font selection]
SetFeedbackLogging [in 13.7 Enable Data Culling]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
SetFontSize [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 7.5.1 Font selection]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
[in 7.7.17 Displaying an Axis Title]
[in 7.5.2 Font sizing]
SetFontStyle [in 7.5.1 Font selection]
[in 7.5.3 Font style]
SetFormatString [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
SetFrameColor [in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
SetFrameStyle [in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
[in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
SetGlobalStyle [in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
[in 7.11.8 Copying Styles]
SetGraphStyle [in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 7.7.6 Selecting a Graph Type]
[in 7.7.9 Changing Chart Types Dynamically]
SetGridColor [in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
SetGridOrder [in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
[in 7.7.1 SRGDisplayBase]
SetGroupStep [in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
SetHasDocument [in 12.4 The View Classes]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
SetHeader [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
SetHgraph [in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
SetHighlight [in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
[in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
SetHighLimit [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetInteriorStyle [in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
[in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
SetLabelSide [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetLabelStandard [in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
[in 7.7.17 Displaying an Axis Title]
SetLabelStyle [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
[in 7.11.7 Labeling Wedges of a Pie Chart]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
SetLegendKeyStyle [in 7.8.5 Legend Key Style]
SetLegendLine [in 7.8.5 Legend Key Style]
SetLegendStyle [in 7.8.4 Legend Styles]
SetLinkTags [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
SetLocationPoint [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 7.7.17 Displaying an Axis Title]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
SetLog [in 6.9.4 Extended XY Scatter Graphs]
[in 7.7.11 Logarithmic Axis Scaling]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
SetLogFont [in 7.5.1 Font selection]
[in 7.5.4 Using LOGFONT]
SetLogTickPositions [in 7.10.3 Tick List Management]
SetLogX [in 7.7.11 Logarithmic Axis Scaling]
SetLowLimit [in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
SetMajorGridColor [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
[in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetMajorGridStyle [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetMajorGridWidth [in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetMajorTickColor [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Using Tick Marks]
SetMajorTickSize [in Using Tick Marks]
SetMajorTickWidth [in Using Tick Marks]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Using Tick Marks]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetMaxArea [in 11.1 Introduction]
SetMaxGroup [in 7.8.3 Legend Scope]
[in 7.7.5 Display Scope]
SetMaxIndex [in 7.7.5 Display Scope]
[in 7.8.3 Legend Scope]
SetMaxObjectDepth [in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
SetMaxObjectHeight [in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
SetMaxObjectWidth [in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
[in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
[in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
SetMaxRangeX [in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
SetMaxRangeY [in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
SetMeasurement [in 7.8.1 Legend Placement]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 7.2 Component Placement]
SetMinGroup [in 7.7.5 Display Scope]
[in 7.8.3 Legend Scope]
SetMinIndex [in 7.7.5 Display Scope]
[in 7.8.3 Legend Scope]
SetMinorGridColor [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
SetMinorGridLogPen [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
SetMinorGridRatio [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetMinorGridStyle [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
SetMinorGridWidth [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
SetMinorStyleCount [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
SetMinorStyleList [in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
SetMinorTickColor [in Using Tick Marks]
SetMinorTickRatio [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Using Tick Marks]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetMinorTickSize [in Using Tick Marks]
SetMinRangeX [in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
SetMinRangeY [in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
SetNull [in 8.7 Null Data]
SetObjectInsideView [in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
SetObjectName [in 7.11.5 Modifying Line Ends]
[in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
SetObjectStyle [in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
SetOrientation [in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetParent [in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 7.7.17 Displaying an Axis Title]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 3.10 Display Scheme]
SetptrTickPositionList [in Using Tick Marks]
[in 7.10.3 Tick List Management]
[in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
SetRect [in 7.2 Component Placement]
[in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 7.8.1 Legend Placement]
SetRelIndex [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 24.1 Sharing the Data Array]
SetResize [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetResolution [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
SetResourceName [in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
SetScaleLimit [in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
SetScanType [in 21.2.2 Customizing a Data Watcher]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetScope [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 24.1 Sharing the Data Array]
[in 7.8.3 Legend Scope]
[in 7.7.5 Display Scope]
SetScrollSizes [in 12.5 Displaying a Chart in a Dialog Box or Form View]
SetShowIndices [in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
SetShowNormal [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
SetShowNumerals [in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
SetShowPart [in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
[in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
SetShowXGrid [in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
SetShowXTicks [in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
SetSizeDefaults [in 7.2 Component Placement]
[in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
SetStep [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
SetStretchMode [in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
SetStyleIsDifferent [in 7.7.9 Changing Chart Types Dynamically]
SetTagFontSize [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
SetTagModel [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
SetTagOrientation [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
SetTagOutlineStyle [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
SetTagPosition [in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
SetText [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 8.2.2 Using the Standard Model]
SetTextColor [in 7.5.1 Font selection]
SetTextPosition [in 7.7.17 Displaying an Axis Title]
[in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
[in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
SetTickSide [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Using Tick Marks]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetTickSize [in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
SetTierXLabels [in 7.7.15 Avoiding Overlapped Labels]
SetTierYLabels [in 7.7.15 Avoiding Overlapped Labels]
SetTitleFontFaceName [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetTitleFontSize [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetTitleFontStyle [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetTitleText [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetTitleTextColor [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetupComponent [in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
SetUseMaxScale [in 13.7 Enable Data Culling]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetUseMaxSize [in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
[in 6.11.3 Vector-Offset Graph]
[in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
[in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
SetUseSameXYScaleFactor [in 6.10 Bubble Graphs]
SetUseTitle [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetValue [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 7.11.9 Using the Default Data Style]
[in 8.2.2 Using the Standard Model]
[in 2.9.3 Add Data Objects]
[in 15.6 Fourier Chart]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 8.3.3 Using the Dynamic Model]
[in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
[in 15.6.1 Using the Fourier Chart]
SetVector [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
SetVisible [in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
SetXAngle [in 6.6.2 Isographic Pie Graph]
SetXGridLinesA [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetXLabelA [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetXLCompatibility [in 7.7.15 Avoiding Overlapped Labels]
SetXLog Scatter axis [in 6.9.4 Extended XY Scatter Graphs]
SetXMargin [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetXTickMarksA [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetYDataWatcherA [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetYGraphDisplayA [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
SetYGridLinesA [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetYGridLinesB [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetYLabelA [in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetYLabelB [in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetYMargin [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
SetYRatio [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetYRelationship [in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetYTickMarksA [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetYTickMarksB [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SetZoomable [in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
shadow [in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 3.3.1 SRGraphComponent]
[in 3.4.1 SRGraphLabel]
[in 7.3.2 Component Shadow Styles]
[in 3.7 Style Class]
ShowFeedback [in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
ShowTip [in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
SimpleCustom sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
simplify graphics [in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
slave display [in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
spreadsheet [in 4.3.1 Adding Text File Handling to the Document]
[in 4.3 Step 2: Adding the Ability to Read Tab-Delimited Data Files]
[in 3.6 Data Storage Classes]
SRCharStructData [in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
SRDoubleStructData [in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
SRDynamicGraph [in 8.5 Choosing the Right Model]
[in 3.2.2 SRDynamicGraph]
[in 8.3.1 SRGraphDynamicData]
[in 3.2 Graph Classes]
[in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
[in 8.3.3 Using the Dynamic Model]
SREGraphView [in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in 12.6 Printing a Chart in a Dialog]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
[in 12.4.3 SREGraphView]
[in 11.1 Introduction]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
[in 12.4 The View Classes]
SREScrollView [in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in 14.1 About the AppWizard]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
[in 11.1 Introduction]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in 12.4.4 SREScrollView]
[in 12.4 The View Classes]
[in 12.6 Printing a Chart in a Dialog]
SRFloatStructData [in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
SRGAxisManager [in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
[in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
[in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
[in 18.5.5 SRGCompoundDisplay]
[in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
SRGCharStructData [in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
SRGComp.cpp [in 7.11.10 Choosing Automatic Colors, Fills, and Wigets]
SRGCompiledPolygon [in 3.9.1 SRGCompiledPolygon]
SRGCompoundComponent [in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in 18.5.4 SRGCompoundComponent]
[in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
SRGCompoundDisplay [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
[in 18.5.5 SRGCompoundDisplay]
[in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
SRGDataBuffer [in 8.3.1 SRGraphDynamicData]
[in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
SRGDataWatcher [in 21.1 Introduction]
[in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 21.2.2 Customizing a Data Watcher]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SRGDateScale [in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
[in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
[in 3.4.5 SRGDateScale]
[in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
SRGDecimalScale [in 3.4.3 SRGDecimalScale]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
[in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
[in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SRGDisplayBase [in 7.7.2 SRGraphDisplay]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
[in 7.7.3 Graph-Type Specific Displays]
[in 7.7.1 SRGDisplayBase]
[in 3.3.4 SRGraphDisplay]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
SRGDocManager [in 5.4.1 Introduction]
SRGDoubleStructData [in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
SRGFloatStructData [in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
SRGGridLines [in 18.5.3 SRGDataWatcher]
[in Customizing Grid Lines]
[in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
[in 18.5.2 SRGGridLines]
[in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
SRGGroupScale [in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
[in 3.4.7 SRGGroupScale]
SRGIndexScale [in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Chart with Two Distinct Variable Types and Two Distinct Axes]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 3.4.6 SRGIndexScale]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
SRGIntStructData [in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
SRGLabelScale [in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
SRGLogScale [in 6.9 Scatter Graphs]
[in 6.2 Graphs with Classic Axes]
[in 6.3 Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
[in 6.4 Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
SRGraph [in 3.3.1 SRGraphComponent]
[in 7.11.9 Using the Default Data Style]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 3.2 Graph Classes]
[in 2.9.4 Call DrawComponentList]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 2.9.1 Create an SRGraph Object]
[in 12.3 The Document Class]
[in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
[in 8.3.3 Using the Dynamic Model]
[in 8.2.2 Using the Standard Model]
[in 3.14.2 Documents]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in 3.10 Display Scheme]
[in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 8.5 Choosing the Right Model]
[in 4.3.2 Reading the Tab Delimited File]
[in 24.1 Sharing the Data Array]
[in 3.3.3 SRGraphTitle and SRGraphTitleResizeable]
[in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
[in 24.2 Aligning the Axes of Multiple Displays]
SRGraphAnnotation [in 7.9.2 SRGraphAnnotation]
[in 3.8.2 SRGraphAnnotationList]
[in 3.8.1 SRGraphAnnotation]
SRGraphAnnotationList [in 7.9.1 SRGraphAnnotationList]
[in 7.9.2 SRGraphAnnotation]
[in 3.8.2 SRGraphAnnotationList]
SRGraphBackground [in 3.3.2 SRGraphBackground]
[in 7.4 Using SRGraphBackground]
[in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
SRGraphComponent [in 3.3.1 SRGraphComponent]
[in 7.11.10 Choosing Automatic Colors, Fills, and Wigets]
SRGraphData [in 2.9.3 Add Data Objects]
[in 3.6.2 SRGraphData]
[in 3.6 Data Storage Classes]
[in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 7.9.3 Supporting Multiple Languages or Audiences]
[in 8.3.1 SRGraphDynamicData]
[in 8.7 Null Data]
[in 8.8 Deleting Groups]
[in 3.6.3 CScale]
[in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
SRGraphDataList [in 8.6 Data Array Access]
[in 8.3.3 Using the Dynamic Model]
[in 8.8 Deleting Groups]
[in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
[in 3.6 Data Storage Classes]
[in 3.6.1 SRGraphDataList]
[in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
SRGraphDisplay [in 7.11.10 Choosing Automatic Colors, Fills, and Wigets]
[in Using Tick Marks]
[in 7.7.12 Autoscaling Axis Limits]
[in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
[in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
[in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.2 Recap of Principles]
[in 2.9.2 Create and Configure Components]
[in 7.7.2 SRGraphDisplay]
[in 2.3.2 Standard Objective Chart Library]
[in 7.7.3 Graph-Type Specific Displays]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 7.7.13 Setting Fixed Axis Limits]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 7.7.1 SRGDisplayBase]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 3.3.4 SRGraphDisplay]
[in 7.7.11 Logarithmic Axis Scaling]
[in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
[in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SRGraphDynamicData [in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
[in 8.3.1 SRGraphDynamicData]
[in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
[in 8.3.3 Using the Dynamic Model]
[in 8.4.1 SRGStructureData]
[in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
SRGraphEditDialog [in 9.2 Objective Chart Editor]
SRGraphException [in 3.9.3 SRGraphException]
SRGraphFeedback [in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 13.5 Disable Feedback Logging]
[in 10.4.1 Using Chart Tips]
[in 3.12.2 SRGraphFeedback]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
SRGraphLabel [in 3.4.1 SRGraphLabel]
[in 3.4.2 SRGraphLabelBlock]
[in 23.1 Introduction to Data Tagging]
[in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
[in 7.10.1 Placement of Labels]
[in 23.3.8 Data Tag Example]
[in 23.2 Persistence Models for Data Tags]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 7.7.17 Displaying an Axis Title]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
SRGraphLabelBlock [in 7.10.2 Placement of Labels in a Label Block]
[in 3.4.3 SRGDecimalScale]
[in 3.4.2 SRGraphLabelBlock]
[in 7.10.3 Tick List Management]
SRGraphLegend [in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 3.3.5 SRGraphLegend]
[in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
SRGraphPosition [in 10.6 Data Zooming]
[in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
SRGraphRect [in 7.2 Component Placement]
SRGraphStyle [in 3.7 Style Class]
[in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
[in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
[in 3.3 Component Classes]
[in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
SRGraphTip [in 10.4.1 Using Chart Tips]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 10.4 Chart Tips]
SRGraphTitle [in 7.5.1 Font selection]
[in 7.5.4 Using LOGFONT]
[in 3.3.3 SRGraphTitle and SRGraphTitleResizeable]
[in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
[in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 7.5.3 Font style]
[in 7.5.2 Font sizing]
[in 7.5.1 Font selection]
SRGraphView [in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
[in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 10.6 Data Zooming]
[in 10.4 Chart Tips]
[in 12.4.1 SRGraphView]
[in 16.3.2 Custom Graph - Axis Types]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in CGraphDoc]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
[in 10.2 Mouse Event Handlers]
[in 12.4 The View Classes]
[in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 11.1 Introduction]
[in 10.4.1 Using Chart Tips]
SRGRect [in 3.9.2 SRGRect]
[in 3.3 Component Classes]
SRGres.rc [in 7.11.10 Choosing Automatic Colors, Fills, and Wigets]
[in 3.9.3 SRGraphException]
[in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
[in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
SRGScrollView [in 12.4 The View Classes]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
[in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 12.4.2 SRGScrollView]
[in 11.1 Introduction]
SRGShortStructData [in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
SRGStructureData [in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
[in 8.4.1 SRGStructureData]
[in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
[in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
SRGTextPanel [in 3.3.6 SRGTextPanel]
[in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
SRGTickMarks [in Using Tick Marks]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.5 Compound Component Classes]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in 18.5.1 SRGTickMarks]
SRGWizSheet [in 9.3.1 Chart Wizard Features]
[in 9.3.2 Using Chart Wizard]
SRIntStructData [in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
SRShortStructData [in 8.1 Data Storage Classes]
Stacked Horizontal Bar graph [in 6.4.3 Stacked Horizontal Bar Graphs]
Stacked Vertical graph [in 6.3.3 Stacked Vertical Bar Graphs]
Stage axis [in 6.5 Graphs with Stage or Platform Axes]
[in 6.5.1 Manhattan Graph]
[in 6.5.2 RoofTop Graph]
[in 6.5.3 Ribbon Graph]
Standard data storage model [in 3.6 Data Storage Classes]
[in 8.3.1 SRGraphDynamicData]
[in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
[in 3.2.1 SRGraph]
[in 8.5 Choosing the Right Model]
standard deviation [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
standard library [in 2.3.2 Standard Objective Chart Library]
static linking [in Static Linking]
Statistical chart [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
statistical graphs [in 2.3.3 Objective Chart Utility Toolkit]
statistical mean [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
StatisticChart sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
stdafx.h [in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
Step graph [in 6.2.3 Step Graphs]
[in 6.2.4 Step Line Only Graphs]
Step&ndash [in 6.2.4 Step Line Only Graphs]
Stingray Common Library [in 2.3.1 Stingray Foundation Library]
Stock graph [in 6.2.8 Stock Graphs]
[in 3.6.3 CScale]
[in 6.2.9 Area Stock Graphs]
Strata graph [in 6.2.6 Strata Graphs]
Strata Horizontal Bar by Group graph [in 6.4.7 100% Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
[in 6.4.5 Strata Horizontal Bar by Group Graph]
Strata Horizontal Bar graph [in 6.4.6 100% Strata Horizontal Bar Graph]
[in 6.4.3 Stacked Horizontal Bar Graphs]
[in 6.4.4 Strata Horizontal Bar Graphs]
Strata Vertical Bar by Group graph [in 6.3.5 Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graphs]
[in 6.3.7 100% Strata Vertical Bar by Group Graph]
Strata Vertical Bar graph [in 6.3.4 Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.3 Stacked Vertical Bar Graphs]
[in 6.3.6 100% Strata Vertical Bar Graphs]
Structure data storage model [in 15.5 Statistical Chart]
[in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
[in 8.4.2 Data-type Specific Classes]
[in 26.2 Why Optimization Works]
[in 8.4.1 SRGStructureData]
[in 9.3.2 Using Chart Wizard]
[in 3.2.2 SRDynamicGraph]
[in 8.5 Choosing the Right Model]
[in 22.1 Performance Monitor]
style [in 8.3.2 Dynamic Model Features]
[in 7.1 Using Components]
[in 3.6.2 SRGraphData]
[in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
[in 6.12 Gantt Graph]
[in 23.1 Introduction to Data Tagging]
[in 3.7 Style Class]
[in 18.5.2 SRGGridLines]
[in 2.9.2 Create and Configure Components]
[in 7.11.9 Using the Default Data Style]
[in 7.11.8 Copying Styles]
[in 8.4.3 Structure Model Features]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
[in 7.11.6 Modifying Bars]
[in 2.9.3 Add Data Objects]
[in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
[in 3.3 Component Classes]
[in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
[in 7.8.5 Legend Key Style]
[in 7.8.4 Legend Styles]
[in 21.3 Highlighting Data Items]
[in 7.7.7 Selecting an Axis Type]
[in 7.7.6 Selecting a Graph Type]
[in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 7.5.3 Font style]
[in 7.3.3 Component Fill Styles]
[in 7.3.2 Component Shadow Styles]
[in 7.3.2 Component Shadow Styles]
[in 7.3.1 Component Border Styles]
[in 3.6.1 SRGraphDataList]
sub-component [in 18.3 Compound Component Advantages]
[in 18.5.4 SRGCompoundComponent]
[in 18.6 Creating a Compound Component]
[in 18.2 Recap of Principles]
[in 18.7 CChart Example]
[in Using Tick Marks]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in Specifying Grid Line Appearance]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
SyncDisp sample [in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
[in 28.5 Other Samples]
tab-delimited text file [in 4.3 Step 2: Adding the Ability to Read Tab-Delimited Data Files]
[in 4.3.1 Adding Text File Handling to the Document]
[in 28.2 "Fast Start" Sample]
[in 4.3.2 Reading the Tab Delimited File]
template file [in 3.3.2 SRGraphBackground]
[in 9.2 Objective Chart Editor]
terminology [in 2.8 Objective Chart Terminology]
text panel [in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
tick mark [in 7.10.3 Tick List Management]
[in 16.2 Deriving From SRGraphDisplay]
[in 18.4 Current Uses of Compound Components]
[in 18.5.1 SRGTickMarks]
[in Using Tick Marks]
[in 3.4.2 SRGraphLabelBlock]
[in 7.7.16 Controlling Tick Marks and Grid Lines]
[in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
title [in 7.6 Using SRGTextPanel]
[in 4.3.1 Adding Text File Handling to the Document]
[in 9.3.3 Chart Wizard Property Pages]
toolbar [in 4.2 Step 1: Creating a Basic Chart Application]
[in 4.3.2 Reading the Tab Delimited File]
transparent drawing [in 3.10 Display Scheme]
tutorial [in 4.3.3 Reassessing the ChartApp's Capabilities]
[in 4.2 Step 1: Creating a Basic Chart Application]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 4.3.2 Reading the Tab Delimited File]
[in 4.3.1 Adding Text File Handling to the Document]
[in 4.3 Step 2: Adding the Ability to Read Tab-Delimited Data Files]
[in 4.2.5 Assessing the ChartApp's New Capabilities]
[in 4.2.4 Reviewing the Steps to a Functional Graph]
[in 4.1 Introduction]
[in 4.1 Introduction]
[in 4.2.2 Modifying the CChartAppDoc Class]
UnMarkExcusion [in 21.2 SRGDataWatcher]
unregister subcomponents [in 18.8 Building a Compound Display]
[in 18.5.6 SRGAxisManager]
UpdateAllViews [in 4.3.2 Reading the Tab Delimited File]
UpdateLinkedDocuments [in SECComDoc::UpdateLinkedDocuments]
UpdateParentDocument [in SECComDoc::UpdateParentDocument]
[in 20.2.3 CGraphDoc]
USDChart sample [in Creating Unevenly Spaced or other Specific Labels]
[in 28.5 Other Samples]
user interaction [in 10.5 Data Dragging]
[in 10.2 Mouse Event Handlers]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in 10.4 Chart Tips]
[in 10.6 Data Zooming]
[in Changing a Chart Tip's Maximum Display Duration]
[in 10.4.1 Using Chart Tips]
[in 12.4 The View Classes]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
utility classes [in 3.9 Utility Classes]
Utility Toolkit [in 2.3.3 Objective Chart Utility Toolkit]
Vector graph [in 7.11.5 Modifying Line Ends]
Vector-Centered graph [in 6.11.1 Vector-Centered Graph]
Vector-End graph [in 6.11.2 Vector-End Graph]
Vector-Offset graph [in 6.11.3 Vector-Offset Graph]
Vertical Bar graph [in 6.3.1 Vertical Bar Graphs]
view class [in 12.4.1 SRGraphView]
[in 12.4.2 SRGScrollView]
[in 3.11 View Classes]
[in 12.4.3 SREGraphView]
[in 3.12 User Interaction and Feedback]
[in 4.2.1 Modifying the View Class]
[in 12.6 Printing a Chart in a Dialog]
[in 12.5 Displaying a Chart in a Dialog Box or Form View]
[in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
[in 12.7 Predefined Menu Commands]
[in 12.4.4 SREScrollView]
[in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 12.4 The View Classes]
[in 10.2 Mouse Event Handlers]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
Web axis [in 6.8.2 Area Web Graph]
[in 6.8 Web Graphs]
[in 6.8.1 Web Graph]
Web graph [in 6.8.1 Web Graph]
[in 6.8 Web Graphs]
web site [in 7.1 Using Components]
wiget [in 7.11.4 Modifying Wigets]
[in 3.9.1 SRGCompiledPolygon]
[in 7.11.10 Choosing Automatic Colors, Fills, and Wigets]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 13.2 Simplify Graphics]
[in 7.11.3 Object Styles]
WizDemo sample [in 28.5 Other Samples]
Wizres.rc [in 9.3.2 Using Chart Wizard]
XY Scatter by Group graph [in 6.9.2 XY Scatter by Group Graph]
XY Scatter by Index graph [in 6.9.3 XY Scatter by Index Graph]
XY Scatter-Alternating graph [in 6.9.1 XY Scatter-Alternating Graph]
zooming [in 3.11.2 SREGraphView and SREScrollView]
[in 3.11.1 SRGraphView and SRGScrollView]
[in 3.12 User Interaction and Feedback]
[in 10.3 Feedback Management]
[in 3.9.4 CObStack]
[in 24.3 Overlaying Displays]
[in 3.12.3 SRGraphPosition]
[in 10.7 Disabling Mouse-Initiated Functions]
[in 10.6 Data Zooming]
[in 9.3.4 Chart Wizard User Interactions]
[in 3.11 View Classes]
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