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Objective Chart User's Guide
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23.3 Using Data Tags

Currently the tagging system is implemented only for the graph types that require only one data object per displayed item (e.g., Line, VBar, HBar, etc.).

23.3.1 Selecting a Persistence Model

The first step in data tagging system is to select a persistence model for the generated labels.

To select a persistence model, call SRGraphStyle::SetTagModel() for the style member of the graph object with one of the following symbols:

For example,

23.3.2 Drawing a Line From Data to Its Displaced Tag

To draw a line from the data item to its displaced tag (blocked model only), call SRGraphStyle::SetLinkTags(TRUE). For example,

For each data object to be tagged, styles can be applied to specify the appearance of the tag and its border.

23.3.3 Selecting the Tag's Content

To select the content of the tag, call SRGraphStyle::SetLabelStyle() with one of these symbols:

For example,

23.3.4 Selecting the Tag's Outline Style

To select the outline style of the tag, call SRGraphStyle::SetTagOutlineStyle() with one of these symbols:

For example,

23.3.5 Setting Tag Position Relative to the Data Item

To set the position of the tag relative to the data item (and the collision avoidance vector for the blocked model), call SRGraphStyle::SetTagPosition() with one of these symbols:

For example,

23.3.6 Setting Font Size for Labels

To set the font size for the labels, call SRGraphStyle::SetTagFontSize() with one of these symbols:

For example,

23.3.7 Setting Font and Tag Frame Orientation

To set the font and tag frame orientation, call SRGraphStyle::SetTagOrientation() with one of these symbols:

For example,

23.3.8 Data Tag Example

The use of these styles is illustrated in the code segment below, which labels the four curves (groups) by tagging the first data object in each group.

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