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20.2 SECComDoc: Communication Document

Figure 141 shows the SECComDoc hierarchy. As the hierarchy suggests, to add ComDoc capabilities to your document, you only need to change its derivation from CDocument to SECComDoc.

Figure 141: Hierarchy of SECComDoc and your derived document

SECComDoc builds upon the basic CDocument by adding several new functions and overloading other functions. SECComDoc holds and maintains a linked list of pointers to child documents and, when functioning as a child itself, maintains a pointer to its parent. Figure 142 shows the document linking variables.

Figure 142: SECComDoc's document linking member variables

The m_DocLinkList member keeps a list of all other documents that are attached to it. The only real limits to the number of documents that may be managed are memory and disk space.

The life cycle and functions of a communication document are described in the remainder of this section.

20.2.1 Stages in the Life of an SECComDoc

This section describes the linking system and its various phases of operation. Figure 143 shows a new ComDoc. In phase 1 of a ComDoc's lifetime, it behaves like a simple CDocument class.

Figure 143: A New ComDoc

Figure 144 shows phase two of a ComDoc's lifetime. CMyComDoc has invoked two child documents and has added pointers to them to the linked list. The list of children may be augmented at any time. Furthermore, child documents may be deleted without effecting the data links to the other documents. Child documents have their own document-linking lists and can also invoke and link their own children. Data is passed by direct function calls to child documents and from child documents to the parent.

Figure 144: A parent document with links to child documents

The sample application, MultiGrph, uses this ComDoc system to link Objective Grid documents to Objective Chart documents. In this example, the user may invoke one or more linked charts from the grid. Then, any changes made to the grid data are also reflected in all of the charts that are linked to the parent grid document. Furthermore, thanks to a link from child to parent, any data items dragged by the user on a chart also update the grid cells in the parent document, which updates all the other charts.

Figure 145 shows the final phase of the ComDoc's life—when the parent document is destroyed. The links are automatically broken, leaving autonomous and independent child documents.

Figure 145: The parent document is destroyed

20.2.2 Communication Between ComDocs

Because m_DocLinkList and m_Parent keep pointers to documents, it is possible to call functions within the document, but the derived documents may potentially be of unknown types. Therefore, unless you use RTTI or add huge amounts of code for verifying the document type by its RUNTIME_CLASS information, the only universally available functions are the virtual functions in CDocument or SECComDoc.

SECComDoc's document link architecture is a true MFC solution. Messages are passed directly to the document via a function call. The function call system has been made simple, flexible, and easily expanded so that it can be adapted to any document. Once the child document has been created and linked (see SECDocManager later in this document), a single function call to an SECComDoc virtual function is all that is required to transfer information between documents. SECComDoc::ProcessDocumentCommand

SECComDoc uses a single function that utilizes integer codes for various commands. The function prototype is:

The nOpCode parameter specifies the basic type of operation to perform. Your document can handle the four built-in op-codes that it inherits from SECComDoc. These four op-codes are:

Each of these commands, except SEC_NOOP, calls dead-ended virtual functions within SECComDoc. To make them perform a useful function, you must override them in your descendant document.

The interpretation of the nSubCode parameter is completely open for your own purposes.

The interpretation of the dwData parameter is only fixed when sent with the SEC_GEM_INIT command. In this case, dwData should always be an HGLOBAL for a valid memory block cast to a DWORD. All other interpretations are open-ended. SECComDoc::OnOpenDocument

Apart from the code that manages the links, there is one significant addition to the standard CDocument functions. The prototype for this is shown below.

As you can see, this allows a document to be opened and provided immediately with some initialization data. The syntax is compatible with the parameters discussed in the previous section. In fact, this routine calls OnNewDocument() and then calls ProcessDocumentCommand() with the given parameters. SECComDoc::UpdateLinkedDocuments

Once the document has invoked and linked to the child documents (there may be more than one), the parent can inform all children of changes by using the UpdateLinkedDocuments() command. This function iterates all documents in the list and performs an update on each of them. SECComDoc::UpdateParentDocument

When used as a child document, the SECComDoc class may inform the parent of changes in its own data by using the UpdateParentDocument() command. This function sets a flag that signifies that incoming updates from the parent should be ignored temporarily. It then performs a document update on the parent. The semaphore keeps the two documents from becoming locked in an endless cycle of mutual updates.

20.2.3 CGraphDoc

Objective Chart provides an SECComDoc-derived document class, named CGraphDoc. CGraphDoc implements the several sub-functions of ProcessDocumentCommand() to perform common functions related to chart data.

CGraphDoc::GmemInit() can initialize the chart in two ways. A pointer to a character string containing the name of a text template file can be passed in the nSubCode parameter. Alternatively, an HGLOBAL of a memory block containing tab-delimited data can be passed in the dwData parameter.

CGraphDoc::SecDocUpdate() defines specific sub-codes for the SEC_DOC_UPDATE command for the following chart related actions:

Table 23: Sub-Codes for SEC_DOC_UPDATE

Code Description
SRG_SET_VALUE Changes values in the data array.
SRG_SET_TEXTSRG_SET_HEADER Updates the annotation of a data object or a group header.
SRG_SET_HIGHLIGHT SRG_RESET_HIGHLIGHT Sets/resets the highlight flag in the style of a data object.

These definitions should not be thought of as absolute rules. You are free to invent your own sub-codes. Just remember that if you use CGraphDoc, you must use codes that act in harmony with, or do not collide with, those already chosen.

When used with a CGraphDoc document, the Objective Chart view classes, SRGraphView and SRGScrollView, call pDoc->UpdateParentDocument() when data objects are dragged by the mouse. This allows data values to be updated in the parent document and all linked documents.

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