For a quick start to your project, use the Objective Chart AppWizard. The AppWizard can create skeleton applications with some very important options.
OLE compatibility. A full OLE server which allows the embedding and in-place activation of chart documents is implemented for you. All you need to add is your application-specific code.
Non-document-view architecture support. Objective Chart has always been capable of supporting this type of architecture by virtue of its GDI-grabbing draw routines. Visual C++ allows the creation of applications that have no document and a simple CWnd-based view. Extending this further, the Objective Chart AppWizard can create fully functional chart views with feedback, data dragging, and chart tip support, without relying on the document-view architecture.
Dialog based applications. Dialog based applications may also use the SREGraphView and SREScrollView classes to display and manipulate charts within control windows. These classes also support chart printing from the dialog.
Data dragging and chart tip options. The final page of the AppWizard allows the selection of Objective Chart specific options. These options control the ability of the view to interact with the data and how the user sees the feedback from the data. (Refer to Chapter 10, "User Interaction," for more details on these topics.)
Enabling feedback allows the chart display to keep a record of all points plotted.
Selecting data dragging lets the user manipulate data with the mouse.
Turning on drag tips shows a chart tip containing the current value of the data as it is dragged.
Structure data storage model. The AppWizard can create a skeleton for a new Structure data class that accesses a new data type. See Section 8.4 for information on the Structure Data Storage Model.
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