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Objective Chart User's Guide
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28.5 Other Samples

This section lists other samples that are available for Objective Chart, either in the distribution or from the Web site, as noted. See Section 28.1 for the location of these samples.

28.5.1 Utility Toolkit Samples

This sample requires the separately built Utility Toolkit library.

28.5.2 Samples from the Demo Gallery

28.5.3 VCompound Chart Lesson

The <stingray-installdir>\Samples\Chart\CChartLesson directory contains a tutorial document and five projects that illustrate some tips and possible pitfalls for using compound displays. In addition, there is a project, MultiPie (available from the Web site), that uses a compound component to arrange and display a variable number of pie graphs and their titles.

28.5.4 Grid and Chart Samples

The following samples require both Objective Grid and Objective Chart. FrstGrph can be found in <stingray-install>\Samples\Chart\GridAndChart. The others (as indicated) are available from the Rogue Wave Web site.

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