Perforce JViews Charts sample gallery

How to run the samples is explained in the starting the samples page.

Types of Charts

There are many types of charts, and each type has its own benefits.

Generally, a chart is more appropriate for providing an overview and a quick intuitive understanding of a collection of numbers, whereas a table is better for looking up information when details matter. Applications where overview and details equally matter often have a combination of chart and table, or a chart with tooltips and navigation interactions.

3D charts are more elaborate than plain 2D charts. Note that 3D pie charts and 3D polyline charts can easily convey wrong information to the human eye: in a 3D pie chart, slices that happen to lie in the front half of the pie appear larger than they really are, and in a 3D polyline chart certain angle slopes are emphasized.

Similarly, a stacked 3D bar chart can be misleading: it emphasizes the top slice of each bar, even if this slice is numerically irrelevant. For these reasons, 2D charts are still more used than 3D charts.

Bar charts, polyline charts and filled area charts are primarily used to show trends. To display a value over time, the preferred choice is a polyline chart. To display accumulating value over time (such as interest or consumption), you can choose a filled area chart; a polyline chart is also possible. A bar chart is used when the data set is small, namely composed of 5 values or less.

Parametric charts are appropriate for showing the correlation between two parameters. The parameters are assigned to the x axis and the y axis, respectively.

Bubble charts, like parametric charts, show the correlation between two parameters, and emphasize some data points.

Treemap charts show data attributes according to their importance.

Radar charts are like transposed polyline charts: they show different parameters on different axes that emerge radially from a center. A data point slice - that is a vertical cut in a polyline chart - here corresponds to a polygon around the center. This kind of chart is common in some application areas, such as biology. However, for those unfamiliar with radar charts, they may be difficult to understand. Note that choosing an appropriate order for the parameters around the circle is important for understanding the chart. Note also that a radar chart with filled areas can easily convey wrong information, since the eye focuses on the areas surface, which are meaningless in the case of a radar chart.

Polar charts are like parametric charts, when one of the two parameters has a circular or "periodically repeatable" semantics.

High-low charts are used for displaying fluctuating values such as stock values over time.

Multiple pie charts, side-by-side, should be avoided: A bar chart in stacked 100% mode conveys the same information in an easier way (because it is easier to visually compare the lengths of parallel bars than rotated angles).

Charts Gallery

This sample shows a gallery of various JViews Charts projects.

Parametric Charts

This sample shows a parametric chart that displays a set of values against a set of other values.

Bubble Charts

This sample shows how to display data with a bubble renderer.

Bubble charts show, like parametric charts, the correlation between two parameters, and emphasize some data points.

Treemap Charts

This sample demonstrates a treemap chart.

Treemap charts show data attributes according to their importance.

Radar Charts

This sample displays two representations of the same data set. When a legend item is clicked, the graphical representations of the corresponding data set are changed to reflect the selected state of the data set: the bar chart renderer is filled with a hatched pattern, and the area chart renderer draws a white circle for each point of the data set.

Radar charts are like transposed polyline charts: they show different parameters on different axes that emerge radially from a center. A data point slice - that is a vertical cut in a polyline chart - here corresponds to a polygon around the center. This kind of chart is common in some application areas, such as biology. However, it may be difficult to understand for those people that are not familiar with it. Note that choosing the good order of parameters around the circle is important for understanding the chart. Note also that a radar chart with filled areas can easily convey wrong information, since the eye catches the surface of the areas, which are meaningless in the case of a radar chart.

Polar Charts

This sample shows how a Polar chart can be used to display mathematical functions.

Polar charts are like parametric charts, when one of the two parameters has a circular or "periodically repeatable" semantics.

Logarithmic Scales

This sample shows how to use a logarithmic scale in a chart.

Combined Data Sets

This sample displays three dynamic data sets whose minimum, maximum, and average values for each category are computed dynamically and indicated by the square scatter renderer, the circle scatter renderer, and the gray polyline renderer respectively.

Customizing Rendering

You can customize the rendering of a chart in different ways:

Using the CSS SDK

This sample demonstrates the styling capabilities of the chart component.

Using the Java SDK

This sample shows how you can define a custom style to render pretty line charts.

Using 3-D Effects (SDK)

This sample shows the available 3-D representations.

3-D charts are fancier than plain 2D charts. Note that 3D pie charts and 3D polyline charts can easily convey wrong information to the human eye: in a 3-D pie chart, slices that lie on the front half of the circle appear larger; in a 3-D polyline chart, the top and down sides of a particular angle are emphasized. Similarly, a stacked 3-D bar chart can be fallacious: it emphasizes the top slice of each bar, even if this slice is numerically irrelevant. For these reasons, 2-D charts are still more used than 3-D charts. Bar charts, polyline charts and filled area charts are primarily used to show trends. To display a value over time, the preferred choice is a polyline chart. To display accumulating value over time (such as interests or consumption), the preferred choice is a filled area chart; a polyline chart is also possible. A bar chart is used when the data set is small, namely composed of 5 values or less.

Using a Styling Customizer

This sample shows how to use the standalone customizer for a chart.

Customizing Interaction

The samples shown so far have presented a static chart. However, it is also possible to let the user interact with the chart. Perforce JViews Charts has an extensible system of interactors.

Highlight interaction demonstrates how to change the look of a chart in response to user interactions.

Interactors demonstrates each of the predefined interactors. It also includes the source code of these interactors.

Accessibility demonstrates techniques to make a chart usable by people with certain common disabilities.

Adding Highlight Interaction

This sample shows a data set rendered as two different graphical representations (as a pie chart and a bar chart). These charts react to mouse movements by highlighting the data point over which the mouse cursor is placed.


This sample shows the interactors that are built-in in Perforce JViews Charts. It also contains their source code.

Accessibility in a Chart

This sample shows how to enable and utilize various accessibility features, such as keyboard navigation and redundant colors, in a chart.

Real-time Updates

A chart is automatically updated when the data in the data set changes.

The following samples show such updates: Memory Monitor and Data Set Listeners. In these samples the updates are not particularly fast as they have not been optimized.

Additional optimization techniques are illustrated in the samples Real-time Supervision and Sound Player.

Real-time Supervision

This sample simulates a real-time supervision system. Data is generated randomly by a sinusoidal value generator and added to the data sets each time a timer event occurs.

Memory Monitor

This sample displays the memory usage of the current JVM (the one executing the sample) over time. The information shown in the sample is:

Data Set Listeners

This sample shows how to synchronize several datasets. It simulates the visualization of successive temperature samples. A first chart (on the top) is used to display the actual temperature measurements carried out every hour of the day. A second one is used to display the temperature variations during the day.

Sound Player

This sample shows how to handle real-time audio data. It is a simple sound player based on the Java Sound Technology. Audio data is read from an audio input stream and displayed in two charts, one for each channel.

Connecting to the Data

You can connect a chart to a data source in different ways. The following samples show the different technologies involved:

These data sources are small enough and can be loaded into memory at once. When data is too large and spread over a long x axis, JViews Charts provides a load-on-demand data source. This is shown in Using Load-On-Demand.

JDBC Data Source

This sample displays data imported from two CSV (Comma Separated Value) files. Each file contains one set of data, and each one rendered in its own chart.

Using Load-On-Demand

This sample demonstrates how to use the load-on-demand mechanism available in Perforce JViews Charts. Two binary files hold the data displayed by this sample:

Importing a Swing Table Model

This sample loads data stored in a Swing TableModel and displays it in a chart as polylines. It also shows how to print the chart to PDF.

Reading XML Chart Data Model

This sample displays the contents of an XML document (the DOM) in three different representations: as a text view, as a tree view, and as a chart.

Stock Viewer

This sample allows you to display the stock quotes of one or several companies, as well as several technical market indicators. Two kinds of charts are used to display the stock data:

A wide variety of interactions allow you to zoom and pan the visible time frame. You can also highlight the data by setting lower and upper price limits, or use a fisheye view that focuses on a specific time interval.

JSF samples

These Web application samples are based on Perforce JViews Charts JavaServer Faces. These components are using JSF as a server side component framework and render themselves on the client using different client-side technologies.

The following samples are based on JSF components rendering raster images:

  • Chart Components shows the set of JSF components available to display and manipulate a chart on a Web page.
  • Stock Viewer is a Web display of a stock price and financial indicators evolution over time.
  • Bank Account represents the various account operations of a bank statement using a JSF chart.
  • Polar Chart shows a JSF polar chart with various functions represented.
  • Image Map shows how to use image maps over the chart image to explode pie slices and display specific information.
  • Treemap shows specifically treemap charts and treemap specific interactions.
  • JDBC Sample displays a JSF chart filled with data extracted through a JDBC request on a data source.
  • 3D Sample uses JViews Charts and JavaServer Faces to display a 3D chart with controls for changing the 3D display.
  • You will find more details about these technologies in the Developing JViews Charts JSF Web applications section of Building Web Applications documentation.

    Stock Viewer (JSF and JavaScript)

    This sample shows how to generate server-side charts using the JavaServer Faces framework environment. A servlet retrieves quotes from and generates the corresponding stock prices chart and various financial indicators on-the-fly.
    The charts are then displayed on the client side by JViews Charts Faces components.

    Polar Chart (JSF and JavaScript)

    This sample shows how a polar chart can be used to display mathematical functions using the JViews Charts Faces component.

    Image Map (JSF and JavaScript)

    This sample shows how to use image maps with the JavaServer Faces chart view component. A managed bean loads data from an XML file and fills a pie chart displayed by the JavaServer Faces Chart view component. An image map is displayed on top of the chart image to display tooltips and to show the reference manual of the selected package.

    Treemap (JSF and JavaScript)

    This sample shows how to use treemap charts for navigation in a thin-client environment, with the JSF chart component. A servlet loads a tree-structured model and generates an image of a treemap chart and its corresponding client-side image map.

    JDBC Sample (JSF and JavaScript)

    This sample displays data imported from a CSV file. The set of data is displayed by a JViews Charts Faces component.

    JavaScript samples

    These Web application samples are based on JavaScript.

    Hitmap (Servlet and JavaScript)

    This sample shows how to generate client-side Hitmap in a thin-client web application. A servlet loads data from an XML file and generates an image of a Pie chart and its corresponding client-side Hitmap.

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