Perforce.P4 Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ActionVersion |
A revision specifier that is a file action.
| |
AddFilesCmdOptions |
Add command options
| |
BranchCmdOptions |
Branch command options
| |
BranchesCmdOptions |
Branches command options
| |
BranchSpec |
A branch view specification in a Perforce repository.
| |
ChangeCmdOptions |
Change command options.
| |
Changelist |
A changelist specification in a Perforce repository.
| |
ChangelistIdVersion |
A revision specifier that is a changelist id.
| |
ChangesCmdOptions |
Changes command options.
| |
Client |
A client specification in a Perforce repository.
| |
ClientCmdOptions |
Client command options
| |
ClientMetadata |
Metadata from the client associated with a connection.
| |
ClientNameVersion |
A revision specifier that is a client name.
| |
ClientPath |
A path spec in client syntax.
| |
ClientsCmdOptions |
Clients command options
| |
ClientSubmitOptions |
Client options that define what to do with files upon submit.
| |
Connection |
Represents the logical connection between a specific Perforce
Server instance and a specific client application.
| |
CopyFilesCmdOptions |
Copy command options.
| |
Counter |
A general-purpose counter or named variable in a Perforce repository.
| |
CounterCmdOptions |
Counter command options
| |
CoutnerCmdOptions | Obsolete.
Counter command options
| |
Credential |
Specifies user credentials for a specific connection.
| |
DateTimeVersion |
A revision specifier that is a date and time.
| |
DeleteFilesCmdOptions |
delete command options
| |
Depot |
A depot specification in a Perforce repository.
| |
DepotCmdOptions |
depot command options
| |
DepotFileDiff |
A diff between depot files in a Perforce repository.
| |
DepotPath |
A path spec in depot syntax.
| |
DescribeCmdOptions |
Options for the Describe command
| |
EditCmdOptions |
Options for the edit command
| |
File |
A versioned object that describes an individual file in a Perforce repository.
| |
FileAnnotation |
Correlates file lines with revision information.
| |
FileDiff |
A diff between workspace content and depot content.
| |
FileHistory |
Describes a Perforce file revision in detail, including the changelist
number and associated description, action, user, etc. data.
| |
FileIntegrationRecord |
Represents submitted or pending integrations.
| |
FileLineMatch |
Specifies matching lines in Perforce managed files.
| |
FilelogCmdOptions |
Options for the filelog command.
| |
FileMetaData |
Metadata for a specific file stored in a Perforce repository.
| |
FileResolveAction |
Describes how, or if a file has been resolved.
| |
FileResolveRecord |
Specifies how file resolve operations were completed or will
potentially be completed.
| |
FilesCmdOptions |
Files command options
| |
FileSpec |
Identifies one or more specific versioned objects in a Perforce repository.
| |
FileSubmitRecord |
Describes file submitted and file action performed.
| |
FileType |
Specifies a Perforce file type for a managed file.
| |
Fix |
Specifies a fix relationship between one or more jobs and one
or more changelists.
| |
FixJobsCmdOptions |
Fix command options.
| |
FormBase |
Describes fields and comments in a Perforce specification.
| |
FormSpec |
Specifies structural and semantic metadata for form types.
| |
GetDepotDirsCmdOptions |
dirs command options
| |
GetDepotFileDiffsCmdOptions |
Diff2 command options
| |
GetDepotFilesCmdOptions |
Options for the files command
| |
GetFileAnnotationsCmdOptions |
Annotate command options
| |
GetFileContentsCmdOptions |
Print command options
| |
GetFileDiffsCmdOptions |
Diff command options
| |
GetFileHistoryCmdOptions |
Filelog command options
| |
GetFileLineMatchesCmdOptions |
Grep command options
| |
GetFileMetaDataCmdOptions |
GetFileMetaData options (uses the fstat command)
| |
GetFixesCmdOptions |
Fixes command options
| |
GetMaxProtectionAccessCmdOptions |
Protects command options (for maximum access level).
| |
GetOpenedFilesOptions |
GetOpenedFiles options
| |
GetProtectionEntriesCmdOptions |
Protects command options
| |
GetProtectionTableCmdOptions |
protect command options
| |
GetReviewersCmdOptions |
Reviews command options
| |
GetStreamMetaDataCmdOptions |
GetStreamMetaData command options
| |
GetSubmittedIntegrationsCmdOptions |
Integrated command options
| |
GetTriggerTableCmdOptions |
Triggers command options
| |
GetTypeMapCmdOptions |
GetTypeMap command options
| |
Group |
A user group on a Perforce Server, represented by a P4 Group spec.
| |
GroupCmdOptions |
Group command options.
| |
GroupsCmdOptions |
Groups command options.
| |
HaveRevision |
A revision specifier #have.
| |
HeadRevision |
A revision specifier #head.
| |
InfoCmdOptions |
Options for the Trust command
| |
IntegrateFilesCmdOptions |
Integrate command options
| |
Job |
A Job in the Repository.
| |
JobCmdOptions |
Job command options
| |
JobsCmdOptions |
Jobs command options
| |
Label |
A label specification in a Perforce repository.
| |
LabelCmdOptions |
Label command options
| |
LabelNameVersion |
A revision specifier that is a label name.
| |
LabelsCmdOptions |
Labels command options
| |
LabelSyncCmdOptions |
Labelsync command options
| |
LicenseCmdOptions |
Options for the License command
| |
LocalPath |
A path spec in local syntax.
| |
LockCmdOptions |
Lock command options
| |
LogFile |
Generic interface used to an event logger. In short, messages are
logged by:
1) Level. The lower the level, the more sever the level,
0 fatal
1 error
2 warning
3 information
4+ debugging messages
2) Source. A string specifying the origin of the message, ie P4Server
3) Message. The text of the message.
| |
LoginCmdOptions |
Options for the login command.
| |
LogoutCmdOptions |
Options for the logout command.
| |
MapEntry |
A single entry in a view map.
| |
MergeFilesCmdOptions |
Merge command options.
| |
MoveCmdOptions |
Move command options
| |
NoneRevision |
A revision specifier #none.
| |
Options |
A generic list of command options and values.
| |
OtherFileUser |
Class summarizing the use of this file by another user.
| |
OtherUsers |
Specifies other users who have a particular file open.
| |
P4CallBacks |
Class wrapper for the definitions of delegates required to model the
callbacks from the bridge dll.
| |
P4CantCloseConnectionException |
Specialized Exception for Can't close exception
| |
P4ClientError |
Class used to return a single error or warning from the bridge dll.
| |
P4ClientErrorList |
Class used to return a list of errors and warnings returned by a command.
| |
P4ClientInfoMessage |
Class used to return a info message from the bridge dll.
| |
P4ClientInfoMessageList |
Class used to return a list of info Messages returned by a command.
| |
P4ClientMerge |
ClientMerge object - retains state
| |
P4ClientResolve |
Class containing the DLL imports for the P4Bridge DLL.
| |
P4Command |
Class wrapping command execution.
| |
P4CommandCanceledException |
Specialized Exception for canceled command
| |
P4CommandResult |
Class representing the results of executing a command on a Perforce Server.
| |
P4CommandTimeOutException |
Specialized Exception for command time out
| |
P4Debugging | ||
P4Exception |
Base class for exceptions caused by run time errors from the server.
They can be disabled, by setting the MinThrowLevel to
| |
P4HungCommandCancelException |
Specialized Exception for Hung command
| |
P4LostConnectionException |
Specialized Exception for lost connection
| |
P4MapApi |
P4MapApi: .NET wrapper for the MapApi object in the p4api dll.
| |
P4Server |
Represents the connection to a Perforce Server using the the P4 Bridge
DLL. It wraps the calls exported by the DLL and transforms the data
types exported by the DLL as native C#.NET data types.
| |
P4ServerCmdContactTimer | ||
P4ServerMT |
A multithreaded manager for P4Server. A P4Server instance should not be shared between threads;
instead, either create a P4Server in each thread where you need a connection, or a create a global P4ServerMT and call P4ServerMT.getThread()
from the thread context to get a thread-safe connection to a Perforce server.
| |
P4TrustException |
Specialized Exception to handle Trust failures
| |
PathSpec |
Describes the path and path type in a file spec.
| |
ProtectionEntry |
Describes a protection entry (line) in a Perforce protection table.
| |
ProtectionEntryExtensions | ||
ProtectionTable |
Specifies resource access privileges for Perforce users for a specific
Perforce repository.
| |
ReconcileCmdOptions | ||
ReopenCmdOptions |
Options for the reopen command.
| |
Repository |
Represents a Perforce server and connection.
| |
ResolveAnalysis | ||
ResolveCmdOptions |
Options for the resolve command.
| |
ResolvedCmdOptions |
Options for Resolve command
| |
RevertCmdOptions | ||
Revision |
A revision specifier that is a single revision.
| |
RevisionIntegrationSummary |
Describes an integration, specifying the from file and how
the integration was done.
| |
Server |
Represents a specific Perforce server.
| |
ServerAddress |
The address of the Perforce server.
| |
ServerIPMACaddress |
The interface information for server license.
| |
ServerLicense |
The Perforce server's license information.
| |
ServerMetaData |
Defines useful metadata about a Perforce server.
| |
ServerMetaDataServerTimeZone |
Defines the UTC offset for the server.
| |
ServerVersion |
The Perforce server's version information.
| |
ShelvedFile |
Shelved file information from a Describe -S command
| |
ShelvedInChangelistIdVersion |
A revision specifier for a file that is shelved in a changelist id.
| |
ShelveFilesCmdOptions |
Shelve command options.
| |
SimpleListT | ||
SimpleListItemT | ||
SpecField |
Class representing a field in a FormSpec.
| |
Stream |
A stream specification in a Perforce repository.
| |
StreamCmdOptions |
Stream command options
| |
StreamIntegrationLog | ||
StreamLog | ||
StreamMetaData | ||
StreamsCmdOptions |
Streams command options
| |
StringList |
Augment String List used mostly for passing of parameters to command.
| |
SubmitCmdOptions |
Submit command options
| |
SubmitResults |
Describes the results for a submit operation on one or more files.
| |
SyncFilesCmdOptions |
Sync command options.
| |
TagCmdOptions |
Tag command options
| |
TaggedInfoItem |
Base class for objects returned by a command as 'tagged' data.
| |
TaggedObject |
The tagged output of a command.
| |
TaggedObjectList |
A list of tagged objects.
| |
Trigger |
Describes an individual entry in the trigger table.
| |
TriggerTable |
Defines triggers on Perforce events.
| |
TrustCmdOptions |
Options for the Trust command
| |
TypeMap |
Defines a Perforce repository's default mapping between
file names or locations and file types.
| |
TypeMapEntry |
Describes an individual entry in the Perforce repository's typemap.
| |
UnlockFilesCmdOptions |
Unlock command options.
| |
UnshelveFilesCmdOptions |
Unshelve command options.
| |
User |
A user on a Perforce Server, represented by a P4 User spec.
| |
UserCmdOptions |
User command options.
| |
UsersCmdOptions |
Users command options
| |
VersionRange |
A revision range specifier consisting of a lower and upper revision.
| |
VersionSpec |
Identifies a specific revision or revision range of a Perforce managed SCM resource.
| |
ViewMap |
Maps one or more Perforce file specs to zero, one, or more
other Perforce file specs.
Interface | Description | |
IKeepAlive |
Allows a client to monitor the execution of a command. It allow the client to
cancel the command if it takes to long to complete or display a UI to allow the
user to cancel the command.
Delegate | Description | |
ClientAutoResolveDelegate |
Delegate used for AutoResolve
| |
ClientResolveFileDelegate |
Delegate used for detailed Resolve
| |
LogFileLogMessageDelgate |
A user defined Logging Delegate should use this prototype
| |
P4CallBacksBinaryResultsDelegate |
Delegate definition for the binary results callback.
| |
P4CallBacksErrorDelegate |
Delegate definition for the error callback.
| |
P4CallBacksInfoResultsDelegate |
Delegate definition for the info results callback.
| |
P4CallBacksLogMessageDelegate |
Delegate definition for the Logging callback from the dll.
| |
P4CallBacksParallelTransferDelegate |
Delegate definition for the parallel operations callback.
| |
P4CallBacksPromptDelegate |
Delegate definition for the prompt callback.
| |
P4CallBacksResolveADelegate |
Delegate definition for the Resolve callback passing a CLientResolve object.
| |
P4CallBacksResolveDelegate |
Delegate definition for the Resolve callback passing a CLientMerge object.
| |
P4CallBacksTaggedOutputDelegate |
Delegate definition for the tagged output delegate.
| |
P4CallBacksTextResultsDelegate |
Delegate definition for the text results callback.
| |
P4ServerBinaryResultsDelegate |
Delegate used to send binary output as it is generated.
| |
P4ServerCommandEchoDelegate |
Delegate used to commands as they are executed.
| |
P4ServerErrorDelegate |
Delegate used to send errors as they are generated.
| |
P4ServerInfoResultsDelegate |
Delegate used to send Info Results as they are generated.
| |
P4ServerParallelTransferDelegate |
Delegate definition for the parallel operations callback.
| |
P4ServerPromptHandlerDelegate |
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for input prompts from the p4api.
| |
P4ServerResolveAHandlerDelegate |
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for Resolve callbacks passing a ClientResolve object from the p4api.
| |
P4ServerResolveHandlerDelegate |
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for Resolve callbacks passing a ClientMerge object from the p4api.
| |
P4ServerResponseTimeEchoDelegate |
Delegate used to commands along with response time as they are executed.
| |
P4ServerTaggedOutputDelegate |
Delegate used to send tagged output as it is generated.
| |
P4ServerTextResultsDelegate |
Delegate used to send Text Results as they are generated.
Enumeration | Description | |
AddFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the add command.
| |
BaseFileType |
Flags to define the base file type.
| |
BranchSpecCmdFlags |
Flags for the branch command.
| |
BranchSpecsCmdFlags |
Flags for the branches command.
| |
ChangeCmdFlags |
Flags for the change command.
| |
ChangeListStatus |
Flags for the status of a changelist.
| |
ChangesCmdFlags |
Flags for the changes command.
| |
ClientCmdFlags |
Flags for the client command.
| |
ClientOption |
Flags to configure the client behavior.
| |
ClientsCmdFlags |
Flags for the clients command.
| |
ClientType |
Sets Type for client spec.
| |
ConnectionStatus |
Flags for the server connection status.
| |
CopyFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the copy command.
| |
CounterCmdFlags |
Flags for the counter command.
| |
DeleteFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the delete command.
| |
DepotCmdFlags |
Flags for the depot command.
| |
DepotType |
The type of the depot.
| |
DescribeChangelistCmdFlags |
Flags for the describe command.
| |
DiffType |
The types of diffs returned by the server.
| |
DiffWhiteSpaceOptions |
Diff whitespace options flags for "p4 diff"
| |
EditFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the edit command.
| |
EntryType |
The type of protection (user or group).
| |
ErrorGeneric |
Error Categories
| |
ErrorSeverity |
Error severity levels.
| |
ErrorSubsystem |
Error Subsystem Categories
| |
FileAction |
Describes the pending or completed action related to open,
resolve, or integration for a specific file.
| |
FileLogCmdFlags |
Flags for the filelog command.
| |
FilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the files command.
| |
FileTypeModifier |
Flags to specify file type modifiers.
| |
FixAction |
The fix action (Fixed or Unfixed).
| |
FixJobsCmdFlags |
Flags for the fix command.
| |
GetDepotDirsCmdFlags |
Flags for the dirs command.
| |
GetDepotFileDiffsCmdFlags |
Flags for the diff2 command.
| |
GetDepotFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the files command.
| |
GetFileAnnotationsCmdFlags |
Flags for the annotate command.
| |
GetFileContentsCmdFlags |
Flags for the print command.
| |
GetFileDiffsCmdFlags |
Flags for the diff command.
| |
GetFileHistoryCmdFlags |
Flags for the filelog command.
| |
GetFileLineMatchesCmdFlags |
Flags for the grep command.
| |
GetFileMetadataCmdFlags |
Flags for the fstat command.
| |
GetFixesCmdFlags |
Flags for the fixes command.
| |
GetMaxProtectionAccessCmdFlags |
Flags for the protects command (for maximum access level).
| |
GetOpenedFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the opened command.
| |
GetProtectionEntriesCmdFlags |
Flags for the protects command.
| |
GetProtectionTableCmdFlags |
Flags for the protect command.
| |
GetResolvedFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the resolved command.
| |
GetReviewersCmdFlags |
Flags for the reviews command.
| |
GetStreamMetaDataCmdFlags |
Flags for the istat command.
| |
GetSubmittedIntegrationsCmdFlags |
Flags for the integrated command.
| |
GetTriggerTableCmdFlags |
Flags for the triggers command.
| |
GetTypeMapCmdFlags |
Flags for the typemap command.
| |
GroupCmdFlags |
Flags for the group command.
| |
GroupsCmdFlags |
Flags for the groups command.
| |
InfoCmdFlags |
Flags for the info command.
| |
IntegrateFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the integrate command.
| |
JobCmdFlags |
Flags for the job command.
| |
JobsCmdFlags |
Flags for the jobs command.
| |
LabelCmdFlags |
Flags for the label command.
| |
LabelsCmdFlags |
Flags for the labels command.
| |
LabelSyncCmdFlags |
Flags for the label sync command.
| |
LicenseCmdFlags |
Flags for the license command.
| |
LineEnd |
Sets line-ending character(s) for client text files.
| |
LoginCmdFlags |
Flags for the login command.
| |
LogoutCmdFlags |
Flags for the logout command.
| |
MapType |
Describes the mapping type.
| |
MatchType |
Specifies whether this line match is an exact match,
or a context (before or after) match.
| |
MergeFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the merge command.
| |
MoveFileCmdFlags |
Flags for the move command.
| |
P4ClientMergeMergeForce |
Options for Merge
| |
P4ClientMergeMergeStatus |
Status of merge
| |
P4ClientMergeMergeType |
Type of merge
| |
P4MapApiDirection |
Specify the direction to perform the mapping.
| |
P4MapApiType |
Type of the map entry, Include, Exclude, Overlay.
| |
ParentView |
Flags to configure stream ParentView.
| |
ProtectionMode |
The protection mode or rights associated with this entry.
| |
ReconcileFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the reconcile command.
| |
ResolveAction |
The action used in resolving the file.
| |
ResolveFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the resolve command.
| |
ResolveOptions | ||
ResolveSubtype | ||
ResolveType | ||
RevertFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the revert command.
| |
ServerState |
The current state of a specific server.
| |
ShelveFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the shelve command.
| |
SpecFieldDataType |
Field Data Type for a field in a form specification.
| |
SpecFieldFieldType |
Field Type for a field in a form specification.
| |
StreamCmdFlags |
Flags for the stream command.
| |
StreamMetaDataIntegAction | ||
StreamOption |
Flags to configure stream behavior.
| |
StreamsCmdFlags |
Flags for the streams command.
| |
StreamType |
Defines the expected flow of change between a stream and its parent.
| |
StringEnumCase |
Defines the case for the StringEnum.
| |
SubmitFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the submit command.
| |
SubmitType |
Flags to change submit behavior.
| |
SyncFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the sync command.
| |
TagFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the tag command.
| |
TriggerType |
Defines whent he trigger is to execute.
| |
TrustCmdFlags |
Flags for the trust command.
| |
UnlockFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the unlock command.
| |
UnshelveFilesCmdFlags |
Flags for the unshelve command.
| |
UserCmdFlags |
Flags for the user command.
| |
UsersCmdFlags |
Flags for the users command.
| |
UserType |
Defines the user type.