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TriggerType Enumeration

Defines whent he trigger is to execute.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public enum TriggerType
  Member nameValueDescription
Archive0 archive: Execute an archive trigger for the server to access any file with the +X filetype modifier.
AuthServiceCheck1 service-check: Execute an authentication check trigger to verify a user's password against an external password manager during login or when setting a new password.
AuthCheckSSO2 auth-check-sso: Facilitate a single sign-on user authentication. This configuration requires two programs or scripts to run; one on the client, the other on the server.
AuthSet4 auth-set: Execute an authentication set trigger to send a new password to an external password manager.
ChangeSubmit8 change-submit: Execute pre-submit trigger after changelist has been created and files locked but prior to file transfer.
ChangeContent16 change-content: Execute mid-submit trigger after file transfer but prior to commit. Files can be accessed by the 'p4 diff2', 'p4 files', 'p4 fstat', and 'p4 print' commands using the revision specification '@=change', where 'change' is the pending changelist number passed as %changelist%.
ChangeCommit32 change-commit: Execute post-submit trigger after changelist commit.
FixAdd64 fix-add: Execute fix trigger prior to adding a fix. The special variable %jobs% is available for expansion and must be the last argument to the trigger as it expands to one argument for each job listed on the 'p4 fix' command.
FixDelete128 fix-delete: Execute fix trigger prior to deleting a fix. The special variable %jobs% is available for expansion and must be the last argument to the trigger as it expands to one argument for each job listed on the 'p4 fix -d' command.
FormOut256 form-out: Execute form trigger on generation of form. Trigger may modify form.
FormIn512 form-in: Execute form trigger on input of form before its contents are parsed and validated. Trigger may modify form.
FormSave1024 form-save: Execute form trigger prior to save of form after its contents are parsed.
FormCommit2048 form-commit: Execute form trigger after it has been committed, allowing access to automatically generated fields (jobname, dates etc). It cannot modify the form. This trigger for job forms is run by 'p4 job' and 'p4 fix' (after the status is updated), 'p4 change' (if the job is added or deleted) and 'p4 submit' (if the job is associated with the change). The 'form-commit' trigger has access to the new job name created with 'p4 job', while the 'form-in' and 'form-save' triggers are run before the job name is created. The special variable %action% is available on the job 'form-commit' trigger command line, and is expanded when the job is modified by a fix.
FormDelete4096 form-delete: Execute form trigger prior to delete of form after its contents are parsed.
ShelveSubmit8192 shelve-submit: Execute pre-shelve trigger after changelist has been created but prior to file transfer.
ShelveCommit16384 shelve-commit: Execute post-shelve trigger after files are shelved.
ShelveDelete32768 shelve-delete: Execute shelve trigger prior to discarding shelved files.
See Also