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AddFilesCmdFlags Enumeration

Flags for the add command.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public enum AddFilesCmdFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags.
Downgrade1 As a shortcut to reverting and re-adding, you can use the -d flag to reopen currently-open files for add (downgrade) under the following circumstances: A file that is 'opened for edit' and is synced to the head revision, and the head revision has been deleted (or moved). A file that is 'opened for move/add' can be downgraded to add, which is useful when the source of the move has been deleted or moved. Typically, under these circumstances, your only alternative is to revert. In this case, breaking the move connection enables you to preserve any content changes in the new file and safely revert the source file (of the move).
KeepWildcards2 To add files with filenames that contain wildcard characters, specify the -f flag. Filenames that contain the special characters '@', '#', '%' or '*' are reformatted to encode the characters using ASCII hexadecimal representation.
NoP4Ignore4 The -I flag informs the client that it should not perform any ignore checking configured by P4IGNORE.
PreviewOnly132 The -n flag, displays a preview of the specified add operation without changing any files or metadata.
See Also