Defines the expected flow of change between a stream and its parent.
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
Syntax [FlagsAttribute]
public enum StreamType
Public Enumeration StreamType
public enum class StreamType
type StreamType
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Development | 0 |
Development: Default. Direction of flow is
to parent stream with copy and from parent
stream with merge.
| Mainline | 1 |
Mainline: May not have a parent.
| Release | 2 |
Release: Direction of flow is to parent
with merge and from parent with copy.
| Virtual | 4 |
Virtual: Not a stream but an alternative
view of its parent stream.
| Task | 8 |
Task: A lightweight short-lived stream that
only promotes modified content to the
repository, branched data is stored in
shadow tables that are removed when the task
stream is deleted or unloaded.
See Also