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FileSpec Class

Identifies one or more specific versioned objects in a Perforce repository.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public class FileSpec

The FileSpec type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClientPath
Gets or sets the client path
Public propertyDepotPath
Gets or sets the depot path
Public propertyLocalPath
Gets or sets the Local path
Public propertyVersion
Gets or sets the VersionSpec
Public methodStatic memberClientSpec(String)
Get a Filespec from a ClientSpec path
Public methodStatic memberClientSpec(String, VersionSpec)
Create a FileSpec given Client path and VersionSpec
Public methodStatic memberClientSpec(String, Int32)
Create a FileSpec given client path and revision
Public methodStatic memberClientSpecList
Create a list of FileSpec objects from a list of client paths
Public methodStatic memberDepotSpec(String)
Create a FileSpec given a depotpath
Public methodStatic memberDepotSpec(String, VersionSpec)
Create a FileSpec given a depot path and VersionSpec
Public methodStatic memberDepotSpec(String, Int32)
Create a FileSpec given a depot path and revision
Public methodStatic memberDepotSpecList
Create a list of FileSpec objects from a list of depot paths
Public methodEquals
Compare this FileSpec with another
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Get the hashcode for this FileSpec
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberLocalSpec(String)
Create a FileSpec given a local file path
Public methodStatic memberLocalSpec(String, VersionSpec)
Create a FileSpec given a local file path and VersionSpec
Public methodStatic memberLocalSpec(String, Int32)
Create a FileSpec given a local file path and revision
Public methodStatic memberLocalSpecArray(IListString)
Create an array of FileSpec objects from a list of local paths
Public methodStatic memberLocalSpecArray(String)
Create an array of FileSpec objects from a list of local paths
Public methodStatic memberLocalSpecList(IListString)
Create a list of FileSpec objects from a list of local paths
Public methodStatic memberLocalSpecList(String)
Create a list of FileSpec objects from a list of local paths
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberSplitDepotPath
Public methodStripVersion
Create a copy of a filespec without a version
Public methodStatic memberToEscapedLocalPaths
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array containing the local paths escaped for special characters
Public methodStatic memberToEscapedPaths
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array containing the paths escaped for special characters
Public methodToEscapedString
Create an Perforce excaped string describing this FileSpec
Public methodStatic memberToEscapedStrings(FileSpec)
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array with the paths escaped for special characters
Public methodStatic memberToEscapedStrings(IListFileSpec)
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array with the paths escaped for special characters
Public methodStatic memberToPaths
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array containing the paths.
Public methodToString
Create a string representing a FileSpec
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodToString(Type)
Create a descriptive string for this FileSpec of the specified Type
Public methodStatic memberToStrings(FileSpec)
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array.
Public methodStatic memberToStrings(IListFileSpec)
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array.
Public methodStatic memberUnversionedSpecList
Copies a list of FileSpec objects without vesions
See Also