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GetFileDiffsCmdFlags Enumeration

Flags for the diff command.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public enum GetFileDiffsCmdFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags.
RCS1 -dn RCS output
Context2 -dc[n] context
Summary4 -ds summary
Unified8 -du[n] unified
IgnoreWhitespaceChanges16 -db ignore whitespace changes
IgnoreWhitespace32 -dw ignore whitespace
IgnoreLineEndings64 -dl ignore line endings
Limit128 The -Od flag limits output to files that differ.
Force256 The -f flag diffs every file, regardless of whether they are opened or the client has synced the specified revision. This option can be used to verify the contents of the client workspace.
OpenedDiff512 The -s options lists the files that satisfy the following criteria: -sa Opened files that differ from the revision in the depot or are missing. Note that if a revision is provided in the file specification, the -s options compare the file(s) regardless of whether they are opened or the client has synced the specified revision.
OpenedModified1024 The -s options lists the files that satisfy the following criteria: -sb Files that have been opened for integrate, resolved, and subsequently modified. Note that if a revision is provided in the file specification, the -s options compare the file(s) regardless of whether they are opened or the client has synced the specified revision.
UnopenedMissing2048 The -s options lists the files that satisfy the following criteria: -sd Unopened files that are missing on the client. Note that if a revision is provided in the file specification, the -s options compare the file(s) regardless of whether they are opened or the client has synced the specified revision.
UnopenedDiff4096 The -s options lists the files that satisfy the following criteria: -se Unopened files that differ from the revision in the depot. Note that if a revision is provided in the file specification, the -s options compare the file(s) regardless of whether they are opened or the client has synced the specified revision.
AllUnopenedStatus8192 The -s options lists the files that satisfy the following criteria: -sl Every unopened file, along with the status of 'same, 'diff', or 'missing' as compared to the corresponding revision in the depot. Note that if a revision is provided in the file specification, the -s options compare the file(s) regardless of whether they are opened or the client has synced the specified revision.
OpenedNoDiffs16384 The -s options lists the files that satisfy the following criteria: -sr Opened files that do not differ from the revision in the depot. Note that if a revision is provided in the file specification, the -s options compare the file(s) regardless of whether they are opened or the client has synced the specified revision.
DiffFileStateFlags32256 All diff filestates
DiffBinary512 The -t flag forces 'p4 diff' to diff binary files.
See Also