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ErrorGeneric Enumeration

Error Categories

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public enum ErrorGeneric
  Member nameValueDescription
EV_NONE0 No Error
EV_USAGE1 request not consistent with dox
EV_UNKNOWN2 using unknown entity
EV_CONTEXT3 using entity in wrong context
EV_ILLEGAL4 trying to do something you can't
EV_NOTYET5 something must be corrected first
EV_PROTECT6 protections prevented operation
EV_EMPTY17 Action returned empty results
EV_FAULT33 Inexplicable program fault
EV_CLIENT34 Client side program errors
EV_ADMIN35 Server administrative action required
EV_CONFIG36 Client configuration inadequate
EV_UPGRADE37 Client or server too old to interact
EV_COMM38 Communications error
EV_TOOBIG39 Something was too big
See Also