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ShelveFilesCmdFlags Enumeration

Flags for the shelve command.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public enum ShelveFilesCmdFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags.
Force1 The -f (force) flag must be used with the -c or -i flag to overwrite any existing shelved files in a pending changelist.
Replace2 The -r flag (used with -c or -i) enables you to replace all shelved files in that changelist with the files opened in your own workspace at that changelist number. Only the user and client workspace of the pending changelist can replace its shelved files.
Delete4 The -d flag (used with -c) deletes the shelved files in the specified changelist so that they can no longer be unshelved. By default, only the user and client of the pending changelist can delete its shelved files. A user with 'admin' access can delete shelved files by including the -f flag to force the operation.
SubmitUnchanged8 The -a flag enables you to handle unchanged files similarly to some client submit options, namely 'submitunchanged' and 'leaveunchanged'. The default behavior of shelving all files corresponds to the 'submitunchanged' option. The 'leaveunchanged' option only shelves changed files, and then leaves the files opened in the pending changelist on the client.
LeaveUnchanged16 The -a flag enables you to handle unchanged files similarly to some client submit options, namely 'submitunchanged' and 'leaveunchanged'. The default behavior of shelving all files corresponds to the 'submitunchanged' option. The 'leaveunchanged' option only shelves changed files, and then leaves the files opened in the pending changelist on the client.
Promote32 The -p flag promotes a shelved change from an edge server to a commitserver where it can be accessed by other edge servers participating in the distributed configuration. Once a shelved change has been promoted, all subsequent local modifications to the shelf are also pushed to the commit server and remain until the shelf is deleted. Once a shelf has been created, the combination of flags '-p -c' will promote the shelf without modification.
DisableParallel64 Auto parallel shelve is turned off by unsetting the net.parallel.threads configurable. A user may override the configured auto parallel shelve options on the command line, or may disable it via 'p4 shelve --parallel=0'.
See Also