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Repository Class

Represents a Perforce server and connection.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public class Repository : IDisposable

The Repository type exposes the following members.

Public methodRepository
Create a repository on the specified server.
Public propertyConnection
Represents the logical connection between a specific Perforce Server instance and a specific client application.
Public propertyServer
Represents a specific Perforce server.
Public methodCode exampleAddOrUpdateServerLicense
Adds/updates license information for Perforce Repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateBranchSpec(BranchSpec)
Create a new branch in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateBranchSpec(BranchSpec, Options)
Create a new branch in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateChangelist(Changelist)
Create a new change in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateChangelist(Changelist, Options)
Create a new changelist in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateClient(Client)
Create a new client in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateClient(Client, Options)
Create a new client in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateDepot(Depot)
Create a new depot in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateDepot(Depot, Options)
Create a new depot in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateGroup(Group)
Create a new group in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateGroup(Group, Options)
Create a new group in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateJob(Job)
Create a new job in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateJob(Job, Options)
Create a new job in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateLabel(Label)
Create a new label in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateLabel(Label, Options)
Create a new label in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateStream(Stream)
Create a new stream in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateStream(Stream, Options)
Create a new stream in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateUser(User)
Create a new user in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleCreateUser(User, Options)
Create a new user in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteBranchSpec
Delete a branch from the repository
Public methodCode exampleDeleteChangelist
Delete a change from the repository
Public methodCode exampleDeleteClient
Delete a client from the repository
Public methodCode exampleDeleteCounter
Delete a Perforce counter from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteDepot
Delete a depot from the repository
Public methodCode exampleDeleteGroup
Delete a group from the repository
Public methodCode exampleDeleteJob
Delete a job from the repository
Public methodCode exampleDeleteLabel
Delete a label from the repository
Public methodCode exampleDeleteStream
Delete a stream from the repository
Public methodCode exampleDeleteUser
Delete a user from the repository
Public methodDispose
Clean up after a Repository is used. Closes and Disposes the underlying connection
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetBranchSpec(String)
Get a BranchSpec from the branch name
Public methodCode exampleGetBranchSpec(String, String, String, Options)
Get the record for an existing branch from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetBranchSpecs
Get a list of branches from the repository
Public methodCode exampleGetChangelist(Int32)
Get the record for an existing change from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetChangelist(Int32, Options)
Get the record for an existing change from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetChangelists
Get a list of changes from the repository
Public methodCode exampleGetClient(String)
Get the record for an existing client from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetClient(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing client from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetClientMetadata
Get client application information.
Public methodCode exampleGetClients
Get a list of clients from the repository
Public methodCode exampleGetCounter
Get a named Perforce counter value from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetCounters
Get the Perforce counters for this repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetDepot(String)
Get the record for an existing depot from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetDepot(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing depot from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetDepotDirs(IListString, Options)
List selected directory paths in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetDepotDirs(Options, String)
List selected directory paths in the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetDepotFileDiffs
Get content and existence diff details for two depot files.
Public methodCode exampleGetDepotFiles
Return a list of FileSpecs of files in the depot that correspond to the passed-in FileSpecs.
Public methodCode exampleGetDepots
Get a list of depots from the repository
Public methodGetDepots(Options)
Public methodCode exampleGetFileAnnotations
Return FileAnnotation objects for the listed FileSpecs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFileContents(IListFileSpec, Options)
Return the contents of the files identified by the passed-in file specs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFileContents(Options, FileSpec)
Return the contents of the files identified by the passed-in file specs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFileContentsEx(IListFileSpec, Options)
Return the contents of the files identified by the passed-in file specs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFileContentsEx(Options, FileSpec)
Return the contents of the files identified by the passed-in file specs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFileDiffs
Compare workspace content to depot content
Public methodCode exampleGetFileHistory(IListFileSpec, Options)
Get the revision history data for the passed-in file specs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFileHistory(Options, FileSpec)
Get the revision history data for the passed-in file specs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFileLineMatches
Get a list of matching lines in the passed-in file specs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFileMetaData(IListFileSpec, Options)
Use the p4 fstat command to get the file metadata for the files matching the FileSpec.
Public methodCode exampleGetFileMetaData(Options, FileSpec)
Use the p4 fstat command to get the file metadata for the files matching the FileSpec.
Public methodCode exampleGetFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Return a list of Files in the depot that correspond to the passed-in FileSpecs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Return a list of Files in the depot that correspond to the passed-in FileSpecs.
Public methodCode exampleGetFixes
List fixes affecting files and / or jobs and / or changelists.
Public methodCode exampleGetFormSpec
Get a FormSpec of the specified form type.
Public methodCode exampleGetGroup(String)
Get the record for an existing group from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetGroup(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing group from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetGroups
Get a list of groups from the repository
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleGetJob(String)
Get the record for an existing job from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetJob(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing job from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetJobs
Get a list of jobs from the repository
Public methodCode exampleGetLabel(String)
Get the record for an existing label from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetLabel(String, String, Options)
Get the record for an existing label from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetLabels
Get a list of labels from the repository
Public methodGetMaxProtectionAccess
Public methodCode exampleGetOpenedFiles
Return a list of Files opened by users / clients.
Public methodCode exampleGetProtectionEntries
Get a list of Perforce protection entries for the passed-in file specs
Public methodCode exampleGetProtectionTable
Get the repository's protection table.
Public methodCode exampleGetProtectionTable(Options) Obsolete.
Get the repository's protection table.
Public methodCode exampleGetReviewers
List Perforce users assigned to review files.
Public methodCode exampleGetServerLicenseInformation
Retrieves Server License related information from the repository.
Public methodGetServerMetaData Obsolete.
Public methodCode exampleGetServerMetaData(Options)
Get server information.
Public methodCode exampleGetStream(String)
Get the record for an existing stream from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetStream(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing stream from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetStream(String, String, Options) Obsolete.
Get the record for an existing stream from the repository.
Public methodGetStreamLog
Public methodCode exampleGetStreamMetaData
Get the integration status for a stream in the repository
Public methodCode exampleGetStreams
Get a list of streams from the repository
Public methodCode exampleGetSubmittedIntegrations
Get a list of submitted integrations for the passed-in file specs.
Public methodCode exampleGetTriggerTable
Get the repository's trigger table.
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleGetTypeMap
Get the repository's type map.
Public methodCode exampleGetUser(String)
Get the record for an existing user from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetUser(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing user from the repository.
Public methodCode exampleGetUsers(IListString, Options)
Get a list of users from the repository
Public methodCode exampleGetUsers(Options, String)
Get a list of users from the repository
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleNewChangelist
Create a new empty changelist object using a blank spec returned by the server
Public methodRenameClient
Renames client/workspace in the repository and also modifies all applicable places with new name.
Public methodCode exampleTagFiles
Tag depot files with the passed-in label.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleUpdateBranchSpec
Update the record for a branch in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateChangelist(Changelist)
Update the record for a change in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateChangelist(Changelist, Options)
Update the record for a change in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateClient
Update the record for a client in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateDepot
Update the record for a depot in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateGroup(Group)
Update the record for a group in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateGroup(Group, Options)
Update the record for a group in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateJob
Update the record for a job in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateLabel
Update the record for a label in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateStream(Stream)
Update the record for a stream in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateStream(Stream, Options)
Update the record for a stream in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateSubmittedChangelist(Changelist)
Update the record for a submitted change in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateSubmittedChangelist(Changelist, Options)
Update the record for a submitted change in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateUser(User)
Update the record for a user in the repository
Public methodCode exampleUpdateUser(User, Options)
Update the record for a user in the repository
See Also