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ResolveFilesCmdFlags Enumeration

Flags for the resolve command.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public enum ResolveFilesCmdFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags.
FileAttributesOnly1 The -A flag can be used to limit the kind of resolving that will be attempted; without it, everything is attempted: -Aa Resolve attributes set by "p4 attribute"
FileBranchingOnly2 The -A flag can be used to limit the kind of resolving that will be attempted; without it, everything is attempted: -Ab Resolve Integrations where the source is edited and the target deleted
FileContentChangesOnly4 The -A flag can be used to limit the kind of resolving that will be attempted; without it, everything is attempted: -Ac Resolve file content changes as well as actions
FileDeletionsOnly8 The -A flag can be used to limit the kind of resolving that will be attempted; without it, everything is attempted: -Ad Resolve integrations where the source is deleted and target is edited.
FileMovesOnly16 The -A flag can be used to limit the kind of resolving that will be attempted; without it, everything is attempted: -Am Resolve moved and renamed files.
FileTypeChangesOnly32 The -A flag can be used to limit the kind of resolving that will be attempted; without it, everything is attempted: -At Resolve filetype changes.
FileTypeCharsetChangesOnly64 The -A flag can be used to limit the kind of resolving that will be attempted; without it, everything is attempted: -AQ Resolve charset changes.
LimitFlags127 Resolve using All -A flags
AutomaticSafeMode256 -as: Safe Accept. If either yours or theirs is different from base, (and the changes are in common) accept that revision. If both are different from base, skip this file. The -a flag puts 'p4 resolve' into automatic mode. The user is not prompted, and files that can't be resolved automatically are skipped:
AutomaticMergeMode512 -am: Automatic Mode. Automatically accept the Perforce-recommended file revision: if theirs is identical to base, accept yours; if yours is identical to base, accept theirs; if yours and theirs are different from base, and there are no conflicts between yours and theirs; accept merge; otherwise, there are conflicts between yours and theirs, so skip this file. The -a flag puts 'p4 resolve' into automatic mode. The user is not prompted, and files that can't be resolved automatically are skipped:
AutomaticForceMergeMode1024 -af: Force Accept. Accept the merge file no matter what. If the merge file has conflict markers, they will be left in, and you’ll need to remove them by editing the file. The -a flag puts 'p4 resolve' into automatic mode. The user is not prompted, and files that can't be resolved automatically are skipped:
AutomaticTheirsMode2048 -at: Accept Theirs. Use this option with caution, as the file in the client workspace will be overwritten! The -a flag puts 'p4 resolve' into automatic mode. The user is not prompted, and files that can't be resolved automatically are skipped:
AutomaticYoursMode8192 -ay: Accept Yours, ignore theirs. It preserves the content of workspace files. The -a flag puts 'p4 resolve' into automatic mode. The user is not prompted, and files that can't be resolved automatically are skipped:
ActionFlags12032 All Action Resolve Actions
ForceResolve16384 The -f flag enables previously resolved files to be resolved again. By default, after files have been resolved, 'p4 resolve' does not process them again.
PreviewOnly32768 The -n flag previews the operation without altering files.
PreviewPlusOnly65536 The -N flag previews the operation with additional information about any non-content resolve actions that are scheduled.
DisplayBaseFile131072 The -o flag displays the base file name and revision to be used during the the merge.
ForceTextualMerge262144 The -t flag forces 'p4 resolve' to attempt a textual merge, even for files with non-text (binary) types.
MarkAllChanges524288 The -v flag causes 'p4 resolve' to insert markers for all changes, not just conflicts.
IgnoreWhitespaceChanges1048576 The -d flags can be used to control handling of whitespace and line endings when merging files: -db Ignore Whitespace Changes
IgnoreWhitespace2097152 The -d flags can be used to control handling of whitespace and line endings when merging files: -dw Ignore whitespace altogether.
IgnoreLineEndings4194304 The -d flags can be used to control handling of whitespace and line endings when merging files: -dl Ignore Line Endings
WsFlags7340032 All Whitespace and line ending flags together
ResolveStream144 The -So flag cen be used to resolve opened Stream spec
See Also