| Name | Description |
| Options |
Construct an blank Options object
| Options(ChangeCmdFlags) |
Change command options.
| Options(ClientCmdFlags) |
Client command options.
| Options(CounterCmdFlags) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(DepotCmdFlags) |
Options for the Depot command
| Options(GetProtectionTableCmdFlags) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetResolvedFilesCmdFlags) |
Resolved command options.
| Options(GetStreamMetaDataCmdFlags) |
Options for the istat command
| Options(GetTriggerTableCmdFlags) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetTypeMapCmdFlags) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GroupCmdFlags) |
Group command options.
| Options(InfoCmdFlags) |
Options for the trust command
| Options(Int32) |
Options for the lock command.
| Options(JobCmdFlags) |
Options for job command.
| Options(LabelSyncCmdFlags) |
Options for the labelsync command.
| Options(LicenseCmdFlags) |
Options for the license command
| Options(LogoutCmdFlags) |
Options for the logout command.
| Options(TrustCmdFlags) |
Options for the trust command
| Options(UserCmdFlags) |
User command options.
| Options(ChangeCmdFlags, ChangeListType) |
Change command options.
| Options(DeleteFilesCmdFlags, Int32) |
Options for the delete command.
| Options(FilesCmdFlags, Int32) |
Options for the files command.
| Options(GetDepotDirsCmdFlags, String) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetDepotFilesCmdFlags, Int32) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetFileAnnotationsCmdFlags, String) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetFileContentsCmdFlags, String) |
Command options for GetFileContentsCmd()
| Options(GetReviewersCmdFlags, Int32) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetSubmittedIntegrationsCmdFlags, String) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GroupsCmdFlags, Int32) |
Groups command options.
| Options(Int32, FileType) |
Options for the reopen command.
| Options(LabelCmdFlags, String) |
Options for the Label Command
| Options(LoginCmdFlags, String) |
Options for the login command.
| Options(ReconcileFilesCmdFlags, Int32) |
Reconcile command options.
| Options(ResolveFilesCmdFlags, Int32) |
Options for the resolve command
| Options(RevertFilesCmdFlags, Int32) |
Revert command options.
| Options(TagFilesCmdFlags, String) |
Options for the tag command.
| Options(UnlockFilesCmdFlags, Int32) |
Unlock command options.
| Options(UsersCmdFlags, Int32) |
Users command options.
| Options(AddFilesCmdFlags, Int32, FileType) |
Options for the Add command.
| Options(BranchSpecCmdFlags, String, String) |
Create Branch command options
| Options(DescribeChangelistCmdFlags, Int32, Int32) |
Options for the Describe command
| Options(EditFilesCmdFlags, Int32, FileType) |
Options for the edit command
| Options(FileLogCmdFlags, Int32, Int32) |
Options for the filelog command.
| Options(FixJobsCmdFlags, Int32, String) |
Fix command options.
| Options(GetFileHistoryCmdFlags, Int32, Int32) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(JobsCmdFlags, String, Int32) |
Jobs command options.
| Options(MoveFileCmdFlags, Int32, FileType) |
Options for the move command.
| Options(StreamCmdFlags, String, String) |
Create Options for a Stream command
| Options(UnshelveFilesCmdFlags, Int32, Int32) |
Unshelve command options.
| Options(BranchSpecsCmdFlags, String, String, Int32) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(ClientCmdFlags, String, String, Int32) |
Client command options.
| Options(GetFileDiffsCmdFlags, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetFileLineMatchesCmdFlags, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetFixesCmdFlags, Int32, String, Int32) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetMaxProtectionAccessCmdFlags, String, String, String) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetProtectionEntriesCmdFlags, String, String, String) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(ClientsCmdFlags, String, String, Int32, String) |
Clients command options.
| Options(GetOpenedFilesCmdFlags, String, String, String, Int32) |
Options for the opened command
| Options(LabelsCmdFlags, String, String, Int32, String) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(StreamsCmdFlags, String, String, String, Int32) |
Options for the Streams command
| Options(ChangesCmdFlags, String, Int32, ChangeListStatus, String, Int32) |
Changes command options.
| Options(CopyFilesCmdFlags, String, String, String, Int32, Int32) |
Copy command options.
| Options(GetDepotFileDiffsCmdFlags, Int32, Int32, String, String, String) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(GetFileMetadataCmdFlags, String, String, Int32, String, String) | Obsolete.
Options for the fstat command
| Options(IntegrateFilesCmdFlags, Int32, Int32, String, String, String) |
Options for the integrate command.
| Options(LabelsCmdFlags, String, String, Int32, String, String) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(MergeFilesCmdFlags, String, String, String, Int32, Int32) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(StreamsCmdFlags, String, String, String, Int32, String) |
Options for the Streams command
| Options(GetFileMetadataCmdFlags, String, String, Int32, String, String, String) | Initializes a new instance of the Options class |
| Options(SyncFilesCmdFlags, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Sync command options.
| Options(ShelveFilesCmdFlags, Changelist, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Shelve command options.
| Options(SubmitFilesCmdFlags, Int32, Changelist, String, ClientSubmitOptions, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Submit command options