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ParentView Enumeration

Flags to configure stream ParentView.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public enum ParentView
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 Unset read default from server.
Inherit1 If a ParentView is inherit, the Paths, Remapped, and Ignored fields will be affected. The view created from each field is composed of the stream's fields and the set of fields "inherited" from each of the stream's ancestors. The inheritance is implicit, so the inherited Paths, Remapped, and Ignored values will not be displayed with the current stream specification.
NoInherit2 If a ParentView is noinherit, the Paths, Remapped, and Ignored fields are not affected by the stream's ancestors. The child views are exactly what is specified in the Paths, Remapped, and Ignored fields.
See Also