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DepotType Enumeration

The type of the depot.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public enum DepotType
  Member nameValueDescription
Local0 A 'local' depot (the default) is managed directly by the server and its files reside in the server's root directory.
Remote1 A 'remote' depot refers to files in another Perforce server.
Spec2 A 'spec' depot automatically archives all edited forms (branch, change, client, depot, group, job, jobspec, protect, triggers, typemap, and user) in special, read-only files. The files are named: //depotname/formtype/name[suffix]. Updates to jobs made by the 'p4 change', 'p4 fix', and 'p4 submit' commands are also saved, but other automatic updates such as as access times or opened files (for changes) are not. A server can contain only one 'spec' depot.
Stream4 A 'stream' depot is a local depot dedicated to the storage of files in a stream.
Archive8 An 'archive' depot defines a storage location to which obsolete revisions may be relocated.
Unload16 An 'unload' depot defines a storage location to which database records may be unloaded and from which they may be reloaded.
Tangent32 A 'tangent' depot defines a read-only location which holds tangents created by the 'fetch -t' command. The tangent depot named 'tangent' is automatically created by 'fetch -t' if one does not already exist.
Extension64 An 'extension' depot stores files related to Helix Core Extensions. See 'p4 help extension'.
Graph128 A 'graph' depot defines a storage location to which one or more git repositories are represented using the git data model.
See Also