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RW.Server.Component Namespace
The RW.Server.Component namespace contains fundamental classes and base classes that let you build a .NET client application for Rogue Wave Server.
Public classAlreadyInitializedException
The exception that is thrown when proper initialization checking fails.
Public classConnectionEventArgs
Arguments for connection related events on MvComponent.
Public classIllegalAddToCollectionException
Exception thrown when it is not allowed to add an object into a collection.
Public classInvalidKindException
Thrown when the kind of MvDataType is inconsistent.
Public classMapping
Defines the mapping between
  • the representation type names used in a dynamic view type specification and the associated component classes;
  • A user type names used on server side and the associated component classes;
  • the attribute labels used in a dynamic view type specification and attribute modifiers of the component classes.
Public classModelNotSetException
Exception thrown if the model is not set on a representation object.
Public classMvArray
Implements an array of objects that can be transported between processes.
Public classMvComponent
An MvComponent lets you open dynamic views.
Public classMvComponentFactory
Factory class used to create instances of the MvComponent class.
Public classMvDateTime
Used to exchange dates and times between Rogue Wave Server processes.
Public classMvEndPoint
Base class for any component connected to a dynamic view server (see MvComponent) and for the interface of these components as handled by the server (see C++ class IlsMvComponentItf).
Public classMvKeyValueTable
Carries out the association between a key and a value, based on the IDictionary interface.
Public classMvMessage
Manages the server/component communication layer.
Public classMvMessageException
Signals an error in an MvMessage.
Public classMvOptions
Handles all Server related options.
Public classMvOptionsConnection
Description of a connection request.
Public classMvProcess
Implements any Rogue Wave Server process, whether a component or a server process.
Public classMvUserType
Base class for all user-defined types.
Public classMvValue
Encapsulates the value of the runtime attributes attached to representation objects.
Public classRepresentation
Implements the representations in a component that are associated with each dynamic view in the server.
Public classRepresentationEventArgs
Arguments for representation related events on MvComponent.
Public classRpAttrModel
Defines an attribute of a dynamic representation object model.
Public classRpModel
Defines a dynamic representation model specific to a given dynamic view type specification.
Public classRpObject
Base class for any representation objects.
Public classRpObjectEventArgs
Arguments for RpObject related events.
Public classRpObjModel
Defines the dynamic model of a representation object.
Public classServerException
Base class of all Rogue Wave Server related exceptions.
Public classSvMsg
Enables to specify a message level identifier and description.
Public classTranslationManager
Manages the encoding and decoding functions used to translate strings between different locales.
Public classUnstreamException
The exception that is thrown when there is a problem reading a MvUserType value from a MvMessage.
Public classViewDescription
Contains the descriptions of a view returned by GetViewTypesAsync(String, String, String, Boolean).
Public structureAny
Holds a IlsAny C++.
Public structureHRef
Represents an hyper-reference.
Public structureMvDataType
Defines the type of attributes attached to a representation object model.
Public structureMvFile
Used to transmit the name and contents of a file from the server to the component.
Public structureMvOptionsView
Description of a view to be open.
Public structureMvRef
Transmits references of representation objects between a component and a server.
Public structureMvViewParamInfo
Information about a view parameter.
Public structureViewIds
Contains the information of a view returned by GetViewIdsAsync(String, String, String, Boolean).
Public interfaceIRtModelBuilder
Interface for receiving the server model description after a call to MvComponent.GetServerModel().
Public delegateMappingAttributeMapper
Delegate for the mapping of the attributes. It returns the name of the method to use for an update.
Public delegateMappingTypeMapper
Delegate for the mapping of the type names. Gets the full qualified name of the correponding representation type.
Public delegateMvComponentTransactionHandler
Delegate for being warned of the end of a server-to-component transaction.
Public delegateMvEndPointMsgDecoder
Used to decipher and uncompress messages exchanged between a component and a server.
Public delegateMvEndPointMsgEncoder
Used to cipher and compress messages exchanged between a component and a server.
Public delegateTranslationManagerStrDecoder
Used when a message is expected from the communication layer.
Public delegateTranslationManagerStrEncoder
Used when a message is to be sent over the communication layer.
Public enumerationC2STransactionStatus
Specifies the kind of component transactions executed within a server.
Public enumerationMvKind
All possible types for MvValue transmitted through the Server protocol.
Public enumerationRepresentationUpdateType
Indicates the type of editing operation to be performed on a server object by a component through a dynamic view.
Public enumerationS2CTransactionStatus
The types of transaction executed within a component.