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RpModel Class
Defines a dynamic representation model specific to a given dynamic view type specification.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public sealed class RpModel : RpObjModel

The RpModel type exposes the following members.

Public methodattrModels
Gets the attribute models in this dynamic representation model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public methodGetAttrId(String)
Gets an non-indexed attribute identifier in the dynamic representation object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public methodGetAttrId(String, Int32)
Gets an indexed attribute identifier in the dynamic representation object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public methodGetAttrModel
Gets an attribute in the dynamic representation object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public methodGetRpObjModel(Int32)
Gets the dynamic representation object model associated with a representation object model identifier.
Public methodGetRpObjModel(String, String)
Gets the dynamic representation object model .
Public propertyAnnotations
The annotations attached to the Representaion object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public propertyNbAttrs
Gets the number of attributes in the dynamic representation object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public propertyNbObjModels
Gets the number of dynamic representation object models contained in the representation model.
Public propertyObjId
Gets the identifier of the dynamic representation object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public propertyRpId
Gets the dynamic representation model identifier.
Public propertyRpModel
Gets the dynamic representation model that contains the dynamic representation object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public propertyRpObjLabel
Gets the label of the dynamic representation object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public propertyRpTypeName
Gets a string that specifies the type of any representation object associated with the dynamic representation object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public propertySvTypeName
Gets a string that specifies the type of the Server object associated with the dynamic representation object model.
(Inherited from RpObjModel.)
Public propertyViewName
Gets the name of the dynamic view type associated with the representation model.

An instance of RpModel contains all the representation object models that belong to the view specification. It is created when a dynamic view type specification is loaded to the server and it is transferred to each application component that requests an instance of this dynamic view type to be opened.

When a dynamic view type specification is modified, the dynamic representation model is automatically updated on the component side. The updated representation model is the one that will be used for subsequent instances of the dynamic view type.

See Also