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RpObjModel Class
Defines the dynamic model of a representation object.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public class RpObjModel : ICloneable

The RpObjModel type exposes the following members.

Public methodattrModels
Gets the attribute models in this dynamic representation model.
Public methodGetAttrId(String)
Gets an non-indexed attribute identifier in the dynamic representation object model.
Public methodGetAttrId(String, Int32)
Gets an indexed attribute identifier in the dynamic representation object model.
Public methodGetAttrModel
Gets an attribute in the dynamic representation object model.
Public propertyAnnotations
The annotations attached to the Representaion object model.
Public propertyNbAttrs
Gets the number of attributes in the dynamic representation object model.
Public propertyObjId
Gets the identifier of the dynamic representation object model.
Public propertyRpModel
Gets the dynamic representation model that contains the dynamic representation object model.
Public propertyRpObjLabel
Gets the label of the dynamic representation object model.
Public propertyRpTypeName
Gets a string that specifies the type of any representation object associated with the dynamic representation object model.
Public propertySvTypeName
Gets a string that specifies the type of the Server object associated with the dynamic representation object model.

Each instance of the class RpObjModel defines in memory the specification of a mapping between a class in the server object model and a representation object type. It is included into the dynamic representation model associated with the dynamic view type specification.

In the following view specification, for example, the class Line is mapped to the representations inputRow and ouputRow, which are both instances of the class IlsSwRow. At runtime, these mapping specifications will be defined by two instances of the class RpObjModel, which will be grouped together in the representation model associated with the NodePanel view specification.

view NodePanel:
subscribe  Line:
  represent  IlsSwRow  inputRow:
    Ref<IlsSwTable>  table=output[inputPanel];
    string  column[1]=name;
  represent  IlsSwRow  outputRow:
    Ref<IlsSwTable>  table=input[outputPanel];
    string  column[1]=name;

See Also