MvComponent Class |
Namespace: RW.Server.Component
The MvComponent type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
MvComponent |
Initializes a new MvComponent instance.
Name | Description | |
AckOpenView |
Called by Rogue Wave Server in order to acknowledge or
rollback a view opening performed with the "acknoledged openView"
| |
BeginC2STransaction |
Initializes a component-to-server transaction.
| |
BeginC2STransaction(MvComponentTransactionHandler) |
Initializes a component-to-server transaction.
| |
BeginModelDeclaration |
Empty implementation of IRtModelBuilder.
| |
BeginS2CTransaction |
Transaction Control from the Server to the Component. Called whenever a
server-to-component transaction is opened.
| |
CommitC2STransaction |
Sends to the server the current component-to-server transaction.
| |
Connect |
Lets you establish a connection with a the server
identified by its name and hostname.
| |
DeclAttribute |
Empty implementation of IRtModelBuilder.
| |
DeclClass |
Empty implementation of IRtModelBuilder.
| |
DeclFunction |
Empty implementation of IRtModelBuilder.
| |
DeclParentClass |
Implementation of IRtModelBuilder.
| |
DeclRelation |
Empty implementation of IRtModelBuilder.
| |
DelRepresentation |
Called by Rogue Wave Server to delete a representation.
| |
Disconnect |
Disconnects the component from the server.
| |
EndModelDeclaration |
Empty implementation of IRtModelBuilder.
| |
EndS2CTransaction |
Transaction Control from the Server to the Component. Called whenever a
server-to-component transaction is over.
| |
ExecAsyncGlobalCallback |
Callback that executes an asynchronous call to a remote function.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
ExecAsyncObjectCallback |
Callback that executes an asynchronous call on a remote object.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
ExecDuplexGlobalCallbackAsync |
This function executes a global callback on the server and get its result in
an asynchronous task.
| |
ExecDuplexObjectCallbackAsync |
This function executes a member callback on the server and get its result in
an asynchronous task.
| |
ExecSyncGlobalCallback |
Callback that executes a synchronous call to a remote function.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
ExecSyncObjectCallback |
Callback that executes a synchronous call on a remote object.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
ExecUserAsyncCallback |
Component Actions on the Server. Executes the callback function
callbackName for the user object which is associated with
the component on the server side. (The user object type should be a
subtype of IlsMvUser.)
| |
Exit |
Called when the component is destroyed.
| |
GetObjectIdsAsync |
Requests the list of objects that have
been registered with the server and whose names match the
pattern. (See IlsString::match(), see also
IlsMvServer::DeclObjectLabel() to know how to associate a Server object
with a label.)
| |
GetRepresentation |
Given an identifier, this method returns the associated
representation, if any.
| |
GetRpModel |
Model Management. Returns the dynamic representation model identified by
id, if any, or null otherwise.
| |
GetRpObject |
Returns the RpObject from a given MvRef.
| |
GetServerModel(Boolean) |
Enables the component to receive the object model
specification of the server in asynchronous mode.
(Overrides MvEndPointGetServerModel(Boolean).) | |
GetServerModel(IRtModelBuilder, Boolean) |
Request the server for the server model description.
| |
GetViewIdsAsync |
Requests from the server the list of the views that meet the criteria defined by the
| |
GetViewTypesAsync |
Queries the list of views available on a given object,
according to some patterns.
| |
LoadViewSpec |
Loads a dynamic view-type specification to the server.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
NewInCollector(RpObject, Int32, Boolean) |
Lets you create a new representation object associated with a collector attribute.
On the server side, this new representation object will be associated with a new Server object, which itself will be included in the relation specified by the collector. The method determines the representation object type associated with the collector in the view specification. It calls the constructor of this object type and calls the function OnAddToCollection(RpObject, Int32) with collectorOwner and collectorId as parameters on the new object. Then, if the endUpdate is true, the method EndC2SUpdate is invoked. | |
NewInCollector(RpObjModel, RpObject, Int32, Boolean) |
Lets you create a new representation object associated with a collector attribute.
On the server side, this new representation object will be associated with a new Server object, which itself will be included in the relation specified by the collector. The method calls the constructor for the objModel type and calls the function OnAddToCollection(RpObject, Int32) with collectorOwner and collectorId as parameters on the new object. Then, if the endUpdate is true, the method EndC2SUpdate is invoked. | |
NewMapping |
Enables the component to create a new representation object
associated with a collector attribute.
| |
NewRepresentation |
Called to create a new representation if no
subtype of Representation is specified in the
associated dynamic view type.
| |
OnConnect |
Called when the connection between the
component and the server is established.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
OnNewRpModel |
Model Management. Before creating a representation for a given dynamic
representation model, the object server sends a copy of this model to the
component. This empty member function is called each time the component
receives a new or an updated dynamic representation model. This function
is empty and can be overridden.
| |
OnNewS2CPendingTrans |
Called each time
the process of a server to component transaction is postponed.
Note that the processing of a pending transaction is automatically delayed if another server-to-component transaction is already being processed. | |
OpenView(String, String, MvValue, Boolean) |
Opens an instance of a dynamic view on a server object.
| |
OpenView(String, String, MvValue, MvValue, Int32, Boolean) |
Opens an instance of a dynamic view on a server object.
| |
RecvMessage |
Called upon reception of a message
issued by the server (see IlsMvServer:ReplyMessage).
| |
RestartS2CTrans |
Restarts the processing of server-to-component transactions.
| |
RollbackC2STransaction |
Rolls back the current component-to-server transaction,
previously initialized by the beginC2STransaction function.
| |
SetIOAdapters |
Sets a message encoder and decoder to the endpoint.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
SuspendS2CTrans |
Suspends the processing of any new transaction issued by
the server.
| |
TransactionDelegates |
Returns all the transaction delegates that are waiting for a
Name | Description | |
C2SPendingTransCount |
Gets the number of component to server pending transactions.
| |
C2STransactionDepth |
Gets the depth of the current component-to-server transaction.
| |
Decoder |
Gets the message decoder.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
DefaultC2STransactionMode |
Gets or sets the component-to-server default transaction
| |
Encoder |
Gets the message encoder.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
ExitOnDeletion |
Specifies if Exit is
called when the component is destroyed.
| |
hasC2SUpdates |
Gets a value that indicates if the current component to server
transaction is not empty.
| |
InC2STransaction |
Gets a value indicating if a component-to-server transaction is
already initialized in the component.
| |
InS2CTransaction |
Gets a value that whether a server-to-component transaction is
being processed.
| |
MsgStream |
Gets or sets the writer on which messages received from the
server are written.
| |
Name |
Gets the component name.
| |
PeerHost |
Gets the host name of the connected process.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
PeerName |
Gets the name of the connected process.
(Inherited from MvEndPoint.) | |
Representations |
Gets IEnumerable on all the representations of this component.
| |
S2CPendingTransCount |
Gets the number of component to server pending transactions.
| |
SuspendedS2CTransNb |
Suspends the processing of any new transaction issued by the
| |
ThereIsSuspendedS2CTrans |
Gets a value indicating if there is a suspended transaction.
| |
TransactionId |
Gets the identifier of the current component-to-server
Name | Description | |
CloseRepresentation |
Called when user has called Close(Boolean) on the representation.
| |
Connected |
Called when the component is connected.
| |
ConnectionAllowed |
Called if the connection has been allowed by the server.
| |
ConnectionDenied |
Called if the connection has been denied by the server.
| |
CreateRepresentation |
Called during when a new Representation is created.
| |
DeleteRepresentation |
Called when the representation is being deleted.
| |
Disconnected |
Called when the component is disconnected.
| |
RepresentationCreated |
Called at the end of the initial notification transaction
when all RpObjects have been created .
Opening a view causes a representation to be created in the component. Components feature a transaction mechanism to control how representation updates are notified to the server and how server feedbacks are performed on the representations.
Transaction Control
All interactions between an object server and a component are based on a two-tier transaction system, that takes place both on the server side and on the component side. There are two kinds of transactions: those used to handle requests sent to the server (C2S transactions) and those used to handle requests received from the server (S2C transactions). A component-to-server transaction can be created by a component explicitly by calling the BeginC2STransaction method.
This function buffers all the requests sent to the server until the transaction i7s committed by the CommitC2STransaction function or rolled back by the RollbackC2STransaction function. Bufferization supports a three-tier control at: component levelrepresentation levelrepresentation object level
Rogue Wave Server provides asynchronous acknowledgement and rollback features for component-to-server transactions. The acknowledgement feature is set through DefaultC2STransactionMode. When this feature is enabled, any transaction committed first by the component, and then by the server, triggers in turn an acknowledgement transaction to the component.
The acknowledgement is then propagated to all representations and representation objects that have been updated by the component. If a transaction committed by a component to the server fails, it triggers in turn a rollback transaction from the server to the component. There are two reasons why a transaction sent by the component may be rolled back: The transaction is rejected by the server. As a result, the rollback transaction from the server to the component triggers the appropriate requests for the representation objects to be kept consistent with the server. The transaction is locally aborted by the component. When the asynchronous rollback mode is enabled, the server is requested to update the component, as if the transaction had been actually committed by the component and rejected by the server.
When the asynchronous rollback mode is disabled, a rollback transaction is carried out on the component. The type of a server to-component transaction is defined by the S2CTransactionStatus enum type.