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MvEndPointSetIOAdapters Method
Sets a message encoder and decoder to the endpoint.

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public virtual bool SetIOAdapters(
	MvEndPointMsgEncoder e,
	MvEndPointMsgDecoder d


Type: RW.Server.ComponentMvEndPointMsgEncoder
The encoder.
Type: RW.Server.ComponentMvEndPointMsgDecoder
The decoder.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
true if a connection is established with a server, false otherwise.

The encoding/decoding functions can be used to cipher/decipher and to compress/uncompress messages. It is the developer's responsibility to set the corresponding converters at the peer endpoint of the connection.

If there is one set, the MvEndPointMsgEncoder delegate is invoked on each message emitted through the endpoint after it has been streamed into a buffer of bytes. Only the resulting buffer is sent.
Symmetrically, the MvEndPointMsgDecoder delegate is invoked on each buffer of bytes corresponding to a message received through the endpoint. The resulting buffer is then unstreamed to create the input message to be processed locally.

See Also