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MvEndPoint Methods

The MvEndPoint type exposes the following members.

Public methodExecAsyncGlobalCallback
Callback that executes an asynchronous call to a remote function.
Public methodExecAsyncObjectCallback
Callback that executes an asynchronous call on a remote object.
Public methodExecSyncGlobalCallback
Callback that executes a synchronous call to a remote function.
Public methodExecSyncObjectCallback
Callback that executes a synchronous call on a remote object.
Public methodGetServerModel
Enables the component to receive the object model specification of the server in asynchronous mode.
Public methodLoadViewSpec
Loads a dynamic view-type specification to the server.
Protected methodOnConnect
Called when the connection between the component and the server is established.
Public methodSetIOAdapters
Sets a message encoder and decoder to the endpoint.
See Also