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MvEndPointLoadViewSpec Method
Loads a dynamic view-type specification to the server.

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public virtual void LoadViewSpec(
	string fileOrString,
	bool isString = true,
	bool useXmlParser = false,
	bool isSync = false


Type: SystemString
View description or file name of the view description.
isString (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
If false, the first argument will be considered as a file name and the sent view description will be the content of the file.
useXmlParser (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
If true, the XML parser will be used to load the view.
isSync (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
If true, the call be be synchronous.
This loading is done either from a string (if the isString parameter is set to true) or from the name of the view specification file (if isString is set to false).
See Also