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IRtModelBuilder Interface
Interface for receiving the server model description after a call to MvComponent.GetServerModel().

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public interface IRtModelBuilder

The IRtModelBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodBeginModelDeclaration
Called by Rogue Wave Server when the model declaration starts.
Public methodDeclAttribute
Called by Rogue Wave Server to declare the Server attribute name.
Public methodDeclClass
Called by Rogue Wave Server to declare a Server object type.
Public methodDeclFunction
Called by Rogue Wave Server to declare a Server member function.
Public methodDeclParentClass
Called by Rogue Wave Server to declare that a Server type directly derives from another Server type.
Public methodDeclRelation
Called by Rogue Wave Server to declare the Server relation name.
Public methodEndModelDeclaration
Called by Rogue Wave Server when the model declaration stops.
MvComponent implements this interface with an empty implementation. So you can also subclass the component to make it receive the calls.
See Also