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MvComponentNewInCollector Method (RpObject, Int32, Boolean)
Lets you create a new representation object associated with a collector attribute.

On the server side, this new representation object will be associated with a new Server object, which itself will be included in the relation specified by the collector.

The method determines the representation object type associated with the collector in the view specification. It calls the constructor of this object type and calls the function OnAddToCollection(RpObject, Int32) with collectorOwner and collectorId as parameters on the new object.

Then, if the endUpdate is true, the method EndC2SUpdate is invoked.

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public RpObject NewInCollector(
	RpObject collectorOwner,
	int collectorId,
	bool endUpdate = true


Type: RW.Server.ComponentRpObject
The representation object that owns the collector.
Type: SystemInt32
The identifier of the collector attribute.
endUpdate (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Controls the calls to the function EndC2SUpdate.

Return Value

Type: RpObject
The new representation object or

Field Value

Type: RpObject
null if the function OnAddToCollection(RpObject, Int32) fails.
See Also