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MvComponentGetViewTypesAsync Method
Queries the list of views available on a given object, according to some patterns.

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public Task<ICollection<ViewDescription>> GetViewTypesAsync(
	string objId,
	string viewPattern = "*",
	string viewTypePattern = "*",
	bool caseSensitive = false


Type: SystemString
The object name (as declared with IlsMvServer::DeclObjectLabel() on the server side).
viewPattern (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The pattern for the view name.
viewTypePattern (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The pattern for the view type.
caseSensitive (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
true if the search must be case sensitive.

Return Value

Type: TaskICollectionViewDescription
null if the component is not connected. Otherwise, it returns asynchronously the list of ViewDescriptions.

The request is asynchronous. You can use the async/await pattern.

See Also