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MvComponentExecDuplexObjectCallbackAsync Method
This function executes a member callback on the server and get its result in an asynchronous task.

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public Task<MvValue> ExecDuplexObjectCallbackAsync(
	MvRef mvref,
	string funNm,
	MvValue[] args


Type: RW.Server.ComponentMvRef
Reference on the object the callback is member of.
Type: SystemString
Name of the callback to execute on server side.
Type: RW.Server.ComponentMvValue
Arguments to send to the server callback.

Return Value

Type: TaskMvValue
An asynchronous result.
The task may be canceled in the two following situations: - The callback has been rolled back by the server ; - The component has been disconnected and disposed. In such a case, an TaskCanceledException is raised. This exception might be embedded into an AggregateException when using Result or Wait.
It is possible to wait the result into a separate thread or task.
MvValue[] parameters = new MvValue[2];
parameters[0] = new MvValue(42);
parameters[1] = new MvValue(51);
var tresult = _component.ExecDuplexObjectCallbackAsync(new MvRef(object),"Multiply", parameters);
Task.Run(() => {
    try {
        var result = tresult.Result;
        Console.WriteLine(" Duplex result = " + result.AsString());
    catch(AggregateException e) {
        Console.WriteLine(" Duplex result canceled.");
In an asynchronous function, you can use:
MvValue[] parameters = new MvValue[2];
parameters[0] = new MvValue(42);
parameters[1] = new MvValue(51);
try {
    MvValue result = await _component.ExecDuplexObjectCallbackAsync(new MvRef(object),"Multiply", parameters);
catch(TaskCanceledException e) {
    Console.WriteLine(" Duplex result canceled.");
See Also