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SvMsg Class
Enables to specify a message level identifier and description.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public sealed class SvMsg : IStreamable

The SvMsg type exposes the following members.

Public methodSvMsg
Initializes a new SvMsg instance.
Public methodStatic memberAppliDebug
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_DEBUG.
Public methodStatic memberAppliError
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_ERROR.
Public methodStatic memberAppliInfo
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_INFO.
Public methodStatic memberAppliWarning(Int32)
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_WARN.
Public methodStatic memberAppliWarning(String)
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_WARN.
Public methodStatic memberGet
Gets the message associated with an identifier.
Public methodStatic memberSet
Sets the default message associated with an identifier.
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of this message.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public fieldStatic memberAPPLI_DEBUG
A debug message from the application.
Public fieldStatic memberAPPLI_ERROR
An error message from the application.
Public fieldStatic memberAPPLI_INFO
An information message from the application.
Public fieldStatic memberAPPLI_WARN
A warning message from the application.
Public fielddata
The message description.
Public fieldidentifier
The message identifier.
Public fieldlevel
The message level.
Public fieldStatic memberMAX_ID
The maximum identifier that may be used by the user.
Public fieldStatic memberMV_DEBUG
Debug level.
Public fieldStatic memberMV_ERROR
Error level.
Public fieldStatic memberMV_INFO
Information level.
Public fieldStatic memberMV_WARNING
Warning level.
This class defines the message identifier allocation policy:
  • 0 to 199 - Reserved for generic errors detected on the server side.
  • 200 to 399 - Reserved for generic errors detected on the component side.
  • 400 to 599 - Reserved for generic errors detected on the Rogue Wave Views Data Access side.
  • 600 to 999 - Reserved for generic errors (not yet used).
  • 1000 to 1999 - Application specific errors.
See Also