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SvMsg Methods

The SvMsg type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAppliDebug
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_DEBUG.
Public methodStatic memberAppliError
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_ERROR.
Public methodStatic memberAppliInfo
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_INFO.
Public methodStatic memberAppliWarning(Int32)
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_WARN.
Public methodStatic memberAppliWarning(String)
Gets a new SvMsg as an APPLI_WARN.
Public methodStatic memberGet
Gets the message associated with an identifier.
Public methodStatic memberSet
Sets the default message associated with an identifier.
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of this message.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also