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MvOptions Class
Handles all Server related options.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public class MvOptions

The MvOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberParse
Processes the Server options of a command line.
Public propertyConnections
Gets the requested connections.
Public propertyHostName
Gets the host name of the requested connection.
Public propertyServerName
Gets the name of the server of the requested connection.
Public propertyStatic memberSingleton
Gets and sets the singleton.

Options can be set in command line by prefixing their name with "-ils":

client.exe -ilstcp.daemon.port 57023 -ilstrace.component -ilsprotocol.version 5202
or as application settings, by prefixing their name with "RW.Server." weither by code:
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RW.Server.trace.component"] = "yes";
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RW.Server.tcp.daemon.port"] = "57023";
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RW.Server.protocol.version"] = "5202";
or in the application configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <supportedRuntime version = "v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" />
    <add key = "RW.Server.trace.component" value="yes"/>
    <add key = "RW.Server.tcp.daemon.port" value="57023"/>
    <add key = "RW.Server.protocol.version" value="5202"/>

The possible options are:

trace.versionSet to "yes" for having version of the libraries at MvProcess initialization.
trace.mappingSet to "yes" to trace object and attribute mapping information.
trace.mapping.filenameFile where to redirect mapping traces.

Console.Error by default.

trace.componentSet to "yes" to trace notifications sent and received by components.
trace.component.filenameFile where to redirect component traces.

Console.Error by default.

trace.translationSet to "yes" to trace locale translation related information.
trace.translation.filenameFile where to redirect translation traces.

Console.Error by default.

mapping.namespaceDefine a namespace where to look for representation classes.

Equivalent to Mapping.AddObjectMapper(Mapping.NameSpace(namespace)).

tcp.listen.portDefine the listen port of the component.
tcp.deamon.portDefine the tcpd port.
protocol.versionDefine protocole version. Only useful if server and client have different protocol versions.

Last protocol version by default.

There are also two options that are only available on command line:

-ilsconnect servername@hostname(or -ilsc) Asks to automatically connect to the server named "servername" on host "hostname".
-ilsview object.view(or -ilsv) Asks to open the view "view" on the object "object".

See Also