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C2STransactionStatus Enumeration
Specifies the kind of component transactions executed within a server.

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public enum C2STransactionStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
All0 Selects all the transaction optional features (rollback, acknowledgement, notification).
Default1 Refers to the default component-to-server transaction
NoRollback4 The component transaction must not fail and must not be rolled back even if some of its editing operations fail.
NoAcknowledge8 No acknowledgement from the server is requested on the component side when the transaction is completed.
NoNotify16 No notification cycle must be performed by the server after the transaction is completed.
SvRollback32 Indicates if the component transaction must be rolled back by the server.
See Also