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MvKind Enumeration
All possible types for MvValue transmitted through the Server protocol.

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public enum MvKind
  Member nameValueDescription
VOID0 Indicates that the attribute is of type void.
BOOL1 Indicates that the attribute is of type boolean.
CHAR2 Indicates that the attribute is of type char.
LONG3 Indicates that the attribute is of type long.
FLOAT4 Indicates that the attribute is of type float.
DOUBLE5 Indicates that the attribute is of type double.
STRING6 Indicates that the attribute is of type String.
USER7 Indicates that the attribute is user defined.
REF8 Indicates that the attribute is a reference to a representation object.
HREF9 Indicates that the attribute is an hyper reference.
COLLECTOR11 Indicates that the attribute is a collector.
ANY12 Indicates that the attribute has no associated type.
MVVALUE13 Indicates that the attribute is an MvValue.
MVFILE14 Indicates that the attribute is an MvFile.
See Also