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RpAttrModel Class
Defines an attribute of a dynamic representation object model.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public class RpAttrModel

The RpAttrModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataType
Gets a the runtime type of the attribute.
Public propertyEditable
Gets a value that indicates if the attribute can be edited.
Public propertyId
Gets the attribute identifier.
Public propertyIndex
Gets the index value of the attribute.
Public propertyIndexed
Gets a value that indicates if the attribute is indexed.
Public propertyLabel
Gets the attribute label.

In the following view specification, table and column[1] are two attributes of the dynamic representation object model inputRow.

  view NodePanel:
  subscribe Line:
  represent IlsSwRow inputRow:
      Ref<IlsSwTable> table=...;
      string column[1]=...;

At runtime, both attributes will be defined by an instance of the class RpAttrModel. An object of type RpAttrModel specifies the type of the attribute, its identifier, and its write permissions. A runtime attribute does not necessarily have to be a data member of the representation object type.

See Also