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MvDateTime Class
Used to exchange dates and times between Rogue Wave Server processes.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RW.Server.Component
Assembly: RW.Server.Component (in RW.Server.Component.dll) Version: (
public class MvDateTime : MvUserType, ICloneable, 

The MvDateTime type exposes the following members.

Public methodAsBoolean
Converts to a Boolean value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsChar
Converts to a char value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsDouble
Converts to a double value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsFloat
Converts to a float value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsHRef
Converts to an HRef value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsLong
Converts to a long value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsRef
Converts to a MvRef value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsString
Converts to a string value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsValue
Converts to another MvUserType value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodClone
Returns a copy of this object.
(Overrides MvUserTypeClone.)
Public methodCompareTo(DateTime)
Compares the current instance to the specified DateTime object.
Public methodCompareTo(Object)
Compares the current instance to another object.
Public methodCompareTo(MvDateTime)
Compares the current instance to another one.
Public methodStatic memberDecode
Decodes an instance from an MvMessage that was received from another process.
Public methodEncode
Writes an instance into an MvMessage for transfer to another process.
(Overrides MvUserTypeEncode(MvMessage).)
Public methodEquals
Tests if two MvDateTimes are equal.
(Overrides MvUserTypeEquals(Object).)
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for this object.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of the date and time value.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public propertyDate
Gets or sets the content of the current instance as a DateTime.
Instances of this class store a System.DateTime internally, and can convert to and from this type.
See Also