SECEditController Class
class SECEditController: public MvcController, public ISECEditPresentationState, public ISECEditFindReplaceNotify
The SECEditController class manages the SECEdit data model, and also communicates with the SECEditViewport-derived viewport. The controller class listens for user driven events, and manipulates the model and viewport accordingly. All user events are processed through handlers in the controller, which is plugged into the viewport window.Defined in: SECEditController.h
Class Members
Creation / Initialization
Constructs an SECEditController object.
virtual BOOL Create(CWnd* pWnd, sfl::MvcVisualComponent* pComp)
Creates the controller on the specified visual component.
virtual void Init()
Initializes the controller object.
virtual ~SECEditController()
Default Destructor
ISECEditPresentationState Implementation
virtual BOOL GetColumnSelect() const
Queries whether the current selection, if any, is a column selection.
virtual BOOL GetSelection(SECEditLineColPair& lcpSel, BOOL bAllowVWS = FALSE) const
Retrieves the line/column coordinates for the current selection.
virtual BOOL GetSelection(int& nStartLine, int& nStartCol, int& nEndLine, int& nEndCol, BOOL bAllowVWS = FALSE) const
Retrieves the starting and ending positions of the current selection.
virtual SECEditSelectionType GetSelectionType() const
Returns the type of the current selection.
virtual BOOL IsSelecting() const
Queries whether text is currently selected.
virtual BOOL GetColumnSelectInProgress(CRect& rcSelect) const
Returns the rect in logical coordinates of the column select in progress
virtual BOOL GetShowSelAlways() const
Does this view show selection always instead of only when its view has focus
virtual BOOL GetSelectColumns(int nLine, int& nStartCol, int &nEndCol) const
Retrieves the starting and ending columns of the current selection.
virtual _SEC_FIND_REPLACE_STATE* GetFindReplaceState() const
Retrieves the global find/replace state information.
virtual int GetGutterWidth() const
Returns the width of the gutter on the left side of the viewport.
virtual void SetGutterWidth(int nWidth)
Sets the Width for Gutter (only the mark section)
virtual int GetGutterIndexWidth() const
Returns the Width of the Index Section
virtual void SetGutterIndexWidth(int nWidth = -1)
Sets the Width of the Index Section, -1 forces it to be calculated automaticlly
virtual UINT GetGutterAlignment() const
Returns the Alignment for Gutter area
virtual void SetGutterAlignment(UINT nAlign)
Sets the Alignment for Gutter area
virtual int GetGutterMarkWidth() const
Returns the Width for Mark Area
virtual int GetGutterIndexDigits() const
Returns amount of index digits to be displayed
virtual void SetGutterIndexDigits(int nDigits = -1)
Sets amount of index digits, -1 cause it to be calculated automaticlly
inline virtual COLORREF GetGutterIndexColor()
Returns the color used in Index
inline virtual void SetGutterIndexColor(COLORREF rgb)
Sets the Color for Gutter Index
inline virtual SECEditFontInfo* GetGutterIndexFont() const
Returns the font info for Index text
virtual void UpdateGutterIndexFont()
Called after m_pGutterIndexFont is modified
virtual CString GetGutterIndexText(int nLine) const
Returns the string to be displayed as index
virtual CPoint LineColToPoint(SECEditLineCol& lc, CDC* pDC) const
Converts the given line and column coordinates into a logical point.
virtual CPoint LineColToPoint(SECEditLineCol& lc) const
Converts the given line and column coordinates into a logical point.
virtual SECEditLineCol PointToLineCol(CPoint& pt, CDC* pDC, BOOL bPreceedTab = TRUE) const
Converts a logical point to a line and column coordinate.
virtual SECEditLineCol PointToLineCol(CPoint& pt, BOOL bPreceedTab = TRUE) const
Converts a logical point to a line and column coordinate.
Caret Navigation Operations
BOOL BackTab()
Moves the caret back one tab.
void CharLeft()
Moves the cursor one character to the left.
void CharLeftExtend()
Extends the selection one character to the left.
void CharRight()
Moves the cursor one character to the right.
void CharRightExtend()
Extends the selection one character to the right.
void DocumentStart()
Moves to the beginning of the document.
void DocumentStartExtend()
Extends the selection to the beginning of the document.
void DocumentEnd()
Moves to the end of the document.
void DocumentEndExtend()
Extends the selection to the end of the document.
void Home()
Moves to the start of the line, or to the first character on the line.
void HomeExtend()
Extends the selection to the start of the line, or the first character on the line.
void WordLeft()
Moves back one word.
void WordLeftExtend()
Extends the selection back one word.
void WordRight()
Moves forward one word.
void WordRightExtend()
Extends the selection forward one word.
void LineDown()
Moves down one line.
void LineDownExtend()
Extends the selection down one line.
void LineEnd()
Moves to the end of the current line.
void LineEndExtend()
Extends the selection to the end of the current line.
void LineUp()
Moves up one line.
void LineUpExtend()
Extends the selection up one line.
void PageDown()
Moves down one page.
void PageDownExtend()
Extends the selection down one page.
void PageUp()
Moves up one page.
void PageUpExtend()
Extends the selection up one page.
Internal Caret Navigation
SECEditLineCol GetLCLineUp(const SECEditLineCol& lc) const
Returns the character coordinates above lc
SECEditLineCol GetLCLineDown(const SECEditLineCol& lc) const
Returns the character coordinates below lc
SECEditLineCol GetLCCharLeft(const SECEditLineCol& lc) const
Returns the coordinates of the character immediately left of lc
SECEditLineCol GetLCCharRight(const SECEditLineCol& lc) const
Returns the coordinates of the character immediately right of lc
SECEditLineCol GetLCWordLeft(const SECEditLineCol& lc, BOOL bExtraSpace = FALSE) const
Returns the coordinates of the start of the word immediately left of lc
SECEditLineCol GetLCWordRight(const SECEditLineCol& lc, BOOL bExtraSpace = FALSE) const
Returns the coordinates of the start of the word immediately right of lc
void CaretUp()
Moves the caret up one line.
void CaretDown()
Moves the caret down one line.
void CaretLeft()
Moves the caret one character to the left.
void CaretRight()
Moves the caret one character to the right.
void CaretHome()
Moves the caret to the start of the current line or to the first character on that line.
void CaretEnd()
Moves the caret to either the end of the current line.
void CaretPageUp()
Moves the caret one page up.
void CaretPageDown()
Moves the caret one page down.
void CaretDocHome()
Moves the caret to the beginning of the document.
void CaretDocEnd()
Moves the caret to the end of the document.
virtual void InvokeCaret(BOOL bSolid = TRUE)
Creates a caret for the viewport
virtual void RevokeCaret()
Destroys the caret.
virtual void MoveCaret(int nLine, int nCol, BOOL bVirtual = FALSE)
Moves the caret to a logical screen point.
virtual void MoveCaret(CPoint pt, BOOL bVirtual = FALSE)
Moves the caret to the line and column position given.
virtual void MakeCaretVisible()
Helper method for making the caret visible.
virtual BOOL UpdateCaretPosFromCmd(SECEditCommand* pCmd)
Updates the current caret position based on the given command.
Text Searching
void FindNextWord()
Finds the next occurance of the selected text.
void FindNext()
Finds the next occurance of the specified text.
void FindPrevWord()
Finds the previous occurrance of the selected text.
void FindPrev()
Finds the previous occurrance of the specified text.
virtual BOOL NeedFindForReplace(_SEC_FIND_REPLACE_STATE* pState)
Queries whether a find opeation needs to take place before a replace operation can occur.
virtual BOOL SECEditFindReplaceNotifyMsg(SECEditFindReplaceDlg* pFindReplaceDlg)
Called to communicate that an action needs to be peformed.
virtual void ShowFindReplaceDlg(BOOL bFindDialogOnly)
Displays the find/replace dialog.
Drag/Drop methods
virtual DROPEFFECT DoDragDrop()
Performs a drag drop operation.
virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragEnter(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point)
Called when the cursor first enters the window.
virtual void OnDragLeave()
Called when the cursor is dragged out of the window.
virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragOver(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point)
Called repeatedly when the cursor is dragged over the window.
virtual BOOL OnDrop(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DROPEFFECT dropEffect, CPoint point)
Called when data is dropped into the window.
virtual BOOL GetOleText(COleDataObject* pDataObject, CString& strText, BOOL& bColumnar)
Retrieves the text from an OLE data source object.
virtual COleDataSource* GetNewCOleDataSource()
Creates a new COleDataSource object.
CEdit Compatibility Methods
BOOL CanUndo() const
Determines whether an operation can be undone.
int CharFromPos(CPoint pt) const
Retrieves the line and character indices for the character closest to a specified position.
int GetFirstVisibleLine() const
Determines the top visible line number.
int GetLastVisibleLine() const
Determines the bottom visible line number.
BOOL IsLineVisible(int nLine) const
Determines if a line is visible
int GetLine(int nIndex, LPTSTR lpszBuffer, int nMaxLength) const
Retrieves a line of text.
int GetLineCount() const
Retrieves the number of text lines.
BOOL GetModify() const
Determines whether the contents have been modified.
void SetModify(BOOL bModified = TRUE)
Sets or clears the modification flag.
void GetSel(int& nStartChar, int& nEndChar) const
Gets the starting and ending character positions of the current selection.
DWORD GetSel() const
Gets the starting and ending character positions of the current selection.
int GetWindowText(LPTSTR lpszStringBuf, int nMaxCount) const
Returns the window text.
void GetWindowText(CString& rString) const
Returns the window text.
CPoint PosFromChar(UINT nChar) const
Retrieves the coordinates of the upper-left corner of a specified character index.
CEdit Compatibility Methods: Operations
void EmptyUndoBuffer()
Resets (clears) the undo flag.
int LineFromChar(int nIndex = -1, int* pCol = NULL) const
Retrieves the line number of the line that contains the specified character index.
int LineIndex(int nLine = -1, int nCol = 0) const
Retrieves the character index of a line.
int LineLength(int nCharIndex = -1) const
Retrieves the length of a line.
void LineScroll(int nLines, int nChars = 0)
Scrolls the text.
void MoveToLine(int nLine)
Sets nLine as the top visible line.
void ReplaceSel(LPCTSTR lpszNewText, BOOL bCanUndo = FALSE)
Replaces the current selection with the specified text.
void SetSel(int nStartChar, int nEndChar, BOOL bNoScroll = FALSE)
Selects a range of characters.
void SetSel(DWORD dwSelection, BOOL bNoScroll = FALSE)
Selects a range of characters.
BOOL SetReadOnly(BOOL bReadOnly = TRUE)
Sets the read-only state.
void SetWindowText(LPCTSTR lpszString)
Sets the window text.
CEdit compatibility methods: Clipboard operations
void Clear()
Deletes (clears) the current selection (if any).
void Copy()
Copies the current selection (if any) to the clipboard.
void Cut()
Deletes (cuts) the current selection (if any) and copies to the clipboard.
void Paste()
Inserts the data from the clipboard at the current cursor position.
BOOL Undo()
Reverses the last operation.
SECEditLineCol GetCaretPos() const
Returns the caret location
virtual BOOL GetSyntaxColoring() const
Does this controller's viewport want syntax coloring
virtual SECEditFontInfo* GetFontInfo() const
Gets the Font and Coloring information for this viewport to use
virtual ISECEditLangConfig* GetLangPtr() const
Retrieves a pointer to a configuration manager object.
virtual SECEdit* GetEditModel() const
Gets a pointer to the data model.
virtual SECEditViewport* GetSECEditViewport() const
Gets a pointer to the viewport.
void GetLine(int nLine, int nCol, LPCTSTR& lpszLine, CString& strLine)
Retrieves a line of text from the edit buffer.
virtual BOOL GetWordBound(CString& strWord, int nLine = -1, int nCol = -1, BOOL bForward = TRUE, int* pLine = NULL, int* pCol = NULL) const
Retrieves the next or previous word from the given position.
virtual CString GetCurrentWord(int* pStartCol = NULL, int* pEndCol = NULL) const
Retrieves the word at current caret position.
virtual CString GetWord(int nLine, int nCol, int* pStartCol = NULL, int* pEndCol = NULL) const
Retrieves the word at the given position.
virtual BOOL GetWordStart(CString& strLeft, int& nLine, int& nCol) const
Retrieves the beginning portion of a word and its starting position.
virtual BOOL GetWordEnd(CString& strRight, int& nLine, int& nCol) const
Retrieves the ending portion of a word and its ending position.
virtual BOOL MouseDown() const
Queries the status of the mouse button.
virtual BOOL IsReadOnly() const
Queries the read-only status of the data model.
BOOL CaretVirtual() const
Queries whether the caret is currently positioned in virtual white space.
General Operations
void CenterLine(int nLine = -1)
Moves the given line as close to the center of the viewport as possible
virtual BOOL Insert(SECEditLineColPair& lcpInsertBlock, LPCTSTR lpszText, int nLength = -1)
Inserts text at a specific position.
virtual BOOL Insert(int nLine, int nCol, LPCTSTR lpszText, int nLength = -1, BOOL bItemDataFlags = TRUE)
Inserts text at a specific position.
void LineCut()
Cuts the selected or current line to the clipboard.
void LineDelete()
Deletes the selected or current line to the clipboard.
BOOL Delete()
Deletes the selection or the character to the right of the cursor.
BOOL DeleteBack()
Deletes the selection or the character to the left of the cursor.
void EditCut()
Cuts the selected text to the clipboard.
void EditCopy()
Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
BOOL EditPaste()
Pastes the text from the clipboard.
BOOL EditRedo()
Performs a redo operation of the last undo command.
BOOL EditUndo()
Performs an undo of the last executed command.
void Tab()
Inserts one tab.
void SelectionLowercase()
Converts the current selection to lowercase.
void SelectionUppercase()
Converts the current selection to uppercase.
BOOL ToggleViewWhitespace()
Toggles the visibility of white space in the text.
void WindowScroll(int nLines, int nChars = 0)
Scrolls the window vertically and/or horizontally.
void WindowScrollDown()
Scrolls the window down one line.
void WindowScrollUp()
Scrolls the window up one line.
void WordDeleteToEnd()
Deletes a word to the right.
void WordDeleteToStart()
Deletes a word to the left.
virtual BOOL ExtendContextMenu(CMenu& top, CMenu& popup)
Builds the default context menu
virtual void UpdateContextMenu(CMenu& popup)
Calls the Update Handlers for items ont he context menu
virtual BOOL OnCaretLineChanged(int nPreviousLine, BOOL bLineChanged)
Called when the caret changes lines.
Selection Methods
BOOL ClearSelection(BOOL bInvalidate = TRUE)
Clears the current selection.
CString GetSelText() const
Retrieves the selected text.
BOOL HasSelection() const
Queries the selection state.
BOOL HasWritableSelection() const
Queries the presence of modifiable selected text.
BOOL IsLineColInSel(const SECEditLineCol& lc) const
Determines if the given coordinates are within a selected text region.
void ReplaceSelection(LPCTSTR lpszNewText = NULL, BOOL bColumnar = FALSE)
Replaces the text currently selected.
void SelectAll()
Selects all text in the document.
void SelectLineRange()
Selects a range of lines.
void SelectLineRange(int nStartLine, int nEndLine = -1)
Selects a range of lines.
BOOL UpdateSelectionFromCmd(SECEditCommand* pCmd)
Updates the current selection based on the given command.
void InvalidateSelection() const
Invalidates the selectiond
void InvalidateLines(int nStartLine, int nEndLine = -1) const
Invalidates the given range of lines
void ExtendSelection(const SECEditLineCol& lc, BOOL bInvalidate = TRUE)
Extends the selection from the caret to the given point
void ExtendSelection(int nLine, int nCol, BOOL bInvalidate = TRUE)
Extends the selection from the caret to the given point
void SetShowSelAlways(BOOL bShowSel)
Sets the value for shoing the selection always
void SetSelection(int nStartLine, int nStartCol, int nEndLine, int nEndCol, SECEditSelectionType seltype = secST_StreamSelect)
Sets the selection
void SetSelection(const SECEditLineColPair& lcpSel, SECEditSelectionType seltype = secST_StreamSelect)
Sets the selection
void SelectLine(int nStartLine)
Sets the selection for one line
void OnHighlight()
Toggle highlight at current line
virtual void ToggleHighlight(int nLine)
Toggle highlight at a specified line
BOOL GetHighlight(int nLine) const
Check if the nLine is highlighted
Protected methods
void AdjustCaretFromPoint()
Converts the logical point location of the caret to line and column coordinates.
void AdjustCaretLastCol()
Adjusts the caret after vertical caret movement.
void AdjustLastCol()
Stores the horizontal caret logical point ordinate as the last known screen column.
void AdjustPointFromCaret()
Converts the current line and column caret location to a logical point.
virtual COleDataSource* CacheSelText(BOOL bClipboard = TRUE)
Creates a new COleDataSource with the selected text.
virtual SECEditLineCol DeleteSelection()
Deletes any selected text.
virtual BOOL DoCmd(sfl::MvcCommand* pCmd)
Executes a command.
virtual void DoInsertChar(const CString& strChar)
Inserts the given character at the current location.
CString GetSingleLineSel()
Retrieves the text in the current selection.
BOOL GetVirtualWhitespace() const
Queries whether virtual white space is enabled.
BOOL InsertColumnText(SECEditLineCol lcInsert, LPCTSTR lpszText)
Inserts text as a column of text.
void PadToCaret()
Appends spaces to a line until to pad the line to the currrent caret location.
Protected Data Members
BOOL m_bModalFindDlg
Controls whether the find/replace dialog is modal or modeless
Set to true for transient operations that require virtual whitespace to be enabled
BOOL m_bShowSelAlways
Does this controller show selection always?
TRUE if the view has lost focus to a splitter window containing this view
SECEditCommand* m_pLastCmd
Holds a pointer to the last typing command to group undo operations
unsigned int m_n1stChar
Contains the first part of a multibyte character entry in OnChar
UINT m_nScrollTimer
Timer ID for Drag/Scrolling
BOOL m_bCaretHidden
Visible status of the caret
TRUE if the current message being handled in a custom caret message
int m_nPreviousLine
Caches the previous line location of the caret when the caret switches lines
HACCEL m_hAccelTable
The handle the accelerator table that maps keystrokes to edit commands
HCURSOR m_hGutterCursor
The handle the the cursor used when the mouse is over the gutter area
int m_nGutterWidth
The width of the gutter area in logical units
BOOL m_bCanDrop
During a Drag/Drop operation, signals if the view will accept a drop of the data
BOOL m_bDropCaretCanShow
During a Drag/Drop oepration, singals if the view should show a caret indicating the location for the drop
BOOL m_bMouseDown
Tracks whether the primary mouse button is down
BOOL m_bMakeCaretVisible
Flag indicating if the caret should be scrolled into view if it moves outside the window
A count used when setting the status of the caret visibility
SECEditLineCol m_lcCaret
The location of the caret in this controller's viewport
CPoint m_ptCaretPos
The position of the caret in logical units
CPoint m_ptCaretPrev
The previous position of the caret in logicial units
CPoint m_ptSelAnchor
The anchor position of a column selection
int m_nLastScreenCol
Caches the previous caret offset into the line in device units. Used when navigating up or down through lines
BOOL m_bUseLastCol
TRUE if caret column position caching is enabled
BOOL m_bHaveCaret
TRUE if this controller's window has the caret
BOOL m_bCaretVirtual
TRUE if the caret is currently in virtual whitespace
SECEditSelection m_sel
Holds the current selection if any
BOOL m_bLastMatch
Internal flag used when determining the last match in a search operation
CString m_strLastMatch
Internal variable used when determining the last match in a search operation
Offset added to the zero based line and column indicators
mutable BOOL m_bIgnoreGutter
Flag that tells the line conversion routines to ignore the gutter when converting
int m_nGutterAlignment
Format style for gutter area
int m_nGutterIndexWidth
Width of the gutter Index area
int m_nGutterIndexDigits
Amount of digits to be displayed in the gutter
SECEditFontInfo* m_pGutterIndexFont
Font Info used in Gutter (Index) Area
COLORREF m_rgbGutterIndexColor
Color used for Gutter (Index) Font