VDA Tools Manager Routines

TmAddSelectedVars, tool_name, var_name

Adds selected variables from a VDA Tool to the list of selected variables in the Tools Manager.

TmAddVar, tool_name, var_name

Adds a variable to a VDA Tool.

TmAxis, tool_name

Adds axes to a VDA Tool.

TmCodeGen, string

Writes a specified string to the code generation file.

TmCopy, tool_name

Copies the selected graphical elements from the specified VDA Tool to the clipboard.

TmCut, tool_name

Cuts the selected graphical elements from the specified VDA Tool and moves them to the clipboard.

TmDelVar, tool_name [, var_names]

Removes variables from a VDA Tool.

TmDelete, tool_name

Permanently deletes the selected graphical elements from the specified VDA Tool.


Clears the current list of selected variables.

TmDynamicDisplay, indices

Displays selected data in all active VDA Tools, provided that the VDA Tools can display the related variable(s).


Closes the file in which generated code is written.

TmEnumerateAttributes(tool_name, item)

Obtains the attributes for a specified graphical element, variable, or other item in a VDA Tool.


Obtains the items defined for a specified VDA Tool.


Obtains the methods that were set for a VDA Tool.

TmEnumerateSelectedVars( )

Returns the names of variables on the selected variables list.

TmEnumerateToolNames( )

Returns all the registered VDA Tool names.


Returns all the variables associated with an instance of a VDA Tool.

TmExecuteMethod, tool_name, method_name

Executes a method that was set by TmSetMethod.

TmExport, variable_names, destination_tool_names

Exports $MAIN$-level variables to specified VDA Tools or to all currently active VDA Tools.

TmExportSelection, destination_tool_names

Exports the contents of the variable selection list to specified VDA Tools.

TmGetAttribute(tool_name, item, attr_name)

Returns the value that was set for an attribute in a VDA Tool instance.

TmGetMessage( [message_file], message_code)

Loads a string resource file into the resource database and extracts a message string from the database.

TmGetMethod(tool_name, method_name)

Returns the data structure of the specified method.


Gets the top-level widget ID for a VDA Tool.


Returns a unique name for a particular instance of a specified VDA Tool.

TmGetVarMainName(tool_name, local_variable)

Returns the $MAIN$ level name of a variable.


Initializes the VDA Tools Manager layer.


Creates a list item.

TmListAppend, tool_name, list_name, item

Adds a new item at the end of the specified list.

TmListClear, tool_name, list_name

Resets a specified list to its initial state, clearing all previously defined items.

TmListDelete, tool_name, list_name [, pos]

Deletes an item in the specified list.

TmListDestroy, tool_name, list_name

Clears all items and destroys the list.

TmListExtend, tool_name, list_name

Extends the specified list by adding empty items.

TmListGetMethod(tool_name, list_name, method_name)

Returns the procedure name associated with the specified list method name.

TmListInsert, tool_name, list_name, item, pos

Inserts a new item into the specified list.

TmListReplace, tool_name, list_name, item, pos

Replaces an item in a list with a new item.

TmListRetrieve(tool_name, list_name)

Gets the items currently set in the specified list.

TmListSetMethod, tool_name, list_name, method_name, method

Sets the method procedure name for a specific list method.

TmPaste, tool_name

Pastes the graphical elements from the clipboard to the specified VDA Tool.

TmRegister, unique_name, topShell

Registers a VDA Tool with the Tools Manager.

TmRestoreTemplate(tool_name, filename)

Restores a saved VDA Tool template.


Restores the VDA Tools that were saved with the TmSaveTools procedure.

TmSaveTools, filename [, tool_names]

Saves the specified VDA Tools in a file.

TmSetAttribute(tool_name, item, attr_name, attr_value)

Set an attribute for an item in the given VDA Tool.

TmSetMethod, tool_name, method_name, method_call

Sets a method for a given VDA Tool.

TmStartCodegen, filename

Opens a file into which PV‑WAVE code is written.

TmUnregister, tool_name

Removes the specified VDA Tool from the Tools Manager registry.