TmGetMessage Function

Loads a string resource file into the resource database and extracts a message string from the database.


message = TmGetMessage( [message_file], message_code)


message_file—(optional) The name of a string resource file where the messages are stored. If this file has not already been loaded, it will be loaded before the message is retrieved.

message_code—String used to identify a message in a string resource file.

Returned Value

message—A string containing the message that was extracted from the string resource file.




You only need to supply the filename for the message_file input parameter. The pathname is assumed to be the following, where !Lang represents the value of the !Lang system variable in PV‑WAVE:


Where <wavedir> is the main PV-WAVE directory.

Although the message file is passed to each call of TmGetMessage, the specified string is only loaded once.


This example shows a portion of the string resource file for the WzPlot VDA Tool: An excerpt from the source code for the WzPlot VDA Tool shows how TmGetMessage is used to load this file into the resource database and extract a string from the database. In this example, the string is extracted and printed in the Message Area of the WzPlot window whenever a new variable is passed to WzPlot.

String resource file excerpt:

!       Data Import Messages (in
imported_var:   Imported Variable: 

WzPlot source code:

; Get the appropriate message text from the string resource file. 
msg = TmGetMessage('', 'imported_var')
; Build a message string with the variable name. 
msg = msg + variable_list(j)
; Display the message in the VDA Tool's Message Area. 
WoAddMessage, tool_name, Message=msg

See Also
