TmExport Procedure

Exports $MAIN$-level variables to specified VDA Tools or to all currently active VDA Tools.


TmExport, variable_names, destination_tool_names 


variable_names—A string array containing the names of $MAIN$ level variables to export.

destination_tool_names—A string array containing the unique names of currently active VDA Tools to export the data to.


All—If present and nonzero, exports the named variables to all VDA Tools that accept imported data.


The UPVAR or INFO commands can be used to obtain the names of variables on the $MAIN$ program level.


The following commands export two $MAIN$ level variables to the VDA Tool WzPlot_1. The VDA Tool WzPlot_1 must be running before the data is exported to it.

info, /var
; PV-WAVE prints: HIN     FLOAT    = Array(100)
; PV-WAVE prints: HAN     FLOAT    = Array(100)
TmExport, ['han', 'hin'], ['WzPlot_1'] 

See Also

INFO, UPVAR, TmExportSelection