TmAxis Procedure

Adds axes to a VDA Tool.


TmAxis, tool_name


tool_name—A string containing the unique name of a VDA Tool.


Right—If present and nonzero, adds an axis to the right edge of the plot data area.

Left—If present and nonzero, adds an axis to the left edge of the plot data area.

Top—If present and nonzero, adds an axis to the top edge of the plot data area.

Bottom—If present and nonzero, adds an axis to the bottom edge of the plot data area.

Normal—If present and nonzero, axes are positioned in normal coordinates.

Data—If present and nonzero, axes are positioned in data coordinates.

Thick—Specifies the thickness (in pixels) of the axes.

Color—Specifies the index of the color of the axes.

No_Draw—If present and nonzero, no axes are drawn.


TmAxis is a graphical element (GRAEL) routine. GRAELs are predefined graphics routines used by VDA Tools. These routines allow you to add, configure, and remove graphical elements in the VDA Tool display area. The standard set of GRAELs includes axes, text, bitmaps, legends, lines, and rectangles. This standard set is accessible from the standard VDA Tool menu bar and button bar, which are provided by the VDA Utility routines WoMenuBar Function and WoButtonBar Function.


The following example code is a callback routine for a menu bar. This callback executes TmAxis in response to menu selections.

; Go up one level in the menu.
PRO AxisCB, wid, index
   x = WtGet( wid, /Parent)
   ; Create the requested axis.
   tool_name = GetMenuBarToolName(x)
   CASE index OF
      1: BEGIN ; Left
         TmAxis, tool_name, /Left
      2: BEGIN ; Right
         TmAxis, tool_name, /Right
      3: BEGIN ; Top
         TmAxis, tool_name, /Top
      4: BEGIN ; Bottom
         TmAxis, tool_name, /Bottom

See Also

TmText, TmBitmap, TmLegend, TmLine, TmRect