TmList Function

Creates a list item.


list = TmList(tool_name)

Input Parameters

tool_name—A string specifying the unique name of a VDA Tool.

Returned Value

list—A string containing a unique name for the list. This value is used as input to the other list functions.


ExtendSize—An integer specifying the number of items by which to extend the list. (Default: 10)


This routine creates a Tm item with the name LIST_# (where # is a number assigned to ensure that the list name is unique) with attributes ITEMS and FREE.


This example creates a list associated with tool_name. As items are added and the list becomes full, the list is extended by 25 items.

list_name = TmList(tool_name, ExtendSize=25)
INFO, list_name
; PV-WAVE prints: LIST_NAME       STRING    = 'LIST_0' 

See Also

TmListAppend, TmListClear, TmListDelete, TmListDestroy, TmListExtend, TmListGetMethod, TmListInsert, TmListReplace, TmListRetrieve, TmListSetMethod