TmListClear Procedure

Resets specified list to its initial state, clearing all previously defined items.


TmListClear, tool_name, list_name 

Input Parameters

tool_name—A string specifying the unique name of a VDA Tool.

list_name—A string specifying the unique name of a list.




This procedure defines the behavior of the TM_LIST_CLEAR method.
TmListDelete can be used to delete individual items in the list.


The following code creates a list and then clears all items from the list.

list_name = TmList(tool_name)
TmListAppend, tool_name, list_name, 'My String'
INFO, TmListRetrieve(tool_name, list_name), /Full
; <Expression>    LIST      = List(1)
; STRING    = 'My String'
TmListClear, tool_name, list_name
INFO, TmListRetrieve(tool_name, list_name), /Full
; <Expression>    LIST      = List(0)

See Also

TmList, TmListSetMethod, TmListDelete