TmAddVar Procedure

Adds a variable to a VDA Tool.


TmAddVar, tool_name, var_name


tool_name—A string containing the unique name of a VDA Tool.

var_name—The name of a variable to add to the VDA Tool.




This function registers a variable with the Tools Manager and associates the variable with a specific VDA Tool instance.

VDA Tools can use the UPVAR, INFO, and TmGetVarMainName functions to get the names of variables at the $MAIN$ program level.


The following calls can be used to retrieve the name of a variable that was passed to the VDA Tool and then add that variable to the Tools Manager.

INFO, var
; PV-WAVE prints: A               INT       = Array(100)
; PV-WAVE prints: B               FLOAT     = Array(30)
TmAddVar, 'WzPlot_0', 'A'
PRINT, TmEnumerateVars('WzPlot_0')

See Also

INFO, UPVAR, TmDelVar, TmEnumerateVars, TmGetVarMainName