TmRestoreTools Function

Restores the VDA Tools that were saved with the TmSaveTools procedure.


status = TmRestoreTools(filename)


filename—A string containing the name of the VDA Tool save file created with the TmSaveTools procedure.


Restore_CTIf present and nonzero, restores the colortable from a save file created by TmSaveTools. If the save file does not contain a colortable, then this keyword is ignored.

Template—If present and nonzero, saved VDA Tools are restored without the values of their variables.

Returned Value

status—A returned value of 1 indicates success; 0 (zero) indicates failure.


This procedure is designed specifically for use in restoring VDA Tools that were saved with TmSaveTools. It differs from the regular RESTORE procedure in that it ensures that the Tools Manager data structure is restored properly.



See Also

TmSaveTools, TmRestoreTemplate