TmEnumerateToolNames Function

Returns all the registered VDA Tool names.


names = TmEnumerateToolNames( )



Returned Value

names—A 1D array containing all the names (also referred to as handles) of the currently registered VDA Tools.


Titles—Returns a 1D string array containing the titles of the enumerated VDA Tools.


The following code initializes the Tools Manager, gets a unique name for WzPlotTool, registers an instance of WzPlotTool, and enumerates all the handles currently registered with the Tools Manager.

; Initialize the Tools Manager.
; A unique name is required for registration.
unique = TmGetUniqueToolName('WzPlotTool')
top = WwInit('VDA', 'Examples', layout, $
   Shell_name='WzPlotTool', Layout_name='toolArea', $
   Title=unique_name, /Form)
; Register the tool. 
TmRegister, unique_name, top 
; Get all the handles currently registered.
PRINT, TmEnumerateToolNames()
; PV-WAVE prints: WzPlotTool_0

See Also

TmGetTop, TmGetUniqueToolName, TmInit, TmRegister, TmUnregister