Perforce JViews Gantt sample gallery

How to run the samples is explained in the starting the samples page.

Basic Samples

Gantt Viewer

This sample presents a Gantt project viewer developed with JViews Gantt and JViews Diagrammer components.

Gallery: Loading Designer Projects

This sample shows a gallery of different Gantt and Schedule chart projects.

Extending a Designer Project

This sample shows how to use the Gantt SDK to extend a project built with the Designer. It adds interactors.

Activity Chart (SDK)

This sample shows a simple project scheduling application displayed as an activity-oriented Gantt Chart.

Resource Chart (SDK)

This sample shows a simple project scheduling application displayed as a resource-oriented Schedule Chart.

Printing Gantt Charts

This sample contains a simple project showing how to print a Gantt or Schedule chart on multiple pages.

Printing Load Charts

This sample demonstrates the printing capability of the Resource Data Chart component, showing how to print the Chart on multiple pages.

Data Computations

Filtering Activities

This sample illustrates how to create a Gantt data model that filters activities using a regular expression.

Sorting Activities

This sample illustrates how to create a sortable Gantt data model.

Searching Activities

This sample shows how to search activities displayed in a Gantt chart by applying a regular expression to the activity names.

Computing Critical Path

This sample demonstrates the critical path computation capabilities of the Gantt chart component. Activities that have a total slack time of zero are considered to be on the critical path.

Customizing Rendering

Custom Rendering Effects

This sample shows how to customize activity rendering using the advanced graphics features of the Java2 API.

Activity Chart Rendering (CSS)

This sample demonstrates the styling capability for the Gantt chart component using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Resource Chart Rendering (CSS)

This sample demonstrates the styling capability for the Schedule chart component using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Load Chart Rendering (CSS)

This sample demonstrates the styling capability for the Resource data chart component using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Rendering a Custom Data Model

This sample shows a project scheduling application that displays application-specific data. It shows an activity-oriented Gantt Chart that has been customized using the SDK to render and edit user-defined activity properties. The sample also shows customized rendering of constraint links and table columns.

Vacation Activity

This sample presents a simple data viewer that demonstrates the use of basic JViews Gantt concepts, as well as user-defined activities. It shows the vacation of the personnel as an activity. It shows this data by an activity-oriented Gantt chart synchronized with a resource-oriented Gantt chart. The sample also demonstrates model filtering and user-defined z-ordering of activities.

Relative Time Scale

This sample demonstrates the capability of the Time Scale component by customizing the time scale rows. The time scale rows are numbered relative to a reference date.

Nonlinear Time Scale

This sample shows how to create a non-linear time converter that displays days in the weekend using a smaller column width than days in the working week.

Multiple Views

Activity and Resource Charts

This sample shows how to coordinate the display of an activity-oriented Gantt chart and a resource-oriented Schedule chart when both charts are bound to the same Gantt data model.

Resource and Load Charts

This sample shows how to use an IlvResourceDataChart to display the load for resources selected in an IlvScheduleChart.

Activity Chart and Calendar

This sample demonstrates the monthly and daily calendar view Gantt components.


This sample shows how to enable and utilize various accessibility features, such as keyboard navigation, with a Gantt and Schedule Chart.

Additional Data Table

This sample shows how to coordinate an additional table of data with a Gantt Chart.

Connecting to Data

Activity Chart and XML

JViews Gantt provides the ilog.views.gantt.xml package. It is designed to serialize scheduling data contained in Gantt models into SDXL (Schedule Data eXchange Language) files. This sample shows how to use this package to serialize Gantt models associated with a Gantt Chart into SDXL files.

Resource Chart and XML

JViews Gantt provides the ilog.views.gantt.xml package. It is designed to serialize scheduling data contained in Gantt models into SDXL (Schedule Data eXchange Language) files. This sample shows how to use this package to serialize Gantt models associated with a Schedule Chart into SDXL files.

Activity Chart and JDBC

This sample shows how to use the ilog.views.model.table.IlvTableGanttModel class to connect an activity-oriented Gantt chart to a JDBC-enabled database in read/write mode.

Resource Chart and JDBC

This sample shows how to use the ilog.views.model.table.IlvTableGanttModel class to connect a resource-oriented Schedule chart to a JDBC-enabled database in read/write mode.

Custom Activity Chart Connection

This sample shows how to create a custom data model implementation that effeciently connects an activity-oriented Gantt chart to a custom data source. The custom data model implements load-on-demand.

Custom Resource Chart Connection

This sample shows how to create a custom data model implementation that effeciently connects a resource-oriented Schedule chart to a custom data source. The custom data model implements load-on-demand.


Benchmarking Gantt Charts

This sample shows the performance of the Gantt and Schedule charts.

Web Deployment with JavaServer Faces

Gantt Chart Editing (JSF and JavaScript)

This sample shows how to display and interact with a Gantt chart using Perforce JViews Gantt JavaServer Faces components.

Gantt Chart Viewer (JSF and JavaScript)

This sample shows how to display and interact on a Gantt chart using Perforce JViews Gantt JavaServer Faces components.

Other Web Deployment

Gantt Chart (Servlets and JavaScript)

This sample illustrates how to use the thin-client capabilities of the JViews Gantt Chart module to deploy light Dynamic HTML (DHTML) user interfaces for a web browser. Using this configuration, most of the Gantt functionality resides as a servlet on the server. A set of lightweight, cross-browser JavaScript files is provided to allow you to easily construct a Gantt user interface on the browser. The interface is used to connect to the servlet. This allows you to display and interact with the Gantt chart images created by the server in your browser.

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